Give up your free speech at your peril. Once they are able to silence you, the game is over. All of your other freedoms will fall like dominoes after. Anyone that advocates to censor you, or to unmask your anonymity is your adversary. Treat them like one - no matter what else they say.


Why is it so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters? Here is why:

The reason the First Amendment is prime directive order 1, is because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first target an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover—preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grants an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick—a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere—relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.

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Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us in 1984 about the 4 stages of societal subversion:

1) Demoralization

2) Destabilization

3) Crisis

4) Normalization

COVID was the crisis, now comes the normalization.

Can you reason with a demoralized person?


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It was a plandemic.

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Good one.

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Damn, I think they forgot to demoralize me.

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Cheers, fellow traveler. Just remember that when there's bad shit happening, someone is actively putting it there. Nothing comes out of the ether, especially when it is at the advantage of the oligarchy.

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Yuri: No, you cannot. But, a much larger percentage of the population is aware of all the shenanigans than were before the clown show. The CDC now admits that nearly 40% of those who got the first jab never came back for the second, so a substantial majority of Americans (I calculate about 58%) are not "fully-poisoned."

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The original Bezmenov was a grifter who NEVER was in KGB.

He discovered how to make a nice living in the US by endlessly feeding tales to eager public.

Current “Bezmenov” is doing the same... - one can only feel sorry for him.

But - stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us !!!

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If you could spell his name right, I might take you seriously. The Yuri Bezmenov in this interview with Edward Griffin in 1968 is the one we're talking about.


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Thank you. One grows weary of persistently having to debunk the obvious.

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Hey Felds....what's the difference btwn 'pre-bunk' and 'debunk'?

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I give up. What's the difference?

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Give it some more thought. You can do it.

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Thanks for saying this.

All true.

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While the Communist/Authoritarian Leftist playbook never changes, more perplexing is that it always works. 110.

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I think Covid was the biggest part of the destabilization. Where we are now compared to 2019 is night and day.

The crisis is not here yet.

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Yep! Read that in Revelations! The end is near.

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Aug 23, 2023
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Hi John,

It seems like you're frustrated and just want to have a respectful conversation about the trends in the modern world. If that's right, I'd be happy to chat.

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The objective is to silence us through intimidation. If the censors can make an example of an outspoken opponent like C.J. Hopkins, they can discourage others from following him or even reading his book. Germany doesn't have the strong protection of individual rights as are provided under the US Constitution, so they can be used as a hammer.

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I was just thinking the other day, we need an 'I am Barrabas' movement.

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Wondering if the only way C.J. can makes this a bigger deal (for the better) is to continue to do the same, after the fact 'the trial'.

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From the text in German it does not appear that "a trial" is an option. The punishment has already been determined.

And here most people think Gilbert and Sullivan were slapstick comics. The topic is addressed in Mikado prophetically.

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My optical sublime, I shall achieve in time, to let the punishment fit the crime, the punishment fit the crime...

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Appeal it and make them justify their censorship.

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During the trial. Incessantly.

Would be my hope.

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2A is all that keeps you from being Germany or Canada, you Americans are very fortunate.

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A glock vs a Marine Division?

Be serious.

And no, Americans are way too fat to be the Taleban.

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It’s probably the off chance threat that nobility will get hit. It’s psychological

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Ok but a glock is more persuasive than the Canadian alternative: a dirty look.

Sincerely, I think 2A is a game changer, if nothing else it is a deterrent that ups the ante

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But regarding your statement: “ …or to unmask your anonymity is your adversary.”

Perhaps we should consider posting under our names?

I’m beginning to feel a bit of the coward for not declaring my position.

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2nd amendment history lesson is in order.

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Lance: Here is a bit of that lesson:

“What is a militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual to enslave them.”

—George Mason, father of the Bill of Rights

“The right of citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered the palladium of liberties of the republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary powers of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.”

—Joseph Storey, 1833, U.S. Supreme Court justice

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . .disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailant; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.

