Canada's Online Harms Act is packed with futuristic horrors, but with a few notable exceptions, politicians and media have tried to keep the worst parts hidden
Let's all say a prayer of thanks for one of the greatest creations in human history, the American Bill of Rights, most especially our glorious First Amendment.
Not that this will save us, and not that words have power if there's no one willing to fight for the ideas they represent, but—imagine for a second what our Social Justice NGOocracy would be doing, the banning and censoring and "Don't say that, it might hurt a feeling" Orwellian binge and purge they'd be unleashing.
The First Amendment is the great barrier all our self-proclaimed enlightened elites can only try to sneak around. And thanks to Matt, Mike Shellenberger and a few other real journalists we all know that our "kind and compassionate" pseudo-tolerant liberal class and all their shameless fluffers in the MSM are lying petty tyrants who would do to the rest of us what Trudeau is doing, if they could get away with it.
Bill of rights are being chipped away by feckless lawmakers. Antisemitism awareness act blatantly infringes on First Amendment rights and Patriot Act on Fourth Amendment. If Voters don’t care enough to demand their rights be respected, they will erode. It’s a shame
SCOTUS is the backstop for all of these stupid Orwellian laws - many of them passed by a our image-conscious Congresspeople looking to pick up virtue signalling brownie points. That makes it even more important for the same Congress to keep ideologues like Ketanji Brown Jackson from being appointed.
The Bill of Rights was not intended to establish rights. It was intended as a life boat. A last line of defense against government attacks on rights already recognized in a constitution that established a very limited set of enumerated powers for a limited government in a federal system. Having seen the steady erosion of those constitutional limits over the past century we find ourselves in the life boats trying to resist Leviathan. The constitution has been disregarded when it has been inconvenient. Over time this disregard has become less furtive and more bold. The Democrats are committed to government that recognizes no restraints on its power. The Republicans are split between a majority of fellow travelers who barely pretend to be different and a minority that lacks the will to speak and act with courage. Lots of hearings, lots of noise, but continued votes to fund Leviathan. The First Amendment won’t protect us from an unconstrained government and political parties comfortable in a game of pretense. We are right behind Canada.
I don't think the authors of such legislation have any intention of letting a little thing like The Bill Of Rights stand in between them and getting the kind of global control they want.
The truly sad thing is that our Congress is inhabited by a large number of stupid people, whose only concerns centers somewhere between gathering votes and stock tips. I'm not even sure that many of them have clue about the intentions of our Constitution. I would say that they are shortsighted but, even that, would imply that they understood what they observed. In the new reality, if the elites desire it, there are always enough status seeking politicians to bring it to fruition.
might sound xenophobic but that is a big problem with companies like Google and twitter (was) being run by people who come from cultures that do not value free speech.
P. S. Never forget that America failed out oust the shitty fans of King George when we declared independence from that EuroFascist then-reigning Aristocrat. Ever since, Canadians have been sorry bitch-ass suckers of Euro-style aristocracy. Time to pull off the mask of Canadian niceness. They are suckers.
"The only mainstream American publication to reference the worst elements of the bill was a March 14 New York Post piece that hit the key notes of life imprisonment and pre-crime"
No worries at all, you can't possibly be expected to read every tiny 'Stack out there -- I'm just glad you're writing about the issue. The more people who understand what's happening, the better!!
I live in Canada and as I watch this trainwreck (one of many) I am growing more alarmed that it could actually become a law. I pray our government listens to the dang people. We dont want this!!!! The government (rule over the mentus) wants this. Thats clear!
I love you guys and your country. But if this law passes I will never visit Canada again. It is a risk/reward thing. The risk may be small for this particular American coming into Canada but the penalties are too big to support the reward of spending time with great people in a beautiful country. Sorry.
If this passes, The King of England should revoke Canada's independence and ask Parliament to provide funding for an invasion fleet to overthrow the government in Ottawa, and re-establish it as a Commonwealth. Most Canadians would prefer being subjects of the Crown to this madness.
Me too Sarah. Cry out loud on this one. Get your coalition together now, because Canada's courts shut down protest sanctions based on prior laws. Don't wait. Take it to your high court for legal review now.
How much does it suck that the first images that pop into my head when I hear the word “protest” is the doofus at Princeton whimpering about her health during a hunger strike and that mad cow with the glasses screaming “NOOOOO!!!” after the 2016 election (just wondering- do we know her name)?
Also a Canuck and more horrified by the day at what draconian shit the liberals are trying to get away with and how little actual Canadians understand what is happening, which is by design of course, a democracy relies on a 4th estate with scruples and ethics, sadly non existent in Canada's main stream reporting. I no longer recognize my country, and very saddened by what is happening.
