What frightens me is that my so-called “progressive” friends think the CIA and FBI out to get a president is just dandy, so long as it’s Trump. Can you imagine what the agencies would do to a Democratic-Socialist President? They’re naive enough to believe these guys have scruples.

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Jesus Christ it's all digital now...we'll have nothing to wipe our asses with while we freeze to death.

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NanC... I am also frightened by this behavior by my peers and by the intelligence community, (and it's shady backers,) but it really sheds light on how a nation can get behind something so vile and UNdemocratic, like.. say... What happened in Germany in the mid 1930s. We all know what that led to.

Plenty of people will scoff at this statement of mine, but when one really stops to think of what demanding the government abuse their powers to cull someone they don't like or didn't vote for, it reveals a side of human nature that legitimizes dictatorships and fascist takeovers -and has since there have been civilizations of humans around.

We're swinging in the wrong direction, and it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

Better keep your head down.

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Watch your "blue" friends closely... when people clamor for illegal means and government abuse of power to rid themselves of "undesirables", society is taking a dark turn down an ugly road.

Didn't vote for Trump, don't like him... but I'm not complaining that the government is "doing enough" to unseat a president. That's banana republic stuff. I suppose it makes sense, since the US intelligence agencies have been unseating presidents and rulers since Uncle Teddy was in office.

Sure, its bad, but nobody is standing up against it.

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I wonder if Alexei Yurchak is working on his next book: Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last AMERICAN Generation. This hypernormalisation of 'lies as news' appears to follow the same playbook as that used by Surkov. The question is what type of theatre should we call it? Kabuki? Vaudeville? Greek Tragedy? I am leaning towards Dada.

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Bravo Matt -- once again. Can you imagine what "deep state" could do to Bernie ??? They already silenced Jeremy Corbyn (he is "anti-Semite"

Also - I need help of your administration. Apparently I forgot my password so have to go in old articles to get in. Can somebody help me? Many thanks in advance.

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