—Thomas Jefferson’s commonplace book, 1774-1776, quoting from “On Crimes and Punishment” (1764) by criminologist Cesare Beccaria

In addition it was well-understood by the founders that the phrase “a well-regulated militia” meant a militia that was trained and practiced in the use of weapons, not one under the thumb of the biblical-length book of federal regulations.

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A bit of "real" history to counter your "fake" history. Recommend tapping into the link below. Makes for interesting and illuminating reading.

“A fraud on the American public.” That’s how former Chief Justice Warren Burger described the idea that the Second Amendment gives an unfettered individual right to a gun. When he spoke these words to PBS in 1990, the rock-ribbed conservative appointed by Richard Nixon was expressing the longtime consensus of historians and judges across the political spectrum."

"...There is not a single word about an individual’s right to a gun for self-defense or recreation in Madison’s notes from the Constitutional Convention. Nor was it mentioned, with a few scattered exceptions, in the records of the ratification debates in the states. Nor did the U.S. House of Representatives discuss the topic as it marked up the Bill of Rights. In fact, the original version passed by the House included a conscientious objector provision."

“A well regulated militia,” it explained, “composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.”

Hit the link and keep on going...


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How the fuck do you know what "was well-understood by the founders?"

Answer: you don't.

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Excellent argument against gun control legislation.

If litigators and judges who support the second amendment do not know what the founders were thinking, and therefore can not make rulings based on what they believe the framers were thinking, then, conversely, neither can those who wish to legislate away second amendment rights.

This means that the best approach is to let the status quo remain.

Brilliant! You have single-handedly laid to rest the entire gun control debate!

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I'm not for gun control legislation. I'm for abolishing the 2nd amendment.

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Oh, so we don’t have to take you seriously, then. You should have just said so from the start. Luckily, what you want doesn’t mean fuck all. Millions of us own firearms, even those scary “assault rifles,” and there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it.

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That and the oh so sacred founders were flawed human beings with a very very very limited understanding of the world and how it works.

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Wouldn't that then mean that those involved in the gun control debate, on both sides, are also very, very flawed human beings?

And wouldn't that then extend to their flawed rulings?

So then what's the point of even trying to litigate it?

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My comments are about treating them, or anyone, as infallible or the last word on this subject or any other.

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Not talking about taken anyone's gun away, hx lesson is in order

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Yes, but it's currently 2023.

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Germany does not have free speech. Neither does my country, Canada.

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What exactly do you mean by "Covid-19 fraud" ?

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SARS-CoV2 is dangerous to almost no one - and they knew it nearly from the the start:

https://tritorch.com/covidKillRate [image]

https://tritorch.com/CDCIFR2020 [image]

In September 2020, this was the CDC's best estimate for the COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate by Age Group:

0-19 years old: 0.00003

20-49 years old: 0.0002

50-69 years old: 0.005

70+ years old: 0.054

Meaning all of this was based on a lie:

the masks ● the social distancing ● the lockdowns ● the economic and farming destruction ● the mental and physical health destruction ● the arrested development of millions of children ● the myriad of preventable suicides ● the bevy of new, rushed, and barely tested vaccines

They had a practice run in 2009: https://youtu.be/Gs-DBOFWCpc [3.31mins]

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Pass that along to the 7 million dead and 770,000,000 infected. I'm certain they'll be charmed by your interest

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Let’s see 770 million divided by 7 million...yup. Still under 1%. And even THAT number is “with COVID” not “from COVID.”

Oh, even if the numbers were 100 times worse there is no justification for silencing citizens. Sod off, Chicken Little.

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But just one death justifies the campaign of lies, slander, censorship, and the retardation of a generation of schoolchildren! How can you be so insensitive?!?!?

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Blow me.

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Many of them will no doubt be surprised to discover they, in fact, died of Covid.

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Now, I sincerely doubt THAT.

