So here's a bit of effluvia:

Yesterday I was sitting around waiting for my client's breakfast to arrive so I could wake them & get the day started.

To kill time I started to watch Russell Brand. Since it was 7AM and my 2nd 16 hour shift and I was running on about 3 1/2 hours sleep I don't actually remember anything Russ happened to say.

But man did he trigger the nurse.

So, not being a shrinking violet, we got into it.

She launched into a "Biden is a great president" attack which I countered with "He's a cabbage head."

She countered with "He's the 1st president in history who went off the teleprompter during a State Of the Union."

I countered with laughter.

She insisted so I told her that he was probably jazzed up on joy juice and I also I told her that I listened to the damn thing and he just yelled the same bullshit rhetoric & hyperbole that he normally muttered & mumbled his way through.

We then went to Russiagateville. She was a diehard believer.

Followed by a trip to the land where I don't understand that Putin is trying to resurrect the USSR.

When I asked her how many military bases Putin had outside Russia that argument derailed quite quickly because she wouldn't answer me. I suspect that she had no idea.

At some point I said, "I bet that you watch a lot of MSNBC."

Her eyes got as big as dinner plates and she blurted out, "I check a lot of sources, The New York Times, Huff Post..."

I told her she was Dunning Kruger with legs.

She said, "What's that?"

I said, "Exactly. Now please go away."

After a moment she did.

Oh yeah there was some stuff about NATO & Nordstream & the Moscow attack sprinkled in there too.

I'll let you guess where she stood on those wonderful issues.

All of it reinforced my hermit-like, entirely antisocial world view.

"It's not that I hate people, I just seem to feel better when they're not around." - Bill Hicks

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Sounds like a rediscovery of the old Scandinavian practice of sloyd, which is the mandatory practice of handicrafts in school with the explicit educational purpose of building things beside the direct skill itself, such as patience & character.


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I think touchless faucets are intended to prevent cross contamination from gross hands.

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My twitter handle is Subjugation is Convenient, so I wholly agree with Mathew Crawford's concerns about convenience's penchant toward neutering humanity's trademark quality... the ability to think our way out of a box. Having not yet read the book, I don't know if the motives behind the meta-engineered dependencies are suspected as nefarious, which I personally assume is at least the subliminal power source for most of where we're rapidly heading, but as a result of this article, I am now seeing my own hypocrisy staring back at me from my hands-free faucet.

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I just rented a car that tried to drive itself - it was SO disorienting! I hated it. Like so many things that are completed for you in order to "simplify your life," the entire cycle of doing/creating something on your own is taken away...which then disrupts the brain's chemical reward system which is set up to release endorphins when you complete a project. And folks wonder why there are so many depressed souls out there. Duh.

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$5000 repair bill!!

Ominous Philo ramblings.

But thx

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Not another Che Guevara? :)

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TAIBBI please dont go on TV high. You know many hours at night I spend defending you from Mehdi bots on Reddit instead of sleeping?

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