Don't forget to mention this -- they're ALREADY planning on undermining a second Trump term.


Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look.

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As you probably know, Commander, I think the first part of the "fix" was to create a narrative to sink the DeSantis campaign and portray him as a "Jeb-Bush neocon clone," etc. That narrative control psy-op worked ... in rapid fashion.

I think our Shadow Rulers wanted DeSantis out of the presidential campaign because they viewed him as far more of a threat than Trump. The reason they are not worried about Trump getting re-elected is because ... "the fix is in" - they already have 10 strategies designed to make sure Trump never gets elected.

Matt's great article shows us some of these strategies. But these people and organizations assuredly haven't played all their "nuke-Trump" cards yet.

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I view the Trump attacks as a win/win for the DNC - either they get him off the ballot or they damage him so badly he can't win. In the end, they'll be happy running against Trump because they've invested so much into Orange Man Bad.

I firmly believe they don't need to win -- which means they only need an excuse. "People really hate Donald Trump" is as good as any and better than most.

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For me, the bottom line is that (somehow) they "know" they don't have to worry about Trump being re-elected. I guess it's "Joe Biden" - or, as you speculate, our Shadow Rulers already have "Joe Biden's" replacement picked. We haven't seen that part of the "fix" yet.

They can always rig the ballots in the swing states (or "swing cities") again. Who's going to stop them? Every important organization that could prevent this is "completely captured."

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Exactly. There's literally nothing stopping a replay of 2020 or 2022. They've normalized cheating to the extent that nobody bats an eye. (Obviously, a certain political segment has a huge incentive to NOT fix our election integrity issues.)

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Also, they HAVE to do this for two reasons: 1) If they don't, the mob ("the people") might come after them with pitchforks and 2) They haven't come close to finishing the important parts of their globalist, digital-currency "Green New Deal" agendas.

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Ah my two most favorite Substackers!!!

Keep pushing!!!!

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I disagree. The Constitution, the Courts, and most voting systems are still relatively intact. After 2020, a lot more people are on full alert. The uniparty is so far behind in the polls that if the election were held today, nothing would save them. Besides, without widespread use of mail-in ballots it won't be as easy to rig this time.

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" The Constitution, the Courts, and most voting systems are still relatively intact. "

Unfortunately as we've seen, it only takes 3 or 4 corrupt cities to swing the entire election. MOST voting systems are intact, but what about Atlanta, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Phoenix? How much confidence do you have in those areas?

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The "polls." Sincerely, and with all due respect --- are you high?

There is a story today that some AI somewhere replicated Taytay --- as porn! She has the $billions to investigate/prevent/make them pay.

TPTB have everything. Cheers.

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Except that it’s not accurate. People refers to populace, not a few.

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And they have stolen democracy from America. These people are enemies of the State.

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The elites are deliberately wrecking the economy by inflating the currency, and flooding the country with illegal aliens in order to weaken a potential Trump administraton. That these people are willing to destroy the lives of millions of Americans in order to cling to power should alarm everyone outside the beltway.

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You are right. These people, the globalist evil cabal, Establishment, deep state, will do ANYTHING, including kill people, to stay in power. This is not about Trump, it's about someone, anyone, standing between the American people and the Globalist. Trump is the only one willing to go against them no matter what they throw at him. He can't be bought and he threatens to destroy them. They, the globalist are going to make us, the American people pay a hefty price in our attempt to free ourselves from their planned globalist takeover. Sadly, so many Americans don't really know what's going on or at stake. They think it's red vs blue and that voting matters.

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Exactly. Do the rest of us need to live with the “ resistance’s” shenanigans again. Start with the 25th amendment, then bring in the FBI’s Perkins Coie Russia Hoax. Robert Mueller forever... what a great way to destroy democracy. Honor the Office if not the President himself.

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But we're also supposed to pretend that they would have never ever ever cheated during the 2020 election!

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Of course they did. Molly Ball confirmed it with her TIME Feb 4 article, “How We Did It” ( the actual title). If we didn’t know by then, she told us.

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Maxim. If they tell you what they are. Believe them.

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This RACKET report is exactly the needed demystification of the LIE (psyop). Name names and organizations so that every one can clearly see the grift. Spotlight the perps every day of the week. Prosecute criminal actors who transgress the bounds of OUR Constitutional Republic, report their criminality to elected American political leadership, put their faces on every available platform and demand national investigation and prosecution. (Start with those appointed ignorant political operatives and legal scoundrels with the nerve to straight faced lie to the American Congress.) TRANSPARENCY ON EVERY POLITICAL ACTION!!

"WE the people" are the responsible agents for this mess. It's not them it's US!! They are pitiable self interested grifters who fully intend to destroy the free peoples of the world. A person who will knowingly LIE in your face to create social/cultural/financial policy that literally guts and loots a nation is capable of anything. Our founders--despite whatever sniveling poseurs want to say--created the only engine of survival available to the common man. It's called the Constitution. Those who undermine it are...

