Thanks for working so hard to shed light in dark places. We need it!

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May 21·edited May 22

Reminds me of an old quote:

"Democracy dies when national newspapers create MORE darkness by failing to report on important stories because their editors have been

ravaged by political bias."

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Ahh, if I had a nickel for every time I heard dear old Granddad say that!

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♥♥ Heart this, since I can't seem to click on it.

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Same here Sadie - can’t click the heart so will type it ❤️

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I am on my laptop, but the app on my phone lets me heart it. Sus.

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Haven't been able to "like" anything for a week. I $ support many stacks. Now, I can't even like comments. Substack Support is AI, totally worthless.

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♥ Heart that! I end up having to write more comments than I have time for.

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Me too. I do not know what is going on. Maybe the CIA has found substack!

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Yes, and thank you for avoiding the trope because despite trite voices out there, sunlight is not the best disinfectant. The best disinfectant is bleach.

Sunlight literally makes things grow.

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Sunlight will quickly kill anything not protected by a cell wall or a layer of skin. Fact.

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May 22·edited May 23

That only means viruses then and not other things that infect humans. Not pathogenic bacteria, not parasites, neither protozoans nor fungi.

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Bleach...........throw it over yourself and see how it feels! Moron.

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May 22·edited May 22

"China girl, what you wanting with the white man's world?" - Elton Bowie

"Thanks for shedding light" person one said.

"Thanks for not saying light will disinfect, bleach does it better" person two said.

"Yes but try throwing the bleach on yourself" bot A said.

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:>) ^

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Matt, you will have my subscription until the heat death of the universe. I know that if you are quiet for a while, it means something big is coming, and you have yet to disappoint. Don't worry about us, just make sure to keep your head on a swivel. Give 'em hell.

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Could not have said that better…

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Matt please don’t wind up in a box like the two Boeing Whistleblowers

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What is this "heat death" you speak of? lol

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Basically it's a theory that says that as the universe continues to expand, matter becomes so spread out that all temperature differentials equalize and the universe just becomes a consistent lukewarm soup of nothing. I'm not a physicist, if you couldn't tell, just a phrase I heard somewhere that sounds appropriately dramatic.

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The core of the Earth is >5000 degrees Celsius, and it's in direct contact with heat conductive matter all the way to the crust at 25C. Your subscription is good for a while if that system hasn't even reached a final equilibration yet.

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The cold one takes longer ;).

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Commitment? If you mean my subscription, it’s not a commitment Matt, it’s a privilege, it’s a duty, and it’s a bargain.

You, and a disgracefully small group of dedicated freedom fighters—that is what you are—are keeping alight the tiny flame of real journalism, and I am, (we are), very grateful for the hard work you do.

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A heartfelt AMEN to that! 💜

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Matt, you're an important thread of the fabric to sustain democracy. Reporting and exposing the truth with hard facts, has been invaluable. Take your time, and don't forget to put your health and family first. We appreciate you!

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Thanks for not calling it "our democracy" which official Washington/Media like to do. "Our democracy" is different from actual democracy.

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"Our democracy" is code for anything but democracy.

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"Our democracy" is not MY democracy since I was defined as a 'deplorable' by a former candidate for high office. That told me all I needed to know about where I stood and whether the "Our" was so inclusive as to allow me in. Turns out NOT it seems....

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You are both right... when they say "our democracy" they mean their democracy, the one that places the interests of the professional-managerial elite in prime position and in control of things like who can even run for office. The possessive pronoun in the description is purposefully deceptive (it refers to a subgroup, not to all of us); the noun in the description is theater.

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Nor mine.

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Democracy doesn’t need adjectives.

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If use of the word “democracy” is not closely followed by “constitutional republic” l am instantly triggered to be on point, long & short range sensors active and shields up for incoming propaganda…

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Well, according to Pres. Joey, we ain't no "democracy" --- you, black men, dying in the streets, you men having to prove out 10x because you are a black man with a degree, and America hates you because of you being black . . .

Over the years Pres. Joey Robinette has spewed many disgraceful things; these days, basically whenever he opens his mouth.

But as the President of the United States of America, at a commencement for these graduates --- Pres. Joey Robinette really is the ultimate suckage.

This fall I am having me a democracy 5K. And if everybody I can influence can't get there, I'll drive.

The "like" button still not working.

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Good point.

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Whenever I hear “our democracy” my eye starts twitching.

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Omigosh, me too! There are a few other words/phrases that have a similar effect:

“Safe and effective”

“Mis-, dis-, mal-information”

Maybe a built-in propaganda advance warning system? 🤣

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Ditto. Go full Herbert Lom / Chief Inspector Dreyfus listening to Clouseau.

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Speak your truth, Aaron. 😂 Does that get your other eye going?

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constitutional republic.

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These days I think it’s more like a constipational republic

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With representative government chosen by democratic elections. We do not have a democracy where the demos decides on anything but semi-frequent elections of representatives in select districts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.