Heidi, I feel your struggle here, legit. Everything I learned of what made (past tense) Canada the land of the strong and free dissolved over time but it really disappeared experiencing the trampling of fellow citizens by our gestapo law fare terrorist criminals.
Life goes on and we learn to navigate this 'brave new world'. I read all those books in highschool because i wanted to know. Now, I am experiencing it so, I guess I didnt really need to read those books....
They've erected a beautiful Trojan Horse out of maple. Anyone that comes out against a "child pornography bill" will be skewered and subject to dark innuendo.
It is the perfect bill to conceal the wishlist for the powers that your authoritarian heart most desires.
Listen to the lumpenproletariat plebs. Haaaa. The majority of the people have succomed to the indoctrination industrial complexes long ago. The ruling classes "Tru dopey is a tool of THEM" only want you listening to the "right" people. I fully expect them to drop a couple of "straw clauses" and then the sheeple will be mollified and what they really want will be law, enforced by the unelected unaccountable judiciary and the Goons like the one's breaking up the demonstration in Calgary.
Maybe Trudeau wants to get rid of all the "F___ Trudeau" Flags and posters. I can't drive 50 miles without seeing at least one on a house or truck. No other prime minister of Canada is hated as much as Justin Trudeau.
A friend in Canada was saying that this focus on Trudeau is misguided, especially from Americans. Canada has a different system of government (parliamentary) and the prime minister doesn’t have the power of a president; he reflects the views of the ruling coalition and acts as a figurehead. In other words, Canada has much deeper problems than it would appear from the American side. Like Ireland and other countries of western civilization the rot amongst the self-ordained elite can’t be solved by replacing the nominal head. Is that your take? (Asking any Canadian here.)
Agreed. This is akin to saying England's problem was David Cameron.
This isn't about the quirky beliefs of an individual. It is, perhaps, the feminization of culture, where safety is preferred at most costs. Some balance needs to be restored.
We are sacrificing fundamental freedoms to coddle edge cases that we've been persuaded are so delicate they are constantly on the verge of suicide. We can't dumb our our existence down to the lowest common denominator amongst us.
Like Biden, Trudeau is a puppet manipulated by unseen forces. He certainly is a member of the WEF and his deputy prime minister is on the executive of the WEF (and is descended from a german nazi). Trudeau has no individual power other than he can turf out any liberal who disagrees with him or does not vote in a block. He has done it before to an ethical member of parliament.
It doesn't take any unseen forces when they all partake in the same culture. Nobody can buck the trend or they are cast out of polite company (NPR as a recent example).
This is a cultural problem, and everything flows from that. We've solved all the legitimate civil rights issues that progressives fought for and made the West safe for minorities, but you can't just shut off "progress" like a light switch. People want to be heroes, but to be heroic you need villains, victims and conflict.
Trudeau and his ilk are neither heros nor pushing for better life for minorities. From what we witnessed during Covid he is promoting deadly medical interventions and now using lawfare to potentially silence critics and opponents. He is not a nice guy.
The dominant culture perceives him as a hero. He no doubt perceives himself the same way. He's saving people on the verge of suicide from being bullied to death, he's giving people suffering a way to die with dignity, he's fighting the forces of authoritarianism.
The only way to ultimately deal with this kind of heroic behavior is to mock it, so that anyone that picks up the banner for the causes is humiliated en masse. Any attempt to save Canada is going to need to come from the comedians.
Nailed it! Canadians never really broke from the rule of the royal family. And all the fancy elitism of our current day is really just a cover for the old aristocratic families of Europe to re-assert their control. As Loungo likes to say, they want their colonies back and have been plotting it sense the day Cornwallis surrender in Yorktown.
If modern America were really serious about defending democracy then forget about regime changes in places like Iraq or Afghanistan and start with regime change in Ottawa. Bring the Bill of Rights to Canada and permanently boot the royals from North America.
well said!!! thank you for replying with a fulsome and robust addition to the statement I made above. We all matter.
We are all being fooled yet again.... little do the plebs know the new boss is the old boss. That is nothing like freedom and fairness and natural law.
The fix is in alright and they are already "TAKING" what they want from us through rules, regulations and intimidation. Watch funds and securities get vacuumed up or pull what you can, out.
Wool is pulled, I am not playing this game anymore - not if I can help it. I want off this ride but in order for that to be fully realized it will take action of biblical proportions. :)
Trudeau (and his puppeters) intend to ignore any election outcome they disagree with and to jail those who dare protest. Think of Castreau and Venezuela all in one ball of fecal matter.
