It’s solid and should trend - saw it on Twitter whenever she “ran for President.” Struck a chord immediately. Commenter below nailed it: “the future of gag enforcement”. Have to laugh to keep from crying! Forward Project Amy!
But Anger (like all are emotions) shud be honored and acknowledged. It all depends on how we “manage” our emotions! Anger doesn’t mean irrationality or extremism. We need to be angry! A la batalla!!
Thanks for the comment. However, I completely disagree. Anger never increases the efficacy of my own actions. Worse, anger severely diminishes my ability to reason and think clearly. To each their own.
One of the shining pillars of human creation is the snappy comeback. It proves that anger doesn't exist in a vacuum, even in that "all-consuming" darkness we're all subject to. Your knowledge and intelligence and abilities are all around it. You harness, refine and then act - history is filled with people doing that in a split-second. Anger is the first draft.
Sadly she will run for reelection in 24 and will win as the Minnesota Republican Party is a shit show. They will run whatever knuckle dragging social conservative of the moment is.
Any "conservative," political or social or both, who votes for Klobuchar is an idiot at best, a lover of censorship at worst.
If she's re-elected Minnesota deserves everything that happens to it as a result, and its citizens who vote for her or abstain from voting against her are entirely responsible along with her for the local, national, and international consequences,
Sanders is a feckless mercenary who sold his soul to the party. Enlisting his image or mealymouthed public statements as a propaganda weapon is like using Hubert Humphrey, or worse.
There is reporting recently that Sanders has a Foundation (of course) that is paying his step-son like $70,000 this last quarter. Same reporting said the Foundation, founded to protect "democracy (of course)," paid $200,000 to it last year. Run by his wife and step-son. Maybe out of campaign funds. Mission statement written by a Socialist.
Please abandon Bernie worship. If you want to look at someone to admire after they lose a big election, look to Plains, Georgia. He is the epitome of what someone with values and beliefs does with their time. I don't hold all the same beliefs, and I strongly disagree with alot of his latest pronouncements, but his is the GOAT of post-Presidencies. Tell me I'm wrong.
The night of the Iowa primary I was watching some live broadcast from somewhere (I think on C-Span) and it looked like Bernie votes at that particular caucus site turned into a Hilary win. Looked fishy, but maybe that is how the caucus system works.
Anyway, it appears that the way you "progress" in the Dem Party these days is to swallow all of your principles (IF you ever had any) and make money. Bernie is wealthy and guaranteed to die in office, which office his family will inherit, of course. Will it be Sen. Wife or Sen. Step-son? Primary Kamala got no votes, called Joe a racist, and she is a heartbeat away from being the Pres of the US of A. Doesn't anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
Matt... Can we please include Elizabeth Warren on that list of people to remove? in addition to being the biggest pontificating hypocrite west of the Mississippi, she tried (in vain) to get RFK Jr's seminal work " The Real Anthony Fauci" removed from Amazon and other outlets. She is a disgrace.
I'm not for 'removing", except by elections. But, yes, Warren is a devastating hypocrite. This period is certainly revealing our 'leaders' true colors!
Why do you hate Native Americans. She’s our nations first trans-racial rep! She sucks, but she does occasionally go in against The Fed and I appreciate that.
He was convicted I believe and I'm not sure what happened with sentencing or a fine. I thought he received a sentence. This is all about censorship. Unbelievable.
I'm in. Sic 'em. I'm so filled with rage about so much, but IMHO, THIS - the CIC - is the single greatest threat to the future (all sympathies to those humans brutally impacted by our Forever Wars.) Without clear voices of dissent, how do any of them cease? Thanks, Matt. You're not crazy. You're sane in an insane world. It's like being in the Twilight Zone. Hang in. We got you.
Klobuchar (v) - to harass, threaten or clobber a powerful media entity into censoring speech that Amy Klobuchar does not like.
"Oxford, Harvard and Stanford doctors had their posts censored yet again as a result of social media companies being Klobuchared by government entities."
"The write on substack was Klobuchared into silence when her revenue stream dried up."
That's who I first thought of. But as she doesn't even get a vote in Congress, she's more or less irrelevant. Most Americans probably don't even know who she is.
#KloboCop. She needs to resign, go back home, and stay out of public life forever. Not qualified to be in local animal control or garbage collection.
Ha I like that one!
