Matt this is why I do admire you. You are humble, thoughtful, give credit where it is due and seem like an all round good person. You aren’t an egotist who insists on credit and adulation. An old fashioned approach. Love it!

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Thank you for highlighting all the real journalists who covered this scandal. We should name and shame the perpetrators of lies, coverups, and potential treason. The biggest issue we face is changing the minds of the masses who worship MSM and its fake Russia collusion narrative with religious fervor.

Can you reason with a demoralized person?

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Of course, just as those who dared question the conventional wisdom concerning Iraq and WMD were cast into Outer Darkness, while those who went along with the narrative were rewarded.

“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”

― Edward Snowden

'In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.' - George Orwell

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These people live in such a bubble. A few months ago I got in a debate involving a family member who was not aware of the Twitter Files story at all. When told about it she searched and found an NPR story that basically said it was an Elon Musk conspiracy. Smh. How you reach such people is beyond me.

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To be honest, what worries me more than all the illegal and coordinated actions of ideological officials and media is how much of the public, especially our smugly elitist over-class, not only approves but actually demands more. These are the people who openly admit to concerns about "too much free speech" and to supporting extremely anti-democratic measures in order to "save democracy". Thus I expect them to see these exposes of gross violations not just unconvincing but, staying on theme, undesirable.

It really does seem like a religious cult eager for a theocratic state, and ready to burn heretics.

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Don’t forget Obama himself was integral to what Brennan, Clapper and Comey did. Oh yeah, and Joe Biden knew too, though he himself has probably long since forgotten that!

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"Caitlin Johnstone?" Abso-freaking-lutely. I'd also add Cassandra Fairbanks MacDonald, most easily. Others? Jimmy Dore, H.A. Goodman, and Michael Tracey. I will never forget Tracey's interview of Michael Caputo in the earliest days. Have to listen! That was the spookiest wake up call about the stalking going on and how deep and sinister it was. It wasn't just an activist here, a pol there....

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16

Thank you for giving credit to Maria Bartiromo! This woman is a bull dog, in all due respect. Smart, quick, and on the pulse. Her work on China is dogged and she had Nunes on her show repeatedly shouting this out. Matt, you are a good person and an excellent journalist. In fifty years your name along with Bartiromo will be told as the real resistance and truth tellers in journalism. What I demand are those pulitzers on Russia to be taken back and given out to all of you!! Won’t hold my breath though…..

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Brennan is a liar and a traitor. That was so clear all along. I guess you have to get absolute proof but he belongs in jail. Among others, probably Obama.

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The entire system is corrupt. We are indebted to Trump for triggering its exposure and to intrepid reporters like Matt Taibbi and others for exposing it.

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This article is my definition of “class”. Matt Taibbi is pointing out all those who suffered for the truth before him, and honoring them, something most journalists today, whose idea of truth seems to be “covering their backsides”, would never do. (Now we know why it was easy for totalitarian governments to find journalists and only 2 bishops stood up to Henry VIII. They all want glory from the powers that be and care little for truth and beauty.)

By the way, historians generally do not trust newspapers nor do they trust the diaries of powerful people. My historian daughter told me that when doing research you are almost guaranteed that what is in the newspaper is wrong as well as what is diaries of the famous. I heard a civil war scholar say that newspapers were good for getting the pulse of the public, but diaries of generals and politicians were full of lies. However, if you could get your hands of diaries of common soldiers, they are a gold mine.

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Bari Weiss: “Know who your allies are.” In order to do that, you have to know what your priorities are. Matt’s list crosses the political spectrum but shows a common belief in the primacy of free speech and an accountable government.

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Matt, something you've been good about not saying is that the scope of this massive hoax has been obvious from the start. At no point did any of the safety mechanisms kick in, the big lies just kept getting bigger.

Political activists have been talking about this incessantly and we've been algo'ed for it. From my perspective, having first been "algo'ed" with a DDOS attack on my old blog in 2005, this corruption of our government seems Zionist in nature, your private take may differ and that's why I'm commenting.

When reporters professionally and astutely refrain from speculating, it's up to grassroots loudmouths like myself to stir up some chatter and make sure people are aware that something's going on. But the neos (libs/cons) are so super clever they decided to shut everybody up. Grassroots got algo'ed, investigators were stonewalled, and reporters lacked facts to report.

I don't think anyone following or working this story is surprised by this bombshell development. That this has taken so long speaks to the massive nature of this corrupt stealth takeover of American government. EVERYONE needs to be supportive of Speaker Johnson and House efforts to get the goddamned documents and logs that will blow up this twintowers-sized house of cards.

Not a time for engaging with trolls or partisanship. Everyone needs to stay focused on the prize which in this case is getting this story to break wide open and fully capture the attention of the general public. By so doing, we'll finally break up the establishment news monopoly and maybe even end a fucking war or two.

Not exaggerating: blowing up Russiagate blows up everything they've been doing. Now is the time to be supportive and to amplify each new story.

Now is the time.

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Soon you will be writing this same type of article about the brave people who covered the excess deaths due to these gene therapy experiments performed on people. Its not too late to get your name on the list Matt.

Ive brought this up to you before and all you got is “B-Buutt South Korea!!!”

People are dropping dead and getting cancer at insane rates and the media is covering it up just like they covered up Russiagate. We need your voice. Please look at it.



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“No matter how much you hate the media, you don't hate them enough” (TM)

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What's needed now is a very concise bullet pointed list in chronological order of exactly what happened and who was involved. I've read all of these really long articles and unless I want to make charts and graphs it's almost impossible to keep track of it all.

I understand what the evidence shows at a high level which is that our government intelligence agencies interfered with a presidential election. But it would be nice to have a summary that you could show to other people and make them understand as well.

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