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There is a HUGE difference between dying FROM Covid and dying WITH Covid. It's been total propaganda from the start. The initial estimated fatality rate was 3%. Masks were ineffective, then masks were effective. Everyone should travel, come to Chinatown, then stay in your house and don't go anywhere. The vaccine is dangerous, if Trump is for it then I'm against it, then get the vaccine and all the boosters or you're an enemy of the state. These draconian mandates caused deaths, people died following ridiculous policies. This is clearly Marxist normalization. I am quite certain that the 7 million dead will be charmed by your interest and your support of policies that killed people. And I am also quite certain of who are and aren't advocates for the Death Cult.

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Beat it.

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Always defend your right to express yourself. Without it, you are a dog waiting to be beat

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Well put.

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Ok. But all the amendments had to be forced upon The Authors. Why are We all always so shocked and dismayed that we have (and always have had) to fight for them? They were never intended to be honored or to last this long.

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Because they thought the it was stupid to need a list of things the govt. cannot take from you when the entire logical construct of the preceding text contains the entirety of the universe of accepted govt. power.

"You can only do these things. Nothing more."

"Okay but what about this?"

But we are stupid, so it was certainly fortuitous we ended up with this thing we shouldn't have ever needed but for the craven stupidity of man.

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Question: when are they going to take a run at Substack? They aren’t going to allow us to continue are they?

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You'll be fine, Diamond Boy, just fine.

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Thank you, Matt! As I said when we spoke, my case is just one of many, many examples of this kind of naked crackdown on dissent and political opposition, and blatant disregard for the rule of law that old farts like me were brought up to believe governed our democratic societies, and protected the people from the arbitrary exercise of power by our governments.

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Your work is a treasure, sir. We wish you all the best, and we sincerely thank you for taking one for the team and fighting the noble fight. This will serve as a lightning rod to the critical importance of speech!

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Mr. Hopkins, you may be old, but your ideas are older, and will outlive the challenges of this era.

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CJ - In addition to buying the book, what can we do to help you?

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You're doing it. Thank you! And you can stay up to date with my columns on my Substack with a free or paid subscription. More important is to spread the word about this kind of thing, which is happening in many countries, not just in Germany.

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My grandfather was the youngest superior court judge (‘Senats President’, I believe), in Weimar Germany. He got out a week before the knock on the door. Sixty years later, his youngest daughter, living in Washington State, told me these words of his: „Das Gesetz ist meine beruf, aber die Gerechtigkeit ist meine Pflicht.“

“The law is my profession but justice is my duty.”

How he would have laughed to learn that the suppression of past crimes is carried out using the tactics of past criminals.

We must remain in solidarity. Our ideas define us, but only our numbers can protect us.

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"Senatspräsident" could be correct. Depends on what level he was as a judge. That term was discontinued a long time ago, but in the 1920s/30s wuold still have been in use. Lucky for him to get out! Nice statement from him.

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Thanks for that. I was a child when I last saw him, and never saw his title written. B

His youngest daughter, my mother, died ten years ago today. How odd to calculate that he was born not that long after America’s civil war. And so little has changed.

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My paternal grandmother was born in the US in 1897 but spoke German as a first language. According to her, they didn't teach my dad German in the late 30s-early 40s because at the time, speaking German was frowned upon in the US (they were in Wisconsin).

My grandmother died 30 years ago, but that story (true or not) comes back to me often during the last years of #Russiagate, where just being Russian, or people thinking you're Russian, or even that you have contacts to Russians, makes you questionable as an American.

Sadly you're so right. So little has changed. We are still a violent, jingoistic nation.

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We have FOUR good men in PRISON in Canada for being involved in the completely PEACEFUL Truckers Freedom March. They are guilty before being proven innocent and have been jailed for over 545 days with NO DUE PROCESS. How is this possible in what used to be a FREE COUNTRY?

We have one good woman facing a long court proceeding and a sentence of 10 YEARS in prison simply for helping organize the completely peaceful Freedom March across Canada. She is not permitted to use Facebook or any social media and cannot talk to any of the other organizers. Because she stood up to the tyrant Trudeau.