That is what our government claims would happen if Trump wins. Unfortunately the Left signals its intention by accusing non-authoritarian regimes of its own moves.
This is more possible than I want to think. We just had a provincial by election in southwest Ontario last week. I helped out for the only jab opposing party. As the results from polls trickled in they didn't waver more than 2% after the first 10% of polls closed as if the result was preordained. The end result was close to the 2022 results. The campaign manager shook his head and wondered what the odds of that happening were.
in the American MSM standing up for free speech and civil liberties is now coded as suspiciously "far right" (just look at how Matt and Mike Shellenberger were treated by the Dems in Congress).
That's why there's a blockade of silence, if mainstream or liberal journalists displayed any honesty or integrity they'd have to find new jobs (and maybe new friends and new spouses).
The Bill of Rights matters less than defeating the Orange Menace.
Why does the CBC “lie” like this on its webpage? It is trying to downplay the fact that government funds the vast majority of the organization — because they understand what that implies. (He who pays the piper calls the tune!) Just like our media never attacked the hand that fed them during the pandemic, the CBC is never going to attack the government. This is why the CBC ALWAYS advanced the “authorized” narrative, from vaccine and lockdown mandates to smearing the truckers as right-wing Nazis or Russian agents.
There’s no doubt that there’s a “CBC Files” somewhere out there with emails detailing how the Canadian government worked hand-in-hand with the CBC to ensure “the proper” covid (or climate) information was published by the paper. (Just like the US government and the UK government.) If you’re keeping track at home, that’s exactly the opposite of journalistic independence.
In Canada the MSM was bought in 2018 by the liberal government. $600,000,000 in newsroom employee subsidies of $15,000 per employee. Subsidies end AFTER the next election in 2025 (if there is an election).
In a nutshell the days of great investigative jounalism in Canada started to die when Conrad Black starting buying up dailies and weeklies in the 80's. His henchman would go in and fire every other reporter. Blacks goal was to fill the spaces between the ads with cheap news storys. Wire services did well, investigative journalism not so much. The internet spelled the doom of newspapers and to some extent TV news. A major news conglomerate Southham went belly up in 2010 and was bought by a US hedge fund who have no soul and continued to hollow out the MSM. They used it to promote conservative views. As the internet continued to kill off Canadian MSM the government propped them up however the MSM only receive bailouts as long as the liberals are governing Canada, hence the skewed jounalism to support the Liberals.
It gets worse, last fall the subsidy was increased to $30,000 per year per newsroom employee at the near bankrupt Canadian MSM. There have only been two parties to be in serious competition for leading Canada, the conservatives and the liberals. The liberals are currently in power and the conservatives have vowed to END the subsidies. What would you do if you were a near bankrupt MSM?
In the US they're trying to pass the same sort of measures, though. "Authorized" journalists get free money, while us dangerous Substack subversives just get attacked.
That's ridiculous. Just an extension of federal power by "funding," which puts the recipients at the mercy of the feds. Particularly bad when they're journalists!
Evidently this was attempted in the ‘21 infrastructure pork barrel bill, but was not passed, thankfully. Various states will try it, I’m sure, like the other link indicated for New York. One way to insure favorable press coverage, that’s for sure!
Those of us who devoured his fiction are a bit ahead of the rest of the crowd.
We recognized this crap when it first appeared, & started screeching about it. In my case, various 20 somethings on social media simply dismissed me as an old crank. ("Oh, the shutdowns will be okay; the government will pay the businesses they're destroying, along with the employees who have been laid off. It will be okay.")
Re-reading him today is absolutely spin chilling... and at the time he was considered fringe. Dick, Vonnegut, and Matheson had a fabulous grip on interpretation and expression. I love those guys!
One of the problems with bills like this is conditioning. Legislators often introduce awful bills because the mere existence of the bill inures people to settling for part of it, and thinking they've scored a victory.
Canadians appear to be so accepting of this kind of thing - if they weren't, smug Trudeau would have been tossed out on his behind when he froze bank accounts.
I agree when our small town needed a new grocery store Safeway came in and proposed a huge grocery store big enough for the whole town to fit in. Of course everyone fought it and when we got the medium size grocery store that Safeway always wanted anyway, everybody was delighted that they didn’t get the really big store like Walmart and only a medium size Safeway. They thought that was a win little do they know that Safeway had planned all along to build exactly the size of the store that they Built.
Cattle moo a lot but don't actually do anything except eat and have more cattle. Trudeau is the worst kind of dictator, seems like something he actually is not. Kind of like some other "leaders" you may have heard about.
