" I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that..."

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Wtf this is so insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I haven't had a chance to listen to the audio yet, but I did read your piece on this late last week. I'm not a programmer but I write a lot about AI for my employer, a business consulting company, and with a colleague I write our company's rules for using AI to help generate content. I think the problem is that in their haste to roll out generative AI, OpenAI, Google, and others focused more on its ability to follow grammar rules to create human-sounding output without any kind of bullshit detector. AI cannot distinguish accurate content from bullshit content at this point. All it has been built to do now is scrape everything, including all the bullshit people have posted about you in various chatrooms, etc. AI tries to compile it all in a way that makes grammatical sense without bearing on reality. Again, I'm not an AI expert or enthusiast, as someone who's spent 30 years writing the old-fashioned way and have no plans to turn my talents over to AI. But it seems to me Open AI's, Google's, and others' time would have been better spent up front creating an AI that could evaluate the validity of web addresses and IP addresses as a first screen, at least. Random comments idiots make should not be included in what it hoovers up into its algorithms, because in the process of turning into human language it prioritizes making grammatical sense, not generating truth.

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You're "not a programmer," but surely you do program, and have experience on a large development project; else why would you be writing about these subjects? Mine is a comment about expertise and blending of skills.

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No, I really don’t have either of those experiences, but I interview a lot of people who do and write about what they do. I haven’t seen your comment.

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Breezy! Thanks, Tim Fox. My comment is the comment you replied to--about expertise and blending of skills (AI and writing), not meant to be a sharp criticism of your writing but it sounds like sad fact-checking to me. My comment writing is broad and insucciinct because I expect readers to fill in the holes. Cheers, no offense!

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No worries! I thought I was just replying to Matt’s story. The AI + writing struggle is real! 😊

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Just like the "inherent sadness" of a photograph capturing a moment in time that will never happen again being destroyed by Photoshop, with its ability to combine many photos into a non-moment that never happened, AI looks poised to destroy history.

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gemini reveals so much about the crushing white guilt these overpaid clowns live with. they can't live in their own bodies while making that much money knowing they just aren't worth it, but will NEVER EVER EVER give up any of it to alleviate any of the social ills that cause their crushing guilt.

so their therapy is to make the rest of the country as miserable as they are by hating white people.

to start, I just with they could find another way to come to grips with the wealth-to-usefulness ratio that haunts them, and stop getting regular people who try to treat everyone the same caught up in their mental gymnastics.

its so ugly and stupid it's hard not to assume the culture at google is psychotic

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This is what comes from a Congress that is always shoving many more piles of money at the Pentagon than the military asks for, and asking for no accountability in return. This country is fucked.

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They make type one errors. Particularly, they don't know when they don't know something.

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If that's the new reality, at least you're more famous than Hillary or the Donald

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Matt: I just saw a silly movie on Netflix by the name of Yesterday. All I could think of was that our world might look this way if A I reigns. Basically, the movie is set in a world where no one remembers the Beatles and computer searches for the singing group come up empty. It is an absolutely silly movie that would have seemed preposterous in a world without A I. If you ever have some down time you might enjoy the movie.

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Figured it out. The censorship algorithm can work systemically better than by catching keywords and post processing. The fake information was fed into the model to lower Matt's reputation as an information source for other results. This paradoxically does not corrupt the model. Now that they are exposed the model will need to be modified to have gnostic training data.

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I too read this last week. This made me feel frustrated, horrified, powerless and an array of negative emotions. However, surprised wasn't one of them. At this point the most important fight of a lifetime, perhaps of an entire age is taking place! Its not Left vs Right or Republican vs Democrat. It's a power struggle between the masses and the self proclaimed "masters." Left and Right, Black and White, Blue and Red, and all of the authentic and manufactured differences used to turn us against each other means nothing without transparency and accountability for those in power.

Without transparency there can be no accountability. In this current political realignment one has to ask themselves if they're okay with a small handful of oligarchs, mega corps and their "institutions" running the entire globe.

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So they should have named it AL..Artificial Lies..

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I would write a piece alleging the AI of a crime and see if it short-circuits itself

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I put this link on another of Matt's posts. A petition regarding the covert racism in LLM basically asking them to be recalled: https://chng.it/F9vZYkFxGD

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No your not wrong MT! Is the only answer just using DuckDuckGo instead of google?

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Mar 5Edited

I just entered into Gemini the following prompt: "when was Matt Taibbi accused of inaccuracy in 2010?"

Part of the response:

"In June 2010, Matt Taibbi faced criticism for an article he wrote for Rolling Stone magazine titled "The Great California Water Heist." The article accused conservative donor Charles Koch of having undue influence over California water policy and alleged a connection between Koch and a left-wing activist group called the "Compton Pledge.""

The Gemini response then goes on to list a time line starting in June 2010 when Matt supposedly published the article. This is followed by an article in the L.A. Times questioning the accuracy of Matt's article. Then in July, 2010, Rolling Stone "issues a correction". Also in July, 2010, "Taibbi writes a follow-up article in Rolling Stone, defending his reporting"

I wish Matt would comment in more detail, perhaps in a written post, on this Gemini response Did Matt every write anything related to "water" and "California", the "Koch brothers"? If we go back and look at the June and July 2010 issues of Rolling Stone will we find anything by Matt even remotely related to this "water heist" topic? If the answer to all these questions is "no", then as Walter and Matt said, this Gemini response is truly appalling. If there are fragments of truth in the response, it would be interesting to know what Gemini got right and what it fabricated.

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