I'm sure the raven has lots of insights and interesting thinks to say but he appears to be a cheerleader for "free markets" dictating policy. Really? Where the hell has he been the past 30 years. Did he miss the utter failure of global capitalism, e.g., climate change, endless austerity to bail out the rich, the financialization of everything, the impoverishment of the global south, endless war and sanctions, the move toward de-dollarization, the endless privatizing of public assets here and abroad, etc.?

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It’s crony capitalism that’s failed, not free market capitalism. Printing money to fund trillion dollar climate initiatives and war is way more a socialist state planned economy than it is free market capitalism.

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You imply that there ever was a purely capitalist economy. Are you pining for the pre-1972, mixed economy Bretton Woods system that kept greed and speculation at bay?

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Speaking of financial manipulation and fraud I wonder what the RACKET crew thinks of these young people? Keep up the good work!! DEBT SLAVERY AND THE CARBON CREDIT COUP


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