(Thanks for use of your "reply" box Commander.)

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"Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration."

. . . In contrast to what? Past liberal administrations? How far back do we have to go for one of those? None in evidence in my lifetime, and I've been around quite a while.

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“Might do this, could do that. we would need to prepare letters for appointees (yes, not our constitutional right but..our democracy could be destroyed! He might have his opponent assassinated and face no consequences...He said it! Don’t watch NBC who creates news. The DC circuit jurist Florence Pan asked the Trump team the stupid question. Would he be immune if her murdered his political opponent? But somehow the words were put into Pres Trump’s mouth.

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The 'hilarious' part is now Biden supporters are like "WELL BIDEN WILL JUST CANCEL THE ELECTION THEN"........as if Congress wouldn't step in. (Or maybe they wouldn't -- but that's a much bigger problem)

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Public interest groups and the like have no power to alter the actions of the President who is vested with all the power of the Executive branch. Attempting to undermine the President is undermining the People who voted for him/her. It is wresting our Democracy from we, the electorate, and possibly a criminal conspiracy.

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Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection, constitutional protection, sure. I bet.

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I’ve cited Molly Ball’s Time article numerous times elsewhere as evidence that there would be riots on election night if Trump won. “The left was ready to flood the streets.” There is also a quote that implies this group coordinated with Antifa.

The “architect” repeatedly comes up with an evil idea, projects it onto Trump, then executes it tenfold.

Read critically, this article can’t help but make your blood boil.

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Big blue cities weren't boarded up on election night in case Biden won......

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They implicitly threatened the Chamber of Commerce (or similar groups) hinting at a repeat of the summer’s mostly peaceful protests.

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Their fourth column of riot specialists needs to be identified and de-funded.

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In case Trump won...

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I remember reading this Molly Ball piece when it was first published. I was HORRIFIED! My leftist friends-most of my friends are on the left as was I previously--saw nothing wrong with it and thought it was a great strategy. It will only be worse this time around.

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I had the same feeling. They are so convinced of their moral superiority that they truly believe that they are saving the world. No self awareness.

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Actually, people who disenfranchise others are thieves, unworthy of living in a Republic.

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Exactly right!

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It’s great for thieves who don’t understand the Enfranchisement.

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My blood was boiling. I am sorry I read it on a Friday. Those riots were the counterfeit mob + a few radical leftist 20 somethings. There is no real movement in this country that would get off their couch to protest. It's so blatantly obvious. I am tired of the globalist keeping us in battled with each other🥺🥹😭😢

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It would be a surprise to no one if Antifa, BLM and leftists of all stripes had more riots, since they practiced for many months in 2020.

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OBAMA is the architect of it all.

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Thank You for all you do! Will definitely tune in, especially to listen to the ways in which 'The Election will be Fortified to Save Democracy from the Voters.' (can't make this stuff up, folks!)

Many Thanks once more for your impeccable work!

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Title is right on the money.

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Thankfully it was “SECURED” to a man who is unable to keep the nation safe, and uses the courts to keep the people from voting him back in to get the job done.

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This follow-up article references Gen. Michael Flynn, who was attacked, quickly resigned from the Trump administration and then charged with crimes in all the RussiaGate BS. One of Flynn's biggest defenders is/was Tracy Beanz, founder of the investigative journalism website UncoverDC.com.

Tracy was de-platformed and kicked off Twitter the same time Trump and many others were. Nobody really came to her defense. I did a feature story on her at my Substack and Tracy told me I was the only person who had tried to highlight the injustice done to her.

Some might say it was her website's stories on the Covid lies that got her banned for so long, but it was really her relentless pursuit of the "RussiaGate" scam that got her banned. She was trying to prove that these same people were trying to rig elections and kill democracy way back then.

She was also tarred (subtly) as a "Q-Anon conspiracy nut," which is another technique the operatives of the Censorship Industrial Complex (like Media Matters) use to cancel dissident voices.


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I will go to my grace believing the 2020 primary was stolen by Biden.

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I hope you wind up in a state of grace after you go to your gave.

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And I made a typo too!

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Hahahahaha perfect!

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The lead-up to and execution of the South Carolina primary deserves a book all its own. Dead Man Walking became Great D Hope.

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And we were called conspiracy theorists for believing something fishy went on. It

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This is hard to fathom. Extraordinarily frightening. Very enlightening. Thanks for posting.

