John Diefenbaker, trailing Lester Pearson in 1957[in Canadian Federal election], was asked what he thought of the polls.

He replied, ā€œI was always fond of dogs as they are the one animal that knows the proper treatment to give to poles.ā€ ~Brampton Guardian

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Just when you thought the hypocrisy couldnā€™t be greater and the dishonesty couldnā€™t be more pervasive, you find out you were wrong. I know all about it and yet still believed the election would be a cliffhanger . Donā€™t the lefty institutions understand they canā€™t get away with this stuff anymore? Thanks to Matt, Bari, Walter and others.

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It is the hubris of the NYT and Wikipedia that leads them to disregard or downplay any polls that don't arrive at the "right" result. The NYT "knew" Real Clear Politics were off because their own biased poll showed different numbers, and Wikipedia "knew" it was off because their leftist political leanings are identical to the NYT.

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I really can't say this enough.

I will miss Joe 'Sharp as an Oreo" Biden when he finally wanders off of history's stage.

Unless he can't find the exit...

I offer this recent video of Safari Joe wandering off into the rain forest as a reminder that the most powerful country in the world has been run by a cartoon character for 4 years.

And 1/2 the adults in the room never even noticed.


The only thing missing was Ron "Tarzan" Ely in a loincloth leading Joe out of the jungle & back to safety.

I lost it at the little wave Joe gave before he meandered.

It was perfection.

If I would have been there I would have waved back at the old guy.

Maybe hit him with a thumbs up.

If anyone ever comes up with a Bizarro Mt. Rushmore for the immortalizing of Safari Joe I am so there.

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so left-wing jerkoffs can't accept reality and need their quickly-dwindling audience to believe elections are close when they aren't?

what a shock. lefties are usually so in love with reality and logic and reason and accuracy, this is just so hard to believe! must be Trump's fault.

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EVERYONE, including the right wing jerkoffs, should love reality, logic, reason and accuracy, it's just that those in charge are manipulative, pathological liars, ON BOTH SIDES.

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true, but it's at least 70/30 these days.

pregnant men, "bloodbath," "send troops against enemies," "prison camps," "dictator," "trans women have no physical advantage," "fine people" hoax for seven years, Hilter hoax, "they're fascists!" followed by "everything is going to be ok, folks!" ... I can go on and on and on and on.

of course both sides lie, but over the last 10 or so years, one side is DOMINATING the lies and bullshit. it's not even close and I cannot stand either party.

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So Joe Biden, a brain addled lame duck president, stewing in a soup of bitterness, senility & betrayal, takes a huge step toward WW3 and no one in his party of equally bitter losers & cry babies, who just had their candidate & their philosophy curb stomped by an orange game show host, seems to notice.

Yep. I can see why the liberals are "the smart ones."

No doubt.


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Nov 19Edited

"curb stomped by an orange game show host"


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I think I'll give more weight to what I'll call my neighbor's Windshield Poll. He's a landscaper and drives all over the county to mow lawns, etc., here is deepest deep blue Massachusetts. He reported two days before the election that he saw "a shitload" of Trump lawn signs.

Now, VP Dipshit did in fact win Massachusetts, but Trump received more votes than he did in 2020.

Further, Sen. Elizabeth Warren actually LOST in two counties.

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McCain's internal polls when I chaired his 2000 Independents position showed a double-digit beat over Bush W, and that is what we got. I have not trusted any others since then. That is when the Bush family went full Bush league in S. Carolina against McCain.

I still have serious concerns about what is next on the agenda for Trump from the DC Deep State Swamp that Biden has now opened up Ukraine to attack Russia with our missiles. Another political standoff Cuban Missile Crisis-type move that may, at best, hand Trump a mess, or worse, be used in a plot to have him jailed in NYC, enemy territory, and under threat of Russia's threat or real use of field tactical nukes. It may be an excuse to declare a threat of a US attack by Russia, declare Marshall law, and prevent him from taking office.

It is horrifying that a majority of Americans have come to think this way. Today we are under the threat of their next President being assassinated, lawfare, personal communication spied on, censored, propaganda prevails constantly, and a police state by Federalists beholden; well, we do not know exactly who? Definitely - not bonded by our Constitution anymore.

I am euphoric about the election being fair this time. Unwinding the decades of federal takeover of the economy and the dependency of millions on it may take decades, too. I have high hopes for Vivek and Elon in their capacity as the leaders in the D.O.G.E.. Yet, I am still cautiously aware that 21 million unelected local, state, and federal bureaucrats will not go quietly. They still have sovereign immunity, which is only given to the elected and Supreme Court judges in the federal Constitution. Something that should be the first order of business and end that immunity to defang centralized federalism not empowered in the Constitution. In 1800, it was wrongly given via the U.S. Supreme Court and has expanded to the states and local government-paid employees. It gives them, nearly impossible to breach, protection of the King/GOV special rights to not be sued for bad behavior and not doing their duty. Without eliminating that privilege, you will never get accountability.

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The NYT and Wikipedia, among others, fancy that they are in better touch with the electorate than real polls because, well, they tell their readers what to think and therefore how to vote. What they fail to to recognize is that not only their shrinking readership not represent a cross-section of the electorate, but it is an echo chamber subset of many varied points of view. That they consider themselves in touch with America is laughable. That they manipulate the weighting of polls based on their gut feel is unprofessional. That they were astounded at the election outcome was entirely predictable by anyone but themselves. They are all hacks and amateurs but donā€™t know it.

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There is a sure way to verify an election.

I have asked a question (2) in the previous podcast but it was never answered.

I have sent Matt a private message, but he never responds.

If people don't like the idea, then let's at least debate it.


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My understanding is the Internal polls have 3-4x the sampling, and cost 10x. It sounded like the Trump Campaign was more than willing to show their data - as they were very confident, but Media ignored it. Meanwhile they did report on the Harris campaign "confidence" .

Many of these establishment campaigns are just a trough for the Political Elites to feast off. It was obvious from Hillary Email Hack - where her campaign spent $180K on hot dogs. Infowars made it a kid ring, and the NYT mocked it, serous people laughed But what happened to the 1M hot dogs? I don't remember any 1M person Hillary rallies. So where did the money go for the invisible hot dogs? Looked like no one was interested in what is obviously a kick back. Start pulling the thread - and the entire tapestry unravels.

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