Was just thinking about this yesterday, after I had heard Klaus use the word. Infuriating.

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The introduction of doublespeak and newsthink into the culture has been the lynch pin for the neo-Marxists to change the meaning of the existing language necessary so they can gain power.

"These rich men north of Richmond / Lord knows they all just wanna have total control / Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do / And they don't think you know, but I know that you do." - Lyrics to Oliver Anthony's 'Rich Men North of Richmond'

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Thank you Walter and Matt for your keen awareness of our steady creep toward dystopian madness.

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For sure transparency in government (in the system) is essential for democracy. With the abundance of social platforms controlling free speach thru censorship either by the platform owners or its participating participants gets teal murckie. What to do? Everything and anything goes or some type of filtered censorship.

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What is the relationship between this and THIS? (from August 29, 2023 Foreign Affairs) :

"Propagandists typically need substantial time to craft disinformation, yet by mass generating text, AI will make it easier to produce disinformation on an industrial scale. Right now, only trained professionals can create biological and chemical weapons. But thanks to AI, instead of requiring scientific expertise, all a future terrorist might need to make a deadly pathogen is an Internet connection."

In other words, is government having a knee jerk/democracy meltdown reaction to the A.I. threat? Or is it time in our evolution to be dealing with Too Much Information and we don't know how? And how are the excesses, such as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations known as factory farms, which help drive environmental degradation, related to information?

Technology created COFAs, technology created nuclear threats, technology creates A.I.

Somewhere in this description lies a cultural and humanistic problem.

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If this is Orwellian, what adjective do you relish for the atrocities of the CIA against U.S. citizens and a President during the not so cold Cold War? Need not look to Soviet Russia and pat ourselves on the back for American democracy. It has always been severely restricted and half the country in total denial of reality over their "Lost Cause". We have walked with one leg for 200 plus years and have had our own various brands of fascism and Orwellian Cold War delusions.


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The common use of "transparency" throughout recent Pres administrations is on the part of the people seeking greater transparency vis a vis tax records, George W, Trump etc.

What I'd like to know is which of the 9 exemptions are in play when investigative journalism has sought to unearth the actions of the Executive Branch and its agencies, such as the CIA, in the JFK assassination.

The FOIA requests are strictly for access to Federal agencies such as the CIA, the IRS etc. The Act does not grant access to the court docs, Congress or state govts, as per the website:

"FOIA applies to records created by federal agencies and does not cover records held by Congress, the courts, or state and local government agencies. Each state has its own public access laws that should be consulted for access to state and local records.

The main purpose of the law is to ensure an informed citizenry and provide a check against corruption by holding the government accountable. The Supreme Court has emphasized that FOIA applies to official information shedding light on an agency’s performance of statutory duties."

There is nothing in the history of the Act to suggest a twisted conspiracy on the part of the Fed which moves slower than a turtle, and not in twisted circles. Think tanks and Big Media must earn their living of course with attention grabbing buzzwords and dark reasoning, suggestive conspiratorial proclamations flaunting their authority. We have greater demons to fight in far right populist rhetoric that lines up perfectly with Europe's fascist leaders and fascist thinking pop thinking, while on the other hand we have a sinile President who demonstrates that the White House is a prop, a big white house on a famoua Board Game.

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Violent extremism:

A) psychotic reactionary violence perpetrated by individuals acting out their sociopathic delusions

B) gangbangers randomly shooting up a parade, party, funeral, night club etc.

I’m wondering how the statistics would stack up in this comparison

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That speech was in South Carolina and that is Maui Island.

Sorry in a hurry and didn’t check my stuff.

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Trumps speech in South CarLin

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Walter Kirk is right, it is like Trump is getting the MK Ultra treatment where by he promises to never go off script, and like Biden on the teleprompter never ever to deviated from talking points, so Trump is most differently not going to clean up the deep state.

Anyone watching the Iowa speech should have been justifiable horrified at that speech, as Trump tells everyone that he just seriously loves him some wonderful Lindsey Graham, and promises to pick-up where Biden left off and go to war with China.

If American is going to save itself, it will need to do so from the ground up. For instance, the island of Muai, where the people on the Island don’t seem to understate nor believe that they have a right to a government that represents them, instead of the real estate interest. They can recall their government and institute their own government and make laws retroactive.

We are watching Americans act like they are helpless. We are nor helpless, just not proactive.

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Mean girls play word games. Think what you might what those words mean.

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Noble word meaning inversion... is there a term for this in English (or any other language)? Might save time/space as we proceed with the 4th turning or some other once fantasized now becoming crystallized 4th.

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No doubt the US Embassy, doughty defenders of Muh Human Rights and of American Citizens everywhere, is hard on the case!/sarc

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