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This is very good. I was a young lawyer back in Romania in the first part of the 2000s working on financial projects financed by USAID. For many of us, and for the country, the American presence was sought after and good. That's no denial about that. It was either the Americans or the Russians. And we learnt a lot from the Americans. In the financial and political sectors. We too had a coloured revolution which again, for us was good. Otherwise it would have been almost impossible to get rid of the old ruling comunist guard - oligarchs, apparatchiks and state security. One has to have lived those times to realize how little did we, the people, know about anything. We had no clue about politics, business, laws, economy. We knew nothing and had nothing. That was a hard place to start from and emerge from the system that hold the comunism together for so many years.

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This is an insightful view. I wish we could hear more, good and bad, from the people who were being acted upon. I was in Moscow at the same time as Taibbi and I remember when they doped up Yeltsin with some stimulants so he could go up on stage at a rock and roll concert and gyrate to quash rumors of a bad back and bad health. I'm guessing they use the same "good stuff" on our current president. I always thought, just let Zyuganov win, he'll screw things up a little and people will turn back towards the "democrats." But they just can't let it go, they have to interfere. There's a good scene in the book "The Leopard" which captures this tendency perfectly.

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“It’s no longer possible to avoid the idea that America might be fixing its own elections.”

Boom, there it is. Just like the three letter agencies emptied their bag of dirty tricks onto the domestic scene after 9/11, the deep state turned their NGO “election influencers” on the American populace after Trump slipped through. This has been obvious to anyone paying attention but it is nice to see Taibbi saying it in print.

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Regarding Boris Yeltsin: Please, Matt! Don't you know that only "the Russians" "hack" elections? Just ask Rachel Maddow, or anyone else at MSNBC, CNN, NBC, NYT, WaPo.....

(Oops, forgot to mention that 2014 coup thing in Ukraine.)

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Please discuss how this may affect RFK Jr's campaign, surely a greater threat to the Establishment than No Labels.

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Well it may be related…

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Seconding this! The truth is that Trump isn't a threat to the establishment like they pretend: see Michael P Senger's thread on how Trump pushed covid authoritarianism: https://nitter.poast.org/michaelpsenger/status/1745123552746160379#m

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Wow. Just...wow. Had to stop halfway through the Time article. It is just unbelievable. Thank you Matt.

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One way I know the "fix is in" is to simply observe social media giant Facebook since all the negative stories came out (in the alternative media) about the growing Censorship Industrial Complex (coined by this site). A few questions:

Has Facebook curtailed its censorship program?

Have they laid off their 15,000 "content moderators?"

Have they stopped using their algorithms and AI to "shadow ban" people who think for themselves?

Answers: Ah, no.

Take-away: Somehow Facebook's executives KNOW that nothing bad is going to happen to their company in the future for going "all-in" on censorship. In fact, they seem to know they'll be rewarded in some ways for "doing their part" to fight disinformation.

... So, these executives KNOW "the fix is in."

One last question: How do they know this?

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Bill, To answer your question FB/META probably know the fixed results. Most main media companies donate to the DNC regularly and are plutocratic leftists. They are extreme in beliefs and voluntarily setup censorship modules because they share political views with Progressives. Thus my deep concern about ChatGPT and advanced AI. Research in 2023 revealed 80+% bias against conservative views search engines, replies and content. AI is only as trustworthy as the creator/developer who made it. Which disproportionately are Leftist.

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Tina, I've made the point that, upon further reflection, I'm not sure " Missouri v. Biden" is a big a deal as I hoped it might be. My thought is that these companies already know who and what they are supposed to censor. They don't need anyone from the government to pressure them. They'll continue to do the exact same things. And nobody who did pressure these companies is going to be fired ... much less go to jail.

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Watch for Zuckerbucks. Watch first Marc Elias, Perkins Coie, Hillary. Review the Legislative Branch’s statutes in every state. Let each state legislature pick 2 slates for J6 if SCOTUS will not hear cases of swing states. True the Vote needs the $ to surveil every ballot box and democrat non profit. Etc. Watch Georgia, Dominion is being replaced due to outside interference.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

It might be worth bringing on a historian to delve into past blatant cases of 'saving democracy' we have been involved in like 1948 in Italy, ect. May be some good insights into what the corrupt Establishment is or may attempt here.

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Everything is coming home to roost. I've not spent any time in Russia, but the parallels to Bolivian "Our Brand is Crisis" 2002 election shenanigans around globocap's preferred candidate, Goni (who literally spoke Spanish with an American accent, not a joke), are deafeningly resonant.

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On a visit to La Paz (I was living in the Eastern lowlands) during this era I had my one and only experience of being teargassed: I was walking along and suddenly thought, "what am I feeling? am I about to have a nosebleed?" My face started streaming and then people were coming down the street the other way, retreating with their faces covered -- I was just running errands, but I realized tear gas must have been released at a demonstration: I was blocks away, I cannot imagine how painful it must be up close to be teargassed.

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You have a great skill for uncovering these things, and a passion for truth. You and Shellenberger really should get in gear for 2027 and run for president/vp and fix some big things.

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