With a pic of her throwing stuff at her staff
This Halloween I'm going as a Klobuchar staff member with a stapler imbedded in my head.
You go, Matt! I'm grateful to still have a few people willing to stand and fight the good fight.
Or eating her salad with a red pencil.
I think it was a comb 🤮
It’s solid and should trend - saw it on Twitter whenever she “ran for President.” Struck a chord immediately. Commenter below nailed it: “the future of gag enforcement”. Have to laugh to keep from crying! Forward Project Amy!
My question is: who is funding her? Clearly she's not that bright on her own.
That's cheat-n Max.
But you earned Matt's notice so that's funny enough to agree.
No cheatn to pass on great ideas! Definitely had to clarify that it was NOT mine lol 😬😎
Humor, not anger, is the most potent weapon. I suggest you listen to your dog.
But Anger (like all are emotions) shud be honored and acknowledged. It all depends on how we “manage” our emotions! Anger doesn’t mean irrationality or extremism. We need to be angry! A la batalla!!
Thanks for the comment. However, I completely disagree. Anger never increases the efficacy of my own actions. Worse, anger severely diminishes my ability to reason and think clearly. To each their own.
One of the shining pillars of human creation is the snappy comeback. It proves that anger doesn't exist in a vacuum, even in that "all-consuming" darkness we're all subject to. Your knowledge and intelligence and abilities are all around it. You harness, refine and then act - history is filled with people doing that in a split-second. Anger is the first draft.
Anger is a useful informant
But yes, acting from anger can have consequences
Useful to listen to, perhaps less so to make as the guiding principle
Well-founded anger expressed with humour is Matt's genius.
"Once in dutch with Amy,
Tear up your luck,
It's Amy."
Ever wonder what these people's personal lives are like?
Sorry, I amended your cool riff: “ once in Dutch with Amy watch your back it’s Amy”
Get ‘em. Amy still pissed she didn’t make president. So, trying to knock everyone who didn’t vote for her into hell.
From the HRC playbook of sore loser
You just reminded me of her seething rage against Pete Buttigieg in '20
Yeah well he sucked too 🤣. Figuratively, of course.
Snort! I spit onto my screen.
A spoof on J-Lo with K-Lo 🤣
The future of gag law enforcement
Great one Michael, and do not forget the response to consuming something unpalatable; we call it the "gag reflex"
Sadly she will run for reelection in 24 and will win as the Minnesota Republican Party is a shit show. They will run whatever knuckle dragging social conservative of the moment is.
IDK buddy... as leftie as I am, I'm liking what I'm seeing about the new R Speaker...
Holy Cow. Bet u’ve changed your tune by now! He’s bloody SCARY.
Not at all; if anything, I'm more impressed.
I'll bet you haven't seen any interviews of him or commentary about him outside of MSM.
Any "conservative," political or social or both, who votes for Klobuchar is an idiot at best, a lover of censorship at worst.
If she's re-elected Minnesota deserves everything that happens to it as a result, and its citizens who vote for her or abstain from voting against her are entirely responsible along with her for the local, national, and international consequences,
Time for the Michele Bachmann reboot?
Good one.
Ding ding!
KloboCop t-shirts...wonder if Amazon would sell them?
Fucking genius. I can visualize that already.
Are you in advertising? Nice one.
But perhaps qualified in garbage creation?
We are right there with you!
"Your move, Speech!"
"What's bugging you, Amy?" / "Free Speech. Free Speech bugs me."
Sorry, I'm a huge Robocop franchise fan. Great suggestion!
Give the man a hand!
T-Shirt Suggestion - "Black Lists Matter" with a picture of a (typically) Angry Amy??
Well done!
Why didn't I think of this?!
She favors herself as being humorous!!
What a "visual"....
Or the angry pencil graphic I downloaded years ago from somewhere.
really funny, but nerds will find it offensive
NICE! You get an A+
Bro's and Hoes for Klo!
Attack of the 50 foot Klobocop! "I am the Amazon!"
Sanders is a feckless mercenary who sold his soul to the party. Enlisting his image or mealymouthed public statements as a propaganda weapon is like using Hubert Humphrey, or worse.
There is reporting recently that Sanders has a Foundation (of course) that is paying his step-son like $70,000 this last quarter. Same reporting said the Foundation, founded to protect "democracy (of course)," paid $200,000 to it last year. Run by his wife and step-son. Maybe out of campaign funds. Mission statement written by a Socialist.
