The Diversity movement is rooted in the notion that diversity makes us stronger. Okay, but what diversity. They push identity i.e. skin color, ethnicity (if it’s non-white), sexual preferences, etc. Okay again, but how do those things make us stronger? It can’t be that merely mixing up different groups makes the newly formed group stronger. We’ll you get to a point that the way divert makes us stronger is that diverse people have diverse views and the meshing of these views or perspectives makes us stronger. I think this may or may not be true depending on many things. But if it is true, isn’t freedom of speech a critical part of embracing diversity. Isn’t the most important thing the diversity of our ideas?

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Really insightful... thanks

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Too the degree I understand this piece, and I may well not, I am not worried about differing views. I am worried about my increasing dislike of being anywhere near people with differing views. TK is as close as I can get to being reasonable, but I do wonder why I have less tolerance these days.

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What legislation did the Republicans pass that limited free speech?

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So you don’t think it’s quite earth-shattering and revolutionary, even radical… for a newspaper to be in favor of free speech?

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Diversity does a lot of things, some good, some not so good but the idea that diversity which with the other side of diversity, multi culturalism makes a nation strong is ludicrous. If makes the ruling classes strong by destroying solidarity through division which the ruling classes always promote as it benefits them. Assimilation has become a dirty word. Hell, even de segregation has become a dirty word. Unions keeping Black people and immigrants out was about the dumbest thing they could do. Now assimilating them and women into the working people's only friend is very difficult because of the past in addition to the power of ruling classes and their organs of propaganda and disinformation. Solidarity is strength, diversity is weakness, it just makes sense. A house divided against itself cannot stand, old saying but self evidently true.

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I think that this article might be a bit more worthless than pornhub. I am saying dare to upgrade your game bro. So Ukraine has Nazi elements that are in charge of their military. Putin has offered to do a purge, there might be collateral damage. Personally I have no problem with a good healthy purge.. Broken eggs fall where they may. I might be a tiny minority.

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Two siderism and logical conversation dispels not understanding, destroys respect and creates hate. You can't have that, SANTA MUST RULE (I'm dyslexic today). Biden wants to create a NEW WORLD ODER, he is incontinent.

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Thanks again Matt. Spoke my piece on the written version!

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Great piece, Matt! Crazy contortionists. As Caitlin Johnstone says the empire's hold on power rests as much as on narrative control as it does on military might.

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Bill is still stuck on Trump. Every Friday he manages to talk about him.

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