Thats not how it works in Canada. There needs to be a majority in parliament voting for non-confidence to force an election. The (so called) liberals have a minority government which means they have the most seats in a 3 way split. The far-left ndp added give both a majority. Its leader is a fellow wef member who has always propped him up and despises (so called) conservatives. Claiming they’re “far right”. Except the ndp along with everyone gave an SS member a standing ovation and is most enthusiastic in its hatred of Jewish people. So ‘the people refusing’ has no sway at this time. (Another prominent ndp mp repeatedly blocked his own supporters on facebook for questioning their covid position).
In theory a party’s own elected mps could turn against their own leader. But to try and fail would be unthinkable for most. The party leader also can require beliefs of those mps to be accepted as a candidate at all. Then the leader can “whip” his caucus to vote for whatever he pleases. Ideally everyone would vote what their riding directs. He can also kick people out of the party. Most aren’t aware but the liberals have the highest turnover. People join and believe the propaganda, come to realize they’ve been had then leave in silence. And are easily replaced with more true-believer rubes or corrupt careerists.
Exactly. Even if it doesn't pass this time, the fact that the bill's authors weren't made into laughingstocks for suggesting such absurdity sets the stage for eventual passage.
I find myself completely dumbfounded to have lived long enough to experience a cultural environment where basic freedoms are in dire need of salesmen and saleswomen.
I'm not the best salesman for any product, but freedom is a product I value and love, and will speak up for at any and every opportunity. But really, freedom should be self-selling in the same way that a soap is self-cleaning.
Weirder, I see an entire generation willingly, even happily, encouraging the surrender of freedoms they're surely going to miss very dearly. And sooner than they might imagine.
The propaganda has gotten really good. I'm sure it has literally been worked out to a science at this point. Life has been so easy for so long that the youngsters see no reason to be vigilant and have no idea that they're being tricked into advocating for the destruction of all kinds of human rights under the guise of "compassion." They will soon get the government they deserve. Unfortunately, so will we.
I don't really think the quality of the propaganda is all that good. But then, it doesn't have to be, because a big focus of education over the past couple of decades has been on WHAT to think, rather than HOW to think.
So, the propaganda is reinforcement, not any sort of reprogramming.
Let's all say a prayer of thanks for one of the greatest creations in human history, the American Bill of Rights, most especially our glorious First Amendment.
Not that this will save us, and not that words have power if there's no one willing to fight for the ideas they represent, but—imagine for a second what our Social Justice NGOocracy would be doing, the banning and censoring and "Don't say that, it might hurt a feeling" Orwellian binge and purge they'd be unleashing.
The First Amendment is the great barrier all our self-proclaimed enlightened elites can only try to sneak around. And thanks to Matt, Mike Shellenberger and a few other real journalists we all know that our "kind and compassionate" pseudo-tolerant liberal class and all their shameless fluffers in the MSM are lying petty tyrants who would do to the rest of us what Trudeau is doing, if they could get away with it.
Bill of rights are being chipped away by feckless lawmakers. Antisemitism awareness act blatantly infringes on First Amendment rights and Patriot Act on Fourth Amendment. If Voters don’t care enough to demand their rights be respected, they will erode. It’s a shame
It's got nothing to do with who you vote for.
SCOTUS is the backstop for all of these stupid Orwellian laws - many of them passed by a our image-conscious Congresspeople looking to pick up virtue signalling brownie points. That makes it even more important for the same Congress to keep ideologues like Ketanji Brown Jackson from being appointed.
The Bill of Rights was not intended to establish rights. It was intended as a life boat. A last line of defense against government attacks on rights already recognized in a constitution that established a very limited set of enumerated powers for a limited government in a federal system. Having seen the steady erosion of those constitutional limits over the past century we find ourselves in the life boats trying to resist Leviathan. The constitution has been disregarded when it has been inconvenient. Over time this disregard has become less furtive and more bold. The Democrats are committed to government that recognizes no restraints on its power. The Republicans are split between a majority of fellow travelers who barely pretend to be different and a minority that lacks the will to speak and act with courage. Lots of hearings, lots of noise, but continued votes to fund Leviathan. The First Amendment won’t protect us from an unconstrained government and political parties comfortable in a game of pretense. We are right behind Canada.
“The Bill of Rights was not intended to establish rights.”
True. 1) it recognized natural rights, and 2) is structured as a list of negative rights.
It stood for the assumption of rights followed by a list of those the gov’t may not diminish.
I don't think the authors of such legislation have any intention of letting a little thing like The Bill Of Rights stand in between them and getting the kind of global control they want.
