Mr. Taibbi,

I am both relieved and horrified at the documents you, The Free Press team, and Lee Fang have revealed. This late night note captures explicitly how I feel. I feel both vindicated and terrified that the suppositions I had watching social and legacy media seemingly manhandle reality, distorting it to fit into their corporate/state-sponsor approved boxes, are being revealed as reality. "The reality they stole from us" and that you and your colleagues are wrenching back, inch by inch.

Thank you for your work.

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Thank you for just letting us know the truth!! Please continue the reveal!

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I remember the first time I visited an optometrist. No one understood why I was having trouble in school; I went from A’s to C/D’s in a few months. Long story short: My new glasses solved the problem. Seems my view of the world was distorted. It wasn’t my fault...the lenses were faulty.

Now, thanks to people like Matt and Musk, I understand why I didn’t feel my perception of the past few years was correct. Someone was messing with the focus. I’m only glad a proper prescription is available in the form of spaces like Substack.

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Matt, the work you're doing right now is so critical.. All of us on here understand the sacrifice, and appreciate the hell out of it. That's why we subscribe. That's why *we* do what we do... It's so you can do things like The Twitter Files. It's that important... and of all the people who understand it's value, it's the people on here. Make the best you can of this Christmas, and get some rest. Your subscribers get it. Thank you so much for rising to the challenge, and making history this month.

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This sentiment of social media portraying the world thru a distorted lens is extremely relatable. I feel the anti people comment is also uncannily accurate. These unelected, immoral and truly tyrannical agencies have stolen our privacy, our ability to speak, our faith in humanity to a degree, and a measure of the sanity of millions. It feels diabolical in a religious way.

Thank you for shining a light in the darkness. Bringing us understanding, restoring that faith in humanity. Giving hope that somehow we can get out from under this boot.

Have a fulfilling Holiday.

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The FBI and DHS have basically been gaslighting all of us.

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You are so right; you were not alone. So many of us have felt exactly the same way. Thank you for the sacrifices you’ve made. Your kids will someday be so proud of you and your place in righting the wrongs, but go be fully present and be dad!!

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

Thank you for your dedicated and disciplined work, Matt.

Though you currently have the difficult task of revealing uncomfortable truths to the world - things that have been shrouded in darkness - may this holy night remind you of the most powerful revelation the world has ever known, when light came among us to dispel darkness, when love in person took human form in the simplicity of a child in Bethlehem, to reveal to us that all is not lost, but that the simplest act of love is more powerful than the greatest forces of destruction, and that no deception can survive the radiance of the Truth that, bearing a human face, has come to make its home among us.

May you experience the mystery of hope anew on this holy night, as we all await, in expectation, the liberation from darkness that is for us both gift and task.

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Keep up the good work, Matt. Right now, you and Bari are pretty much all that we have.

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All I can say about this is that in 2020 I noticed something very very strange was happening. I was a blue-check Hillary Democrat who followed the election closely. But I could see that there some kind of invisible hands at work, mostly in how the media narrative was shaped to support what were lies and cover-ups of truths that were inconvenient. It seems that 2016 had taught them that the best way to win was to control information. So I've been writing ever since then that our government was using Twitter as a filter to get around the First Amendment. I had no proof of it - I just knew it was true because I'd been on the app since 2007. I could see how it had changed and which side benefitted from that change. Your work here has vindicated that idea -- so I wasn't just imagining it. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

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Sending holiday cheer to you all and especially Matt and Walter! Thank you for the hard work Matt! Hope is a welcome change.

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"I can’t have been the only person to have struggled psychologically during this time. This is why these Twitter files have been such a balm. This is the reality they stole from us! It’s repulsive, horrifying, and dystopian, a gruesome history of a world run by anti-people, but I’ll take it any day over the vile and insulting facsimile of truth they’ve been selling.": Believe me, you are NOT the only one who has 'struggled psychologically' during this time. My acquaintances, across the political spectrum, and I often comment to each other these days about how we no longer listen to/read the MSM, and are constantly appalled by the waste, mismanagement, hypocrisy, and absolute corruption easily observed at all levels of the Federal Government. For me, it is only because I long, long ago read Orwell's "1984" and therefore have recognized what the Deep State is engaged in, that has kept me relatively sane. Hang in there Matt. This has GOT to end. Strangely enough, I have come to believe it is a total collapse of our economy brought about by the insanity of our own Government which is soon going to bring it about.

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Thank you Matt! You don’t know how often you seemed like the only sane voice in an ocean of media insanity.

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Thank you Matt. Been wondering about you. With this post you have provided a healing “balm” to me. And Truth. Glad you’ll be with your fam on 12/25. Peace.

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Off-kilter indeed. Right now, I'm dumbfounded by the people who are sucking up to the Ukrainian dictator and who want the USA to get into a land war with Russia 5,000 miles away. It's primarily the politicians who gave him a standing ovation and handed him billions. (10% for the big guy) They also think we can have 'limited' nuclear strikes against Russia. Madness. Average Americans are worried about the economy (their jobs & expenses) and the border invasion. Mainstream media is rooting for poor little Ukraine as if it were a bastion of democracy instead of the capital of corruption in Europe. Someone or agency is pushing this behind the scenes. I'm not buying stock in Raytheon but Revlon, putting lipstick on this pig requires billions.

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When I read “repulsive, horrifying, and dystopian, a gruesome history of a world run by anti-people” BAM! That’s it. What an evil mess. Thank you is inadequate. Get some rest.

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