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I think of it more like "an important thread of the fabric with which we can build a democracy." We've never been there before, but I keep hoping we may arrive in a closer vicinity, some time soon.

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Maybe you've never been there, but I've been there my whole life until 2020. I had freedom of speech, freedom to choose, bodily autonomy, freedom to vote, freedom of thought, freedom to dissent, freedom to be an artist and comedian, freedom tome hired at a job, despite a disability, Freedom to drive, travel...should I go on? Speak for yourself. If you think we don't have democracy, go live in Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Russia or Saudi Arabia. I'm serious. Go!

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May 21·edited May 21

Apparently your idea of freedom is about you and the extent of the choices you made. But I see the constraints on, not just my choices, but how restrictive our choices are and have been. It was long before 2020 when Fred Hampton was murdered by the FBI. It was long before 2020 when thousands of young men were jailed or forced to flee for Canada to avoid being sent to fight an immoral war in SE Asia. It wasn’t even this century when they bombed a city block in PA, because they didn’t like the politics. Or when Leonard Peltier was persecuted, and still remains in prison. Edward Sniwden cannot return to American for the crime of letting the American people know what their government is doing to them.

You have stayed inside the chalk circle of allowable acts and permissible thoughts. What you are not considering is how others, whose conscience is different, are, and have been affected. Free Leonard! Free Julian Assange!

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Ruby Ridge


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Absolutely! Palmer Raids, Eugene Debs, HUAC, COINTEL-PRO,... The list is too long and goes back way too far. I just had to say something in response to such an incredibly narrow perspective.

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All my life all I do is think "If only I could live in a freer country because of what they did to Eugene Debs and, of course, there was the draft during Vietnam." It makes me very contented because I can focus my energies away from enjoying the tiny tiny slivers of freedom I am allowed, like for example all of the personal choices Savi listed which pretty much make up 99.5% of human activity. I can only do all those things, all of the time, but never enjoy them, because of the little voice in the back of my head that whispers "Peltier" after each perfect moment I am immersed in.

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Some people just aren't as superior as yourself.

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I always used to line up for free mumia, but they always seemed to be out of mumia when I got up to the front.

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I know - those tents for free Palestine are very expensive.

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So what county is your ideal place? Name it. Freedom of speech isn't about ME. If you're looking for a perfect government, name one place that's perfect with no past blood stains. Your idealism shows your privilege. I suggest you move to China and experience how free we are here.

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Do you even listen/read what Matt and Walter say?

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I don't answer stupid questions sorry. Ask an intelligent one.

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Oceania? Eastasia?

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May 21·edited May 21

I don't need AI to make up my mind about who to vote for. I just look at the border, the wars in the middle east and eastern Europe, the surrender to China, the vast corruption of the Bidens, and I have all the information I need 👍

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Don’t forget the graceful exit from Afghanistan, which made the fall of Saigon look like a ticker tape parade down the Canyon of Heroes in NYC…

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But but but Trump is bad; Joe and Mika said so.

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War against China is just as bad as all the other US wars all over the world. Let us have a multipolarity of power and systems. Knock off the US one world order.

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Of course we don't want war with China. Trump's abrasive posturing and actions brought us closer to peace not war, ironically. That's something the puppeteers don't want anyone to understand.

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Xi knew who was in charge.

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Sounds good in theory, like a lot of other things.

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What does 'surrender to China' mean?

Is this because they have not succumbed to eternal wars or is it because they are now better than the USA

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Feel free to move there, and roam about the country.

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I have visited there 3 times on my own as a woman.

The History of China is way beyond your comprehension.

I would bet that you have never set a foot outside the US and if you did it was probably on a coach tour!

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1. I hope so, and not as something else.

2. wrong

3. you would lose if you did.

4. cheers!

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I honestly do not believe you.

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You should believe him - he truly does hope that you didn't change gender and visit China as a man, or perhaps undergo a lycanthropic transformation on your trans-pacific flight.

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Jenny, Jenny, who do I turn to? (Just because I made a snarky comment?) Do you believe China is "better", or a better place to live than the US ? If you do, ok by me.

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Let's be a little positive. The correct takeaway is that China doesn't invade and bomb countries..

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Not yet, anyway. And perhaps we should ask the Uighurs what they think

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Uighurs. Not a problem now and certainly were not treated like the Palestinians have been.

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You won't be allowed to, as they are an official political football.

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Only because they suck at war.

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China is better than the USA? By what measure?

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There's no DEI in China.

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Wow. That’s great if you aren’t a minority there. Or LGBT. Or physically handicapped.

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How do you know?

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China builds things, America bombs things

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China the exempt polluter ?

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Good point, China builds a lot of cheap things cheaply, and only has to destroy many lives to do it! https://www.aspi.org.au/report/uyghurs-sale

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America buys things.

