Thanks, Matt. I'm pleased to work with a team of brilliant people who think, as I do, that the MSM is ignoring some of the most important events of our time. Viva substack!

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Looking forward to your reporting and stories Susan!

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I look forward to reading more of your reporting

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Matt seems like a better than average boss.

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Welcome! Can you tell us if you feel you can report on the IRS's harrassment of Mr. Taibbi free of conflict of interest? I, for one, would really like to know the gory detail of what the government is doing there.

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I suspect your work and efforts are going to help society through the knot hole we’re all in. Keep up the good work.

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Journalism failed the world - it no longer was populated with real skeptics and performed its vital "watchdog" role. However, real journalism is probably the only thing that can save us. The trick is getting real journalism to the masses ... getting AROUND the "gatekeepers of the news."

Substack is the most prominent "workaround" that's allowing this to happen.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

Glenn Greenwald's podcast on Rumble is another "work-around."

I'm keeping an eye on Rumble--alternative to YouTube--where there's evidently no censorship. Waiting to see if other REAL journalists will gravitate to it.

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I'm a big fan of Glenn's. The "workarounds" are out there. You just have to look for them. Of course, the Establishment is trying to shut down all of these skeptical or contrarian voices. We are all labeled as dangerous "extremists" and/or "kooks." "They" are being quite pro-active in silencing dissent, which will increase the odds they can successfully implement the other parts of their nefarious agendas ... But I know you get all of this!

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They are implementing a tik Tok style part of Rumble in April.

Hopefully suck away enough eyeballs from bytedance that will then check out Glenn, Brand, Gabbard, et al and have their minds opened.

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deletedMar 26, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023
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I'd suggest start with LOCAL news, and post stories/video on Twitter/Facebook.

For example, right now, where I live, there's a public works project--the town is digging up sections of a major street. Questions to ask: Why? How long will the street be torn up & traffic detoured? How much will this project cost? Who's paying for it? How do nearby businesses & residents feel about this?

Everyone I know is talking about it--but no one knows the answers to these questions b/c there's no local newspaper or TV station.

LOOK AROUND! Every town has news to report/questions to ask.

Build a portfolio that shows some initiative & curiosity.

I spent 35 years working for small, local newspapers. I never had a problem finding local news to report.

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I just had another thought: You need to learn the public records and open meeting laws in your state. There's a LOT of information that is--should be--available to the public. But officials don't always want to provide it. Where I live, the salaries of all public workers are public info. Also the tax records, including the valuations of local real estate. Learn about requirements to post public meetings and when boards/commissions/committees can meet in closed sessions.

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We ARE in a dark knot hole, with fascists pulling on each end of the string. They are called: Democrats and Republicans. Soon, America will become ungovernable - and Julian Assange will laugh his ass off.

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Great updates. Thanks. The team you continue to assemble is spectacular. The reporting is much appreciated.

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You all are truly American heroes. The more true journalists that come forward to do honest reporting, the better! Especially ones with world-class talent like the team you are assembling. You all can NOT be stopped.

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Bring it on!

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Hear, hear!

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Yes, Welcome Susan. Nice Thiel length approved intro Matt.

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Well done - Matt! I think Susan will be followed by other journalists (real journalists, not the current line of media hacks) who long for a place where real journalism is practiced.

A short story: I worked for the CIA for 25 years, the last 10 or so as a R&D COTR (Contractor's Office Technical Representative) and R&D branch chief. During that time, I can't recall any time where my superiors thanked me for my work; it was deemed sufficient that I wasn't publicly shamed or dismissed outright. The culture was "shut up and keep pedaling". I took early retirement from the CIA in 1993 due in large measure to the toxic work environment; I felt I had to leave before I went (more) insane and blew my stack. My post-retirement career turned out to be graduate work and later a full-time research scientist position at The Ohio State ElectroScience Lab. Almost immediately upon arrival, even as a lowly grad student, my contributions were welcomed and I was thanked for doing good work - it was SO different that when I came home to my wife that evening I had to tell her about it. My wife then told me an almost duplicate story about her second day as a temp worker at a finance organization - they thanked her profusely JUST FOR SHOWING UP THE SECOND DAY! What a concept - being recognized and thanked for good work!

The reason I took up so much of your time with this story is to propose that there must be A LOT of real journalists out there who are getting hammered every day by their management to "stay on the narrative, whatever it takes". They go home at night and wonder how they are going to make it through even one more day without going berserk, and maybe a few of them decide that maybe Racket could be a way out of the swamp. Maybe like Susan they show up on your doorstep, and LO AND BEHOLD! They actually get thanked publicly for doing good work!

If what I suspect might happen really is happening, you might need to spend a few minutes thinking about a longer-term name for the successor news and journalism behemoth that was once called 'Racket'.


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I loved my industry, company and job but there were few attaboys and I recognize I passed out very few myself. Our bosses motto was “if you’re looking for sympathy get a puppy.” He loved people and that flowed downhill but doing your job was the expectation. I think our happiness at work has maybe everything to do with who runs the shop.

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It's wonderful to see this renaissance of investigative journalism. I've been awaiting this for 60 years and it's coming true while I am still able to enjoy it.

Life is good and getting better every day!

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Meanwhile, Bob Woodward hoes on MSNBC to complain about how angry D Trump seems. Smh

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Sadly, his wealth has diminished by as much as 50% (so far) during this quest.

None of his would be possible if not for wealthy and honorable men like Trump and Musk. They could have had easy lives, but they have chosen to do what the rest of us could not. One of these lawsuits would break a commoner.