The truly sad thing is that our Congress is inhabited by a large number of stupid people, whose only concerns centers somewhere between gathering votes and stock tips. I'm not even sure that many of them have clue about the intentions of our Constitution. I would say that they are shortsighted but, even that, would imply that they understood what they observed. In the new reality, if the elites desire it, there are always enough status seeking politicians to bring it to fruition.
True, and it's not the only sad thing.
They don't care.
Oh, they care about something, but it ain't you or me, that's for sure!
"Human rights are a fiction, just like God or heaven"- Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harare - is that Mme. Pelosi’s nom de guerre?
No, he's a guy from the WEF who gives TED talks on the subject, and other creepy stuff. Look him up.
US tyrants are doing a good job of chipping away at our rights with this stupid antisemitism bill just passed by the House.
The antisemitism awareness act is a blatant attack by bought and paid for politicians on the first amendment.
I wouldn't even bet on the Supreme Court standing up for the first amendment anymore since they've said it's legal to bribe them as well.
The bill of rights is just a piece of paper and the government has been up for sale to the highest bidder, foreign or domestic, for decades.
might sound xenophobic but that is a big problem with companies like Google and twitter (was) being run by people who come from cultures that do not value free speech.
The Constitution has long been a dead letter.
Hear f’n hear! Bill of Rights.
P. S. Never forget that America failed out oust the shitty fans of King George when we declared independence from that EuroFascist then-reigning Aristocrat. Ever since, Canadians have been sorry bitch-ass suckers of Euro-style aristocracy. Time to pull off the mask of Canadian niceness. They are suckers.
there is no bill of rights.
"The only mainstream American publication to reference the worst elements of the bill was a March 14 New York Post piece that hit the key notes of life imprisonment and pre-crime"
On Substack, we beat 'em by nearly a month ;)
Yuri, sorry I missed your piece!
No worries at all, you can't possibly be expected to read every tiny 'Stack out there -- I'm just glad you're writing about the issue. The more people who understand what's happening, the better!!
Oh wait is simulation commander also Yuri
Plot twist: The one who does go by Yuri is not actually a Yuri!
One subverts subversion, the other one screams into the void. Thanks guys!
Must be Boris, huh 🤔
Bless you.
Crazy what you find out when you simply read the primary document. Chris Cuomo should try it sometime instead of saying "You idiots got lucky."
That is true of court opinions too. The Cox case in Texas did not read as reported in the press.
You must obey the sim commander
Givin' out the order for fun
You must obey the sim commander
You know that he's the only one
Who gives the orders here
Who gives the orders here
I live in Canada and as I watch this trainwreck (one of many) I am growing more alarmed that it could actually become a law. I pray our government listens to the dang people. We dont want this!!!! The government (rule over the mentus) wants this. Thats clear!
I love you guys and your country. But if this law passes I will never visit Canada again. It is a risk/reward thing. The risk may be small for this particular American coming into Canada but the penalties are too big to support the reward of spending time with great people in a beautiful country. Sorry.
I completely understand... try living here ♡!♡!
I know this is all by design; to divide, conquer and further, exploit!!!
Agreed. If this passes, Canada is completely unsafe to visit and here in the U.S. we should campaign to have the State Department add travel warning.
Americans, used to having free speech, can be easily lulled into traps by our nazi-brained neighbors to the north.
If this passes, The King of England should revoke Canada's independence and ask Parliament to provide funding for an invasion fleet to overthrow the government in Ottawa, and re-establish it as a Commonwealth. Most Canadians would prefer being subjects of the Crown to this madness.
Me too Sarah. Cry out loud on this one. Get your coalition together now, because Canada's courts shut down protest sanctions based on prior laws. Don't wait. Take it to your high court for legal review now.
The time to act is now.
We are months away from duplicating the Canadians.
The writing was on the wall during the trucker protests:
For A Glimpse of the Future, Look North
Hint: It's a boot stamping on a human face
Pray if you want, but you need to protest...with lots of other people. ASAP.
…but skip the tents in the main quadrangle.
How much does it suck that the first images that pop into my head when I hear the word “protest” is the doofus at Princeton whimpering about her health during a hunger strike and that mad cow with the glasses screaming “NOOOOO!!!” after the 2016 election (just wondering- do we know her name)?
Also a Canuck and more horrified by the day at what draconian shit the liberals are trying to get away with and how little actual Canadians understand what is happening, which is by design of course, a democracy relies on a 4th estate with scruples and ethics, sadly non existent in Canada's main stream reporting. I no longer recognize my country, and very saddened by what is happening.
Heidi, I feel your struggle here, legit. Everything I learned of what made (past tense) Canada the land of the strong and free dissolved over time but it really disappeared experiencing the trampling of fellow citizens by our gestapo law fare terrorist criminals.
