I won't lie, watching this entire ordeal is a whole lot of fun, and it somehow keeps getting better. Gould demanding that the remarks be stricken from the record (and being shot down)? Trudeau blaming Russian disinformation? At this point I'm waiting for the reanimated corpse of Hitler to shamble into Parliament to a standing ovation.........

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Fascinating how those who've been smearing just about everyone as a Nazi for the past five years don't say a word when an actual Nazi emerges and is publicly celebrated.

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Trudeau is a fucking moron of the highest order.

There’s nothing else to be said about this boob.

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When I heard they gave a standing ovation to a real, acual, SS Nazi the only thing I could do was laugh. This is why the clown world meme is a thing.

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Sometimes I like your commenters even better than your content, Matt. That’s a compliment btw. But yeah let’s step back a bit. It’s not like this was just “some dude” they found the crowd and let applaud him. No. They invited him. They knew what he was all about. They just forgot which team you were supposed to support on that one. Russia bad Russia bad. Russia bad forever bad Russia bad. Some moron just planned it “oh i got a war hero that fought Russians in WWII”. Like they are literally that stupid.

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"Davosketeers" 🤣

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It's worth noting that ALL 338 MPs (and military for that matter) stood up and clapped like seals for this guy and Zelensky. Not a single dissenting voice in Parliament about this war. Not. One. This is not normal and points directly to a serious malaise of immaturity in this country. Now they're all scattering screaming 'I didn't know!'. How am I not to conclude we're run by a bunch of untalented, and unserious buffoons?

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If he’s not the worst head of state outside of Biden, I’m not sure who else would be.

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"Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible." -George Orwell

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Just when I thought it wasn’t possible to hate Justin Trudeau more.....Taibbi delivers again! Thank you sir....thank you.

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Justin Trudeau is a walking, talking caricature of a smug, self-righteous, virtue-signaling, shameless hypocrite.

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As if anyone needed further confirmation - these self described moralistic superiors are absolutely clueless as to what they’re actually doing, discussing, saluting, giving standing ovations to etc for. Some toadie sycophant points them towards a teleprompter and they read it aimlessly. Ron Burgundy comes to mind.

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Davosketeers. Lol.

Trudeau has got to go, and Vreeland with him.

Canadian brothers and sisters -- you know this. I know the opposition isn't much better there either but until we can do better, switching from one set of assholes to the other is, apparently, the best we can do. The less time each of them has in office the less nonsense they can get up to. That's my political theory for the time being. Unless there's a way we can vote the entire "elite" class out and replace them with truckers, firemen and nurses.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Matt, most Canadian university students can't even tell you who was on each side in WW2. They usually get the UK and USA as on our side, Germany and Japan against us, but that's usually it. They don't know the status of the USSR, France, Italy or China. Most MPs probably just heard "war hero" and clapped. But Justin, or Freeland, had to have known. My question is whether Polievre (Conservatives) and Singh (NDP) knew. We'll find out in the next question period. PS I'd love to see Joe Biden defend his policies across the aisle from a hundred mocking opposition MPs in a Westminster parliament. He'd collapse in ten minutes. JKP has a hard enough time in front of 20 reporters, most of whom are not Peter Doocey.

UPDATE: In Question Period today, Sept. 25, the Conservatives vigorously attacked the Liberals on this issue, claiming that the government was at least incompetent. The Liberals (sans Trudeau) claimed it was the Speaker's fault for inviting the Nazi. The NDP totally avoided the issue. I think the Bloq asked one question about it, then retreated to "more money for Quebec" type of questions. So the Liberal leadership may or may not have known. Why the RCMP didn't check him out I have no idea.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

So it’s Putin’s fault that the Canadian Parliament applauded an actual live Nazi, as in "Waffen SS volunteer" no less.

No doubt, Putin disabled Google so that it doesn't work in Canada, and also hijacked the brains of the members of the Canadian Parliament so they are unable to ask basic questions or perform elementary research.

No, they either knew damn well what they were doing, or didn't ask questions because they knew that they would not like the answers.

The only thing that they are sorry for is the backlash.

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I would assign the idiocy to the Canadian people for electing him, but for my country electing Joe friggin Biden.

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