So Erica Jong went from Fear of Flying to Fear of Flying Coach? 😁

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Kathleen, you nailed it with a vengeance.

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Lovely. My own daughter, born below "working class" has quit the NYTimes. Six times. Ha! I can't afford that luxury. But hey, no t.v. either. Ever. Thx for "Nailed it," hammering away!

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Apropos of Jong's remark's about Palin, Camille Paglia wrote a great piece about her in 2008, I think for Salon, in which she said (and I paraphrase) that Palin was the realization of the American feminist dream--great career, supportive at-home (and good looking) husband, and children. Needless to say, the article didn't sit well.

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Apr 19·edited Apr 19

Spot-on, Kathleen.

It's funny - just last night I was thinking about the critical points in my thought evolution that caused me to start to question, and then ultimately turn away from, the Democratic Party many years ago, when I realized they were no longer what they used to be (not that I've drifted toward the Republican Party, either). Similar to you, I suddenly saw the condescending smugness and the "we knew what's best for you" arrogance for what it actually is. It has only gotten worse, and more in your face, since then.

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Regarding Rednecks vs. mixed race Harvard types..... I don't think, I know who is more American. It sure isn't those in Cambridge.

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Congrats, Kathleen! Spot on!

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I wonder who the NYT writers and readers are. Were they born very wealthy, with no contact to lower-middle class people? All abstracted as deplorable? Or did they come from a working class background, and have become snobs as they despised their roots?

I think it has to do with both work and social environment. I work as an engineer - the most heart breaking experience I had was when a company I worked for closed the unionized plant, but kept their design engineering offices. I was young, running through the plant to get to a management training program in my Dilbert outfit. All I saw was people 20 years older than me crying, knowing they will never get a job like this again. I worked in finance (market modelling) for a few years - and i notice these guys have never experienced anything like this. Until 2008.

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I have often enjoyed Ms. McCook's comments on these boards over the past 5 years!

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To help with my assisted listening applications, could we get the comment typed out? I have a hard time zooming in to read the comment.

Overall love the idea though!

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I think it’s okay for the upper class to feel culturally superior to the lower classes. The problem is when they confuse superiority of tastes with superiority of morals.

Women are especially prone to this move, as it absolves them of their class guilt, and allows them to create a posture of moral superiority without having to make any sacrifices. In fact, it becomes a path to power, and a means of outcompeting men.

I realize this codes as a low-class opinion in 2024, but read some old books and see that the opposite is true.

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Told you it would come to this... Remember you heard this first from from a Blue Ridge Hillbilly!

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Nice framing Kathleen!

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“All Things NOT Considered” should be the name of NPR’s program.

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Just love that you do a Commenter of the Week. Go Kathleen! Applaud your highlighting other voices that are trapped behind the Ivy League/DEI/“I’m so much smarter than you” curtain.

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Kathleen is one of the commenters here that is always dropping truth bombs! Appreciate reading her input!

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