Please abandon Bernie worship. If you want to look at someone to admire after they lose a big election, look to Plains, Georgia. He is the epitome of what someone with values and beliefs does with their time. I don't hold all the same beliefs, and I strongly disagree with alot of his latest pronouncements, but his is the GOAT of post-Presidencies. Tell me I'm wrong.
The night of the Iowa primary I was watching some live broadcast from somewhere (I think on C-Span) and it looked like Bernie votes at that particular caucus site turned into a Hilary win. Looked fishy, but maybe that is how the caucus system works.
Anyway, it appears that the way you "progress" in the Dem Party these days is to swallow all of your principles (IF you ever had any) and make money. Bernie is wealthy and guaranteed to die in office, which office his family will inherit, of course. Will it be Sen. Wife or Sen. Step-son? Primary Kamala got no votes, called Joe a racist, and she is a heartbeat away from being the Pres of the US of A. Doesn't anybody see anything wrong with this picture?
Uh mysogynist much? I hate her too but get your hate in the right place.
Thanks, Commissar, for setting us straight.
Uh what? I forgot already. Nice name. Says it all.
probably right...
Matt... Can we please include Elizabeth Warren on that list of people to remove? in addition to being the biggest pontificating hypocrite west of the Mississippi, she tried (in vain) to get RFK Jr's seminal work " The Real Anthony Fauci" removed from Amazon and other outlets. She is a disgrace.
I'm not for 'removing", except by elections. But, yes, Warren is a devastating hypocrite. This period is certainly revealing our 'leaders' true colors!
Really!! Holy shit. How can it be that the once mighty have fallen so far. She's done in my book.
She's my senator. And still doesn't have a Republican challenger yet, but they're trying.
Well ...get busy!!
Is Norm Coleman available?
Oh, i meant that Warren is my Senator, not Klobuchar.
Warren is up for re-elect in '24 too. Still...get BUSY!! LOL!
I'm an Independent who hates both parties. I vote third party top of the ticket, and will most likely sit out the downballot next year.
You can’t hate them equally. Vote against whichever is worst.
Here's another fun episode of "Who's Your Party?!"
east of the Mississippi as well, with deference to Schiff.
I thought East as well, but I guess if you’re a full blooded Cherokee, Oklahoma is home.
Why do you hate Native Americans. She’s our nations first trans-racial rep! She sucks, but she does occasionally go in against The Fed and I appreciate that.
there are so many...too many to count
"Amy 'Thought Police' Klobuchar" has a ring to it. P.S., I love you when you're angry.
Good luck to you, too, CJ! Onward!
y r u wishing CJ luck, (or is it for defending himself against the German authorities)?
He was convicted I believe and I'm not sure what happened with sentencing or a fine. I thought he received a sentence. This is all about censorship. Unbelievable.
Yeah, but then I always think of Johnny Fever and the Dream Police and chuckle.
I'm in. Sic 'em. I'm so filled with rage about so much, but IMHO, THIS - the CIC - is the single greatest threat to the future (all sympathies to those humans brutally impacted by our Forever Wars.) Without clear voices of dissent, how do any of them cease? Thanks, Matt. You're not crazy. You're sane in an insane world. It's like being in the Twilight Zone. Hang in. We got you.
Klobuchar sounds like it could be a verb.
Klobuchar (v) - to harass, threaten or clobber a powerful media entity into censoring speech that Amy Klobuchar does not like.
"Oxford, Harvard and Stanford doctors had their posts censored yet again as a result of social media companies being Klobuchared by government entities."
"The write on substack was Klobuchared into silence when her revenue stream dried up."
How many people do you know that have been Klobuchared by Amy the Censorious?
Have you been Klobuchared? You may be entitled to compensation.
Well played.
Let’s Munson Klobuchar.
At which point censorship becomes "Klobuchar Kultcher"?
I only trust news from Klobuchared sources.
Real journalists get Klobuchared.
Proud to have been Klobuchared.
Perhaps the new 'bowdlerize' for the digital era?
When you say it out loud, it sounds a lot like "clobbered," which basically has the same meaning.
I would have voted for the "so-called journalist" chick, but Amy is a good choice as well.
Censorship is THE issue -- once the censors are in place, the rest of the road to tyranny is easy.
That's who I first thought of. But as she doesn't even get a vote in Congress, she's more or less irrelevant. Most Americans probably don't even know who she is.