Kinda bummed out itsnot Matt Taibbi's voice ... lol Twitter has been an ocean of suck for a while ...

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Yes, when I read the headline I thought it was like asking: Will forests become full of trees?

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Dorsey has a consistent mode of operation where he increased censorship, apologized, then increased censorship again, then apologized again in a vicious cycle. Your article implies that this wonderful genius was at the mercy of the state, the employees, his maid, dishwasher or just about anyone other than himself. He’s Radputin who voluntarily helped throw an election. Hope he burns in hell.

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rip, Twitter... Jack Dorsey was no "Norma Jean" -- but like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to when the rain set in....

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I continue to believe if Bernie Sanders had ditched the DNC machinery in 2016 (& 2020) and declared his 'independence' on Twitter .. . he would have been an effective counterweight to the Trump monkey Apostle.

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Bernie is a compromised corporate-sucking weasel posing as a leftist.

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I doubt it. .. else why would the corporate-sucking weasels @ DNC machinery work so, so hard to deny him an opportunity to lead the 'ticket' in 2016 and 2020?

*imo he could have been a 'contender' .. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efHzGxEzDQA

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I must be getting lazy. I held off reading this article, waiting for the audio.

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Russell Brand used this article to highlight the importance of your thoughts and words. Thank you.

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Maybe this is a naive question but why don't all online interactions require a real name? Isn't a big part of the problem with social media that individuals often don't disclose their identity. I don't use social media but I do read comments in various online publications and wonder if people would think twice about what they are saying if their full name always appeared at the top of comments or posts — for all the world to see.

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I would not want all customers/clients to know granular details of all of my political views.

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You are totally right - it's just a matter of implementing systems that require it, and having people willingly assemble in areas that require it.

It's part of the problem with political violence in teh country right now that facemasks became prevalent and commonly accepted during the pandemic. It gives people who want to derail lawful protest or to take potshots at society the anonymity to do so in a protected way. The same principle is at work on the internet.

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'Poncho and Lefty' wore their guns outside their pants for all the honest world to feel .. . and look what happened to them!

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I don't usually comment on or heart the posts announcing audio versions. They just appear as new podcasts in Podcast Addict, so i don't need to visit the substack to listen. Love the feature though, thanks for adding it.

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Not a fan of the reader. Don’t care for his timing or emphasis. But hey, everyone has friends who could use the gig. Your circus, your choice of clowns.

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Hi Matt - a suggestion for narrator -- if you ever need it.

The very best narrator that I ever heard so far is -- Tim Foley, husband of Caitlin Johnstone.

He is absolutely amazing in delivery - pace, pronunciation, feelings for the content, etc.

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New blockchain alternative to Twitter: Panquake.com. Private, no tracking/selling data, no ads, no shadow blocking, the transparency of blockchain. They have 94% of their crowdfunding now, almost ready to launch. They just had an interview on Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp (rt.com), I recommend a watch.

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