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Welcome, Sue! We look forward to reading more. Thank you for joining the Racket team!

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We saw Sue’s name and welcome access to her experienced real reporting!

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Please stay over this "target." I know you will.

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Matt you are a gentleman and a scholar - as I had already suspected.

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I have a question though; was Abramoff really the only crooked lobbyist in Washington? Why haven't others been prosecuted?

Welcome Susan! Very much enjoyed yesterday's article.

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Abramoff was the Walter Mitty of crime waves, as this profile shows. He got a lot of people in his orbit prosecuted too.


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Yes, I know he did that but just seems strange that in a country with thousands of lobbyists he's the only one who broke the law. Is that even possible? And why him? Was it that easy to track him and hard to track others? Just wondering.

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Here's a couple of my questions:

1) Why were none of Epstein's clients or repeat customers ever "investigated" by authorities?

2) What did government agencies know and when did they know it regarding Epstein's international "sex trafficking (blackmail?) operation?

3) If investigators/prosecutors do their jobs and expose great crimes and their perpetrators wouldn't this prevent the same people and organizations from perpetrating additional crimes in the future? For example, what if Bill Gates had been exposed 5 or 10 years ago as a regular Epstein client? How would this have impacted all the Covid madness we saw in the last three years? Would it maybe have prevented some of the misery and crimes to come?

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I wrote a Substack "thought exercise" piece on this - What if Gates had been exposed and disgraced years ago? I added another "what if" - What if everyone knew the novel coronavirus had already spread around the world months before the lockdowns were ordered? As it turns out, the public could and should have known this.


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In January 2020 I moved back to the US. In February I thought I had a flu but after a week went to ER and was told it was pneumonia but it was a strange pneumonia and the doctor wasn't sure what was going on. While recovering my son ordered Chinese food and asked me how I liked it. I replied that I couldn't taste anything. So in retrospect perhaps I too already had Covid. While I did get two jabs and one booster (I'm a slow learner) I never had a bad reaction and never officially got covid. I suspect much about this. Check this out if you haven't seen it: Never Again Is Now Global’ on CHD.TV

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Same exp here..really sick in feb 2020.

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I got started on my "early spread" research because I was sick with ALL the Covid symptoms in January - as were both my kids - and it seems like half my town. We all tested "negative" for influenza. My theory - by now educated and backed by copious research - is that some officials intentionally concealed evidence of "early spread" of this virus.

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Anyone interested in the topic of “early spread,” might be interested in these two Substack articles I wrote.

The first article summarizes the antibody evidence of early infections. The second article is my presentation of the ways I think certain officials concealed this evidence. If more people knew this virus horse was far out of the barn by mid-March 2020, the entire Covid narrative and response would be dramatically different. Basically (imo), the “official” timeline/chronology of virus spread has been wrong all along.



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Another "early spread" personal anecdote. There are millions of these .... but they've all been ignored or dismissed. I keep asking a simple question: WHEN did tens of millions of people actually experience "Covid symptoms?" It wasn't in April or May 2020. It was between November 2019 and early March 2020.

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Thank you Bill. You show the power of “what if” and “thought experiments”. I think you’re now officially part of the solution finders! 👏🏻👍🏼❤️

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I love a good "what if" thought exercise! There's many more I could have written ... and probably will still write.

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Exactly. Ghislaine Maxwell sits in prison for providing young women to high profile public figures... and yet, not one of these clients have been identified.....

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These "what if" thought exercises really explore the "unknown unknowables." We'll never know what could or might have happened if X had happened. We all know that the MSM protects (bogus) narratives with the "journalism" they do produce. What we don't know is how the world might be different if they HAD done their most important job and investigated and written the stories they should have investigated and disseminated. What I think would have happened is that millions of people now dead (or disabled or suffering in some way) would be alive or not suffering. So that should be on the conscience of every prosecutor/regulatory body who refuses to pursue justice or journalists who refuse to investigate and report important truths.

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Susan knows how important she is. Articulate, attention to details, follows up, seeks truth, and understand the complexities of life. I know that you would never be anything but professional and attentive. We are on this planet for a period of time, sometimes we make mistakes, its okay, you caught your minor mistake and made it clear to your readers your concern that you didn’t acknowledge Susan in a way you felt comfortable. In current time, with stories coming at you every way, and still manage to rise above the mediocrity, lies, now that is something!

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Love it - we are here for it all, keep expanding in all ways!

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Can’t wait! Welcome.

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THANK you. One area still completely missing are "Facebook Files". We know that Zuckerberg invested his own $0.5 billions in order to influence/steal 2020 election. There is also the incredible direct Biden directives to censor.

One more credit to Matt Taibbi -- he helped introduce Matt Orfalea and his incredible videos, including his articles (below):

-- Biden Admin Told Facebook to Censor Critics - Jan. 8, 2023

Biden's Digital Director Rob Flaherty told Facebook to censor Tucker Carlson for criticizing the vaccine, and Tomi Lahren for saying she won't take it.


(with photo of odious Biden criminal with caption:

-- This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a modern fascist looks like: Rob Flaherty.

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Zuckerberg's money was mainly used in the 2020 election.

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Thank you. You are soo right - my bad and my apology. I am so embarrassed.... -- it is now corrected

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The Zuckerbergs likely put a significant amount of money into 2016, too.

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never forget the stolen 2018 midterms, all the small unimportant little races that went unnoticed except it gave the enemy the house. Little tiny margins, totaled up destroyed this country. It made 2020 possible.

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