Life goes on and we learn to navigate this 'brave new world'. I read all those books in highschool because i wanted to know. Now, I am experiencing it so, I guess I didnt really need to read those books....
They've erected a beautiful Trojan Horse out of maple. Anyone that comes out against a "child pornography bill" will be skewered and subject to dark innuendo.
It is the perfect bill to conceal the wishlist for the powers that your authoritarian heart most desires.
When can he be voted out of office? Will he be?
Much like RINOS we have traitors here propping him up, extorting him for their goals and carrying on as if nothing illegal or unjust if occurring.
Are any (s) Elections legit anymore?
Listen to the lumpenproletariat plebs. Haaaa. The majority of the people have succomed to the indoctrination industrial complexes long ago. The ruling classes "Tru dopey is a tool of THEM" only want you listening to the "right" people. I fully expect them to drop a couple of "straw clauses" and then the sheeple will be mollified and what they really want will be law, enforced by the unelected unaccountable judiciary and the Goons like the one's breaking up the demonstration in Calgary.
Its what any sane man or woman is watching unravel... prepare accordingly.
Maybe Trudeau wants to get rid of all the "F___ Trudeau" Flags and posters. I can't drive 50 miles without seeing at least one on a house or truck. No other prime minister of Canada is hated as much as Justin Trudeau.
A friend in Canada was saying that this focus on Trudeau is misguided, especially from Americans. Canada has a different system of government (parliamentary) and the prime minister doesn’t have the power of a president; he reflects the views of the ruling coalition and acts as a figurehead. In other words, Canada has much deeper problems than it would appear from the American side. Like Ireland and other countries of western civilization the rot amongst the self-ordained elite can’t be solved by replacing the nominal head. Is that your take? (Asking any Canadian here.)
Agreed. This is akin to saying England's problem was David Cameron.
This isn't about the quirky beliefs of an individual. It is, perhaps, the feminization of culture, where safety is preferred at most costs. Some balance needs to be restored.
We are sacrificing fundamental freedoms to coddle edge cases that we've been persuaded are so delicate they are constantly on the verge of suicide. We can't dumb our our existence down to the lowest common denominator amongst us.
Like Biden, Trudeau is a puppet manipulated by unseen forces. He certainly is a member of the WEF and his deputy prime minister is on the executive of the WEF (and is descended from a german nazi). Trudeau has no individual power other than he can turf out any liberal who disagrees with him or does not vote in a block. He has done it before to an ethical member of parliament.
It doesn't take any unseen forces when they all partake in the same culture. Nobody can buck the trend or they are cast out of polite company (NPR as a recent example).
This is a cultural problem, and everything flows from that. We've solved all the legitimate civil rights issues that progressives fought for and made the West safe for minorities, but you can't just shut off "progress" like a light switch. People want to be heroes, but to be heroic you need villains, victims and conflict.
Trudeau and his ilk are neither heros nor pushing for better life for minorities. From what we witnessed during Covid he is promoting deadly medical interventions and now using lawfare to potentially silence critics and opponents. He is not a nice guy.
The dominant culture perceives him as a hero. He no doubt perceives himself the same way. He's saving people on the verge of suicide from being bullied to death, he's giving people suffering a way to die with dignity, he's fighting the forces of authoritarianism.
The only way to ultimately deal with this kind of heroic behavior is to mock it, so that anyone that picks up the banner for the causes is humiliated en masse. Any attempt to save Canada is going to need to come from the comedians.
they had an actual nazi in our "House of Commons" and he got a STANDING OVATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF is wrong with people? I am not anti Jew, I see it for what it is. Zionism ruins every thing. EVERYTHING!!!!!
🎗 100%
Interesting. I appreciate both your thoughts (including Sarah’s others above).
my work here is done! not really, they modeled the energizer bunny's work ethics after me lolz
Essentially we have similar "rights/freedoms" but yes we are different. F'n Monarchy is a plague on all our souls.
"F'n Monarchy is a plague on all our souls."
Nailed it! Canadians never really broke from the rule of the royal family. And all the fancy elitism of our current day is really just a cover for the old aristocratic families of Europe to re-assert their control. As Loungo likes to say, they want their colonies back and have been plotting it sense the day Cornwallis surrender in Yorktown.
If modern America were really serious about defending democracy then forget about regime changes in places like Iraq or Afghanistan and start with regime change in Ottawa. Bring the Bill of Rights to Canada and permanently boot the royals from North America.
This found me just now.
well said!!! thank you for replying with a fulsome and robust addition to the statement I made above. We all matter.
