Jan 2ยทedited Jan 2

This is Bellows' five minutes of fame, or infamy, depending on where you sit. From where I sit, Maine is where democracy was mugged.

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I am getting to the point where I can physically identify the political nutcases before they open their mouth. Bellows and that audience behind her... well now... I would have picked them from a line up as being the standard cognitively deficient liberals. They all have that body shape and look. It makes me wonder if there is some DNA testing we should be doing. Maybe once the gene mutation is identified, we should consider applying a 1/2 vote rule on them to prevent the corruption of democracy.

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Free Campaigning for Trump. A year ago, they wouldn't even say his name. Nowadays, they can't quit.

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Loved the new narrator aspect especially when Jared said โ€œschlonged,โ€ seemed like he practiced that several times before the final cut.

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Mainstream media is pushing for Trump when he is in the margin of error with Biden. It is because The Trumpster draws a lead in the GOP primary which the left is itching for him to win. On the other hand Nikki Haley is shown to beat Biden by 17 points. She is going to kick his ass by getting a lot of support of independents. I live in NH and most people are singing Nikkiโ€™s praises. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Both Biden and Trump are mentally broken sacks of crap. I support a voters strike or Iโ€™ll vote for Jill. Iโ€™ll never ever vote for Trump or Biden.

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Personally, I think Shenna Bellows, along with many other Trump obsessed liberals, are working through some deep seated daddy issues with Trump as their surrogate daddy.

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what good is this clause if states can't exicute it

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Another Karen trying to force her ideology upon the American people. The extremist left continues to work towards bringing a "banana republic" governing style to America. Democracy dies with the Democrat Party. They have all the attributes arresting the press, removing political opponents from the ballot, arresting political opposition, conjuring far flung legal theories to tie up political opponents in court, ballot harvesting, and censoring free speech.

When you add antisemitism and gun registration they parallel the National Socialist Democrat Party of the 1930's. This does not end well.

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