Every one of Matt Taibi's podcasts is full of insight and information.

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It's religion, plain and simple! You are required to believe fantastical narratives under pain. The pain used to be death by the worst means. Now it means anything from being ostracized from your social group or cancelled from speech or earning a living. The only thing I've not decided yet is whether it's the ruling classes using it as mind control over the masses "like the current Ukraine narrative"; try and touch that one Matt or it's some kind of Mass psychosis. The third option might be just another distraction from the miserable state of society and so many people's lives. Look how they controlled us with COVID..baaaas.

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Spot on

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All of this is rooted in 50 years of illegal Affirmative Action. Elevating lightweights to important jobs and prestigious awards has killed the Future for everyone but these mostly unqualified political appointees! Women dominate the teaching profession ( failed) but equity for Men is never posted. Rather than appreciation we get White hate and Man hate these hires who now run all institutions....

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simply amazing..... the elevation of trans activist doctrine to the level of unquestionable, undiscussable proclamations boggles the mind...on an issue that cuts to the most fundamental deeply held notions--and indeed mysteries of identity-- of humanity, on behalf of a tiny subset of humanity. That's not in any way to denigrate the real challenges faced by trans people nor to reject a compassionate accomodation but denying any questions, any ambiguities, any recognition of wider societal impact borders on the insane.

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So disturbing. I'm a long time Californian (who's not moving away) and it's difficult to know these manipulative practices are taking place. There are many unreported issues in America that our MSM investigative reporters are fearful of touching. Ignoring difficult painful issues only allows them to grow and fester, which is a major reason why my state and our country is in such a precarious position right now. Thank you for reporting without fear or favor.

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This current era is so weird. Back in the 80s there was the Satanic Panic, where the right wing was trying to have information shut down. Now we have a politically correct party trying to shut down the basket of deplorables. I do not think that the words of J.K. Rowling on Twitter come anywhere close to the general neighborhood of being deplorable. But the past decade or so of people being deplatformed at colleges and universities, leading to a closer policing of speech... Kinda gets us to where we are.

I do not think that things will turn around in a year. I do hope that they do. I think that normal people will silence themselves. I do agree with the Unabomber manifesto that enough people will chose to get along with the mass media narrative. That things are the best that they can be. So they will ignore the actual words of Jesus and not care about the least among us.

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Thanks for shining some light on this. I’ve been working on getting my people a voice for almost 2 years and WoLF were the only ones who would even return my emails or calls and are still some of the only people who will even acknowledge that incarcerated women have no rights. The fact that we have no societal value impacts the lack of interest in our fight for basic human rights. If you’d like some insight from the other side please let me know.

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