We are all being fooled yet again.... little do the plebs know the new boss is the old boss. That is nothing like freedom and fairness and natural law.
The fix is in alright and they are already "TAKING" what they want from us through rules, regulations and intimidation. Watch funds and securities get vacuumed up or pull what you can, out.
Wool is pulled, I am not playing this game anymore - not if I can help it. I want off this ride but in order for that to be fully realized it will take action of biblical proportions. :)
As a canadian I concur though I've not read other responses here on same. I could be wrong.
A lot like the Australian PM who pressures (compliant) social media sites to remove posts ridiculing him:
That’s a good sign. His party needs to be voted out.
That was my suspicions as well. Lord know I am "guilty" for that alone!
If you feel you can't complie with the law, may we suggest euthanasia.
Trudeau (and his puppeters) intend to ignore any election outcome they disagree with and to jail those who dare protest. Think of Castreau and Venezuela all in one ball of fecal matter.
I was going to say vote them out uit then realized that they would ignore an election result they didn't like and arrest anyone who complained.
That is what our government claims would happen if Trump wins. Unfortunately the Left signals its intention by accusing non-authoritarian regimes of its own moves.
This is more possible than I want to think. We just had a provincial by election in southwest Ontario last week. I helped out for the only jab opposing party. As the results from polls trickled in they didn't waver more than 2% after the first 10% of polls closed as if the result was preordained. The end result was close to the 2022 results. The campaign manager shook his head and wondered what the odds of that happening were.
"Biden (and his puppeters) . . ." Love, American Style.
Dark Sky Beast,
Yes indeed. And very likely the two execerable puppets have strings that are pulled by the same hands.
Yes we (Oh) Can (ada)! It's wild.
Venezuela? Think China or North Korea with this crap. Canada used to be cool. Post-coof, there's no going there anymore.
Just don't use this possibility as an excuse to give up. If that happens it's time for a real insurgency.
“If that’s in the bill, how did so many other outlets ignore it?”—> no one reads original sources anymore 😖
in the American MSM standing up for free speech and civil liberties is now coded as suspiciously "far right" (just look at how Matt and Mike Shellenberger were treated by the Dems in Congress).
That's why there's a blockade of silence, if mainstream or liberal journalists displayed any honesty or integrity they'd have to find new jobs (and maybe new friends and new spouses).
The Bill of Rights matters less than defeating the Orange Menace.
This is exactly why we have to replace them.
Trump hatred is just a pretense. DA's and judges everywhere ignoring the law they swore to uphold.
watching Dems’ behavior in those hearings was shocking. Dem’s political strategy seems to be “we are the goon squad and we’re coming to town.”
The CBC isn't going to cover it, for exactly the reasons that you think the CBC wouldn't cover it:
Why does the CBC “lie” like this on its webpage? It is trying to downplay the fact that government funds the vast majority of the organization — because they understand what that implies. (He who pays the piper calls the tune!) Just like our media never attacked the hand that fed them during the pandemic, the CBC is never going to attack the government. This is why the CBC ALWAYS advanced the “authorized” narrative, from vaccine and lockdown mandates to smearing the truckers as right-wing Nazis or Russian agents.
There’s no doubt that there’s a “CBC Files” somewhere out there with emails detailing how the Canadian government worked hand-in-hand with the CBC to ensure “the proper” covid (or climate) information was published by the paper. (Just like the US government and the UK government.) If you’re keeping track at home, that’s exactly the opposite of journalistic independence.
In Canada the MSM was bought in 2018 by the liberal government. $600,000,000 in newsroom employee subsidies of $15,000 per employee. Subsidies end AFTER the next election in 2025 (if there is an election).
They were bought long before that!
In a nutshell the days of great investigative jounalism in Canada started to die when Conrad Black starting buying up dailies and weeklies in the 80's. His henchman would go in and fire every other reporter. Blacks goal was to fill the spaces between the ads with cheap news storys. Wire services did well, investigative journalism not so much. The internet spelled the doom of newspapers and to some extent TV news. A major news conglomerate Southham went belly up in 2010 and was bought by a US hedge fund who have no soul and continued to hollow out the MSM. They used it to promote conservative views. As the internet continued to kill off Canadian MSM the government propped them up however the MSM only receive bailouts as long as the liberals are governing Canada, hence the skewed jounalism to support the Liberals.
Yikes !!
It gets worse, last fall the subsidy was increased to $30,000 per year per newsroom employee at the near bankrupt Canadian MSM. There have only been two parties to be in serious competition for leading Canada, the conservatives and the liberals. The liberals are currently in power and the conservatives have vowed to END the subsidies. What would you do if you were a near bankrupt MSM?
