They seem primarily to be skeptics and anti-authoritarians with a deep distrust of intelligence agencies. It probably is true that the group rarely or never discusses politics in the traditional left-right sense, and “Fool’s” account of how he got involved is typical.

“I like Trump, but I didn’t even register to vote that year,” he laughs, referring to 2016. “But then, once this whole thing, when they tried to start linking Trump to Russia, I thought, ‘Nah, you’re not going to do that.’”

“...but there are also parallels with the old left, the way the left used to be, the left that likes Julian Assange, that kind of left. That, I think, is a commonality. I think everyone [in the group] is a huge Assange fan.”

Where the hell did that old left go? I don't see them at all. The old liberal progressives are fully vested in Russiagate. They have mastered an advanced library of rhetorical talking points that prevents them from ever having to admit any ground in the direction of Trump.

And they have doubled down on the woke project to cancel anyone that dares oppose their beliefs, their politicians and their politics.

Did Joe Biden get 81 million legit votes? If you say yes, they you basically have to accept that those old Democrats are gone now. However, what frosts me is the kids... the kids supporting leftist authoritarianism like is some kind of social candy. They have lost all credibility for opposing the man. The man owns them, abuses them, oppresses them... and they seem to like it.

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“ However, what frosts me is the kids... the kids supporting leftist authoritarianism like is some kind of social candy.”

Rules for radicals # 6:

"Take control of what people read and listen to - take control of what children learn in school" By athiest/communist Saul Alinski

I would add, what is driven in media and tech.

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

"Where the hell did that old left go"

You're on Matt Taibbi's substack...

Also see: Glenn Greenwald, Michael Tracey, Max Blumenthal, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, Brett Weinstein, Bill Maher (some might argue otherwise), Robert F. Kennedy Jr, etc,. Their are plenty out there but are easily overlooked by those who incorrectly associate the Democratic party with "the left".

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

1. "Where the hell did that old left go? I don't see them at all."

2. "...they have doubled down on the woke project to cancel anyone that dares oppose their beliefs"

3. "However, what frosts me is the kids... the kids supporting leftist authoritarianism like is some kind of social candy."

Looks like the old left is the same as it ever was...cowardly collectivist authoritarians.

The only difference seems to be that where they once thought they were a minority of intelligent people holding a secret that would crush them until they had a critical mass, the kids today seem bewildered why everyone isn't brainwashed, too. So instead of the subversive measures of the past, the authoritarians have pivoted to overt measures to try to force their will on the majority. Basically the authoritarians have run-out of intelligent folks to lead/maneuver their movement and are relegated to the moronic brainwashed tools they created. These tools are obvious to most rational folks, basically we have reached the check and balance moment, and we will see if it is now time to simply run roughshod over civil liberty or if the authoritarians will be quashed. This has been ebbing and flowing since Geo. Bush I, imo.

Hopefully, even the brainwashed will realize that looking for a new mommy-figure to mindlessly please in exchange for the facade of comfort and security is a fools errand. It is no surprise that the people generally most distant from rural life do NOT recognize that domestication doesn't typically lead to a good life.

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This is a great story, one no doubt many of us have known about informally for at least half a decade. It's the only source of truth remaining - find those that dig, find truth, validate assumptions, and publish corrections to their knowledge as they learn more.

Now... do the 2020 election fraud "corner."

I dare you! LOL, if only you would. This pales in importance to what was done there and how it's been squashed by paid off state officials, biased judges...

You will feel foolish if you miss that story and it repeats in November... probably should feel foolish already. When will you finally see it? After it's too late?

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I know it’s hard to admit but Trump lost.

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I agree regarding Bush, but that's not the sole source of evil. It was not/is not Bush loyalists behind the 2017 coup attempt. It's the cabal that Bush is a loyal to (not the other way