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Read and learn. There are literally 100's of u-tube conversations with known academics and US army/air force retired people.

Start with Scott Ritter.

Aaron Mate.

John Meersheimer ..can't remember all the names!

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John Mearsheimer doesn't believe China is better than the US, I am deeply familiar with his oeuvre and outlook. Guess what I do when I want to talk to my buddy Bernard Smith to see how he's doing? I call BS.

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And Scott Ritter merely seems to say China would beat US in a war - and he's really solely talking about a conflict in the South China Sea over Taiwan. That doesn't mean "better" it means capable of projecting more force within a zone that is <200 miles from its shore than we can when said zone is 6,800 miles from our shores. Given that I'm not sure that aircraft carriers are capable of projecting force any more in a throwdown, I'm inclined to agree. I think that in the next major conflict carriers are going to be shown to be able to be taken out by hypersonic and other missiles. Maybe I'm wrong and antimissile defenses are better than I think, but I think it's like how tanks can't do the job of projecting force in the Ukraine war because it's too easy now for a shoulder-fired rocket to take one out.

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I would clarify that as "surrender to the CCP" - not China.

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Better? How?

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Then I hope you're voting 1. For Jill Stein, or 2. Robert F Kennedy. No one should vote for either of the two lawless idiots.

Way to go, Matt. We look forward to the unveiling. BTW, Stanford is the ongoing producer of censorship (many there from the Israeli 8200 unit).

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Why would anybody vote for RFK

Nothing will change vis a vis Israel!

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So what? Let Israel and the Palestinians figure it out for themselves.

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Right. BUT everything else would. Pardoning of whistle blowers (Assange first), dismantling of US bases around the world (bringing those people home to repair our infrastructure), STOP starting wars and have conversations with other leaders rather than making up (false flags) reasons to attack countries that have no intentions of attacking us, etc. But is you want to vote for someone who knows there's a GENOCIDE in Palestine, vote for Jill Stein.

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You are pretty naive. World was as stable as it has been in a long time under Trump.

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Roger, if you like the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Why did he cut taxes for the rich? He's a thief and a thug but I admit, he doesn't like war. That's the one good thing about him.

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Rob, he cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes; the fact is that the rich pay far more taxes than everyone else, so naturally, their tax cuts will be more (and only fair, considering).

The poor and minorities did proportionally and absolutely better under Trump because there was more hiring opportunities under Trump & blacks & Hispanics benefited more than other groups. That is one of the reasons that Slow Pedo demented China Joe is doing so poorly in those groups compared to other Dimocrats.

You should try and keep up or have George Soros’ minions send you better talking points; or better yet, be convinced and leave the dark side and enjoy light and freedom.

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When you have this all fleshed out please consider going back on Rogan. More people need to hear what you’re working on and (unfairly in my opinion) Joe Rogan has a bigger audience than you.

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Rogan deserves his audience, but Taibbi deserves more!

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That is what I meant, I love Rogan but Matt does very important work.

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Wouldn't hurt, he's got a huge platform and the establishment has already been smearing Matt as alt-right since the Twitter Files if not before.

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Sounds great! Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Don’t want you to burn out.

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Or “fall off” the edge!

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Can't wait! The popcorn is popping. Take all the time you need to cook, better to get the spicy skewers just right ;)

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I appreciate the check-in. Subscribers worry that you'll get in the wrong helicopter, too close to an open window or fall off the edge of a building. You too important to lose!

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Go get 'em, Matt! Looking forward to the reveal, which will no doubt horrify, anger, and unfortunately validate what we already guess is "behind the curtain." Small fools with deep pockets and brass balls who want to be Emperor, or at minimum their sycophant. Let's play court jester!

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How long before they come hard at Substack and Racket News?

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New release by Nina Jankowicz and the Plaskettes.

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Ding ding

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“Sic balls!”, Matt.

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Oh, you're wicked!

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We've already seen what their public attempts to discredit both look like. Can you believe they aren't working hard behind the scenes too, and have been for awhile?

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Go Matt, GO!!!

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Matt, what is this "my idea of a vacation is one or two days" bullshit?

No. Take a real vacation every now and then. Go someplace nice and forget about all this depressing drama of US politics and censorship.

As a paying subscriber, I insist.

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One of the main reasons I subscribe is to enable you to do this sort of reporting. Everyone knows it takes time, and it takes focus--neither of which anyone has if they are churning out "content". I'd rather wait two weeks--or two months--if it meant you were able to dive deep into an important area of journalism. Go for it! No complaints here.

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Take your time Mr. Taibbi. I’d rather wait months for one of your well researched articles than read the blob’s ADHD riddled daily mess-hall slop. Part of supporting your writing financially (albeit a very small part) is understanding that well thought out journalism doesn’t grow on trees.

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Will this cover when Biden was VP during covid and Barack told him to get on it? Asking for a friend.

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