The current government is out of control with their attempts AT control. You are right. These “examples” are being made around the world. Trudeau and his father have tried to take Canadians legal hunting/sport shooting guns on many attempts. They will not succeed.

Stay safe, you have committed no crime. We all see exactly what is going on. They are making an example of you, believing it will keep the rest of us in line. Not gonna happen this time.

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Same thing has and is happening with environmental and indigenous activists in Canada. Sadly, this is nothing new. Only now the legal process seems to be more drawn out as a punishment for those that challenge government. On the bright side those that are freedom lovers do win at times. About one thousand arrests of Fairy Creek Old Growth protesters were thrown out in British Columbia recently.

I supported the Truck Convoy cause I love freedom. Freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of speech are vitally important.

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So true and so sobering. To raise our kids into this, after knowing the joys of personal freedoms. The Darkening Age..

Thank you Matt, for featuring this


I also follow Eugyppius. Did he feature you yet?


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Hey CJ wtf as Matt said.

This is frightening.....

Could YOU sum up in a word or two who’s behind this insanity . 😹

Just found you on substack- unpaid for now 👻

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Your conviction would be handed down by a local court (Amtsgericht).

You can appeal on points of fact and law (Berufung) to the regional court (Landgericht).

After that there would still be the possibility for an appeal on points of law (Revision) to the higher regional court (Kammergericht).

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Even if the state ultimately loses, they've made their point.

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Maybe they have but the point is Hopkins won.

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No, even a win is a loss.

It's lawfare: the process is the punishment.

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Exactly. The message is: Don't step out of line because even if you didn't technically break any laws, we can take your time and money to make you prove your innocence. And even if you win, there is no recompense.

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Just like the congress did to Matt.

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Yes and then it is up to the Press to include this.

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Jennifer, most of the press is complicit in the silencing of dissent. That is perhaps the scariest part of all of this, the fact that there is no effective press coverage of this and other similar outrages.

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I agree BUT the left (always been a socialist) is doing the exact same thing?

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My subscription automatically renews in about a week, so hopefully that helps. I think we're past the 2 Neos, or Neo-conservative and Neo-liberal, to straight up Neo-authoritarianism. If you get a chance, look up the case of Scott Ritter, whose YouTube channel, highly critical of US policy on Ukraine, was deleted without warning for "hate speech" not specified. Ritter's very intense but also quite humorous, a kind of real life "Walter" from the "Big Lebowski." The Monster known as the "Criminalization of Dissent" has emerged from its Cave and is waving its Lawless club in the Streets. I would say "God Help Us!," but I'm a non-practicing atheist, etc...

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As I'm sure you've heard before, God loves you. 😇

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More than a bit creepy that this is the Germans, who have a somewhat unfortunate history of blindly following authority.

If you want to arrest somebody, you nuts, start with Scholz, for treason for serving foreign interests to the massive detriment of Germans.

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It's not the Germans. It's the entire Western world. Britain/Canada/Australia/NZ don't even pretend to value free speech anymore. We've clearly seen the American govt aggressively attacking social media to prevent dissent. The new EU social media law (DSA) is certainly going to crush digital speech in Europe. Western values are under attack.

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What you are forgetting is that the education here in France is good. NO in the US.

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And yet the French ruling classes obediently follow the US diktat.

Stop kidding yourself.

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Yes because we have Macron.

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Any other leader that would be acceptable to the French and European political classes would be equally submissive.

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I am not kidding myself but unlike the US we would be out in the streets if Le Pen got in!

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I'm not sure what you are trying to say here.

That said, I will note that the French ruling classes will do whatever takes to prevent anyone not entirely subservient to the Atlanticist consensus from getting into the Champ d'Elysee.

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you guys are out on the streets if McDonald's runs out of pomme frittes

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Jennifer: Aren't you already out in the streets with Macron?

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Even if she won a free and fair election?

(do they have those in France?)

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