Government getting into the news business is never a good idea! Here in the US we have NPR, another bad idea. Thanks for the update!
In the US they're trying to pass the same sort of measures, though. "Authorized" journalists get free money, while us dangerous Substack subversives just get attacked.
That's ridiculous. Just an extension of federal power by "funding," which puts the recipients at the mercy of the feds. Particularly bad when they're journalists!
Evidently this was attempted in the ‘21 infrastructure pork barrel bill, but was not passed, thankfully. Various states will try it, I’m sure, like the other link indicated for New York. One way to insure favorable press coverage, that’s for sure!
“Orwell was a pussy” —Phillip K. Dick
Do electronic speech sheep dream of android cops?
Do electronic sheep dream of hate crimes ?
Phillip K. Dick is alive and well.
Those of us who devoured his fiction are a bit ahead of the rest of the crowd.
We recognized this crap when it first appeared, & started screeching about it. In my case, various 20 somethings on social media simply dismissed me as an old crank. ("Oh, the shutdowns will be okay; the government will pay the businesses they're destroying, along with the employees who have been laid off. It will be okay.")
Re-reading him today is absolutely spin chilling... and at the time he was considered fringe. Dick, Vonnegut, and Matheson had a fabulous grip on interpretation and expression. I love those guys!
"You wanna fight about it?"
I’d love to darling, but I just washed my hair.
One of the problems with bills like this is conditioning. Legislators often introduce awful bills because the mere existence of the bill inures people to settling for part of it, and thinking they've scored a victory.
Canadians appear to be so accepting of this kind of thing - if they weren't, smug Trudeau would have been tossed out on his behind when he froze bank accounts.
I agree when our small town needed a new grocery store Safeway came in and proposed a huge grocery store big enough for the whole town to fit in. Of course everyone fought it and when we got the medium size grocery store that Safeway always wanted anyway, everybody was delighted that they didn’t get the really big store like Walmart and only a medium size Safeway. They thought that was a win little do they know that Safeway had planned all along to build exactly the size of the store that they Built.
Cattle moo a lot but don't actually do anything except eat and have more cattle. Trudeau is the worst kind of dictator, seems like something he actually is not. Kind of like some other "leaders" you may have heard about.
Thats not how it works in Canada. There needs to be a majority in parliament voting for non-confidence to force an election. The (so called) liberals have a minority government which means they have the most seats in a 3 way split. The far-left ndp added give both a majority. Its leader is a fellow wef member who has always propped him up and despises (so called) conservatives. Claiming they’re “far right”. Except the ndp along with everyone gave an SS member a standing ovation and is most enthusiastic in its hatred of Jewish people. So ‘the people refusing’ has no sway at this time. (Another prominent ndp mp repeatedly blocked his own supporters on facebook for questioning their covid position).
That's circuitous. There is no middle to tip it?
In theory a party’s own elected mps could turn against their own leader. But to try and fail would be unthinkable for most. The party leader also can require beliefs of those mps to be accepted as a candidate at all. Then the leader can “whip” his caucus to vote for whatever he pleases. Ideally everyone would vote what their riding directs. He can also kick people out of the party. Most aren’t aware but the liberals have the highest turnover. People join and believe the propaganda, come to realize they’ve been had then leave in silence. And are easily replaced with more true-believer rubes or corrupt careerists.
Very good point.
Exactly. Even if it doesn't pass this time, the fact that the bill's authors weren't made into laughingstocks for suggesting such absurdity sets the stage for eventual passage.
I find myself completely dumbfounded to have lived long enough to experience a cultural environment where basic freedoms are in dire need of salesmen and saleswomen.
I'm not the best salesman for any product, but freedom is a product I value and love, and will speak up for at any and every opportunity. But really, freedom should be self-selling in the same way that a soap is self-cleaning.
Weirder, I see an entire generation willingly, even happily, encouraging the surrender of freedoms they're surely going to miss very dearly. And sooner than they might imagine.
No one has ever voted their way out of tyranny.
Not in the past. And not in the future.
The propaganda has gotten really good. I'm sure it has literally been worked out to a science at this point. Life has been so easy for so long that the youngsters see no reason to be vigilant and have no idea that they're being tricked into advocating for the destruction of all kinds of human rights under the guise of "compassion." They will soon get the government they deserve. Unfortunately, so will we.
I don't really think the quality of the propaganda is all that good. But then, it doesn't have to be, because a big focus of education over the past couple of decades has been on WHAT to think, rather than HOW to think.
So, the propaganda is reinforcement, not any sort of reprogramming.