
FBI demands 66 YEARS to release data on Seth Rich laptop – (his murder is still unresolved.)


2020 elections were indeed STOLEN – by FBI !!

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I laughed out loud at Barrack Obama's comments. He predicted that if people did not vote for Democrats we would see violence, dead children and reporters thrown in jail. Does he mean just like what was instigated by Clinton's false narrative of Russian collusion, kept anode by Democrats even today?

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St. Barack also predicted that the Earth would begin healing & the oceans would stop rising if he were elected,

He also predicted that he would be the one to bring justice to the banker/hedge fund scofflaws.

More recently he predicted that Mojo Joe Joe Biden would be an absolutely outstanding president.

He ain't no Edgar Cayce. Heck he ain't even a passable Maria Ouspenskaya.

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Hope and change were originally used by John Edwards in his presidential run and co-opted by Obama:

“They are doing all they can to take this campaign for the highest office in the land down the lowest road possible, ... embrace the politics of hope.”

“I came here a year ago with a belief that we could change this country, with the belief that the politics of what was possible, the politics of hope, could overcome the politics of cynicism. The people of Iowa tonight confirmed that they believe in a positive, uplifting vision to change America.”

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I tried to leave you a "like," but the internet gods won't let me.

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I mailed my ballot and was able to confirm that was received. There’s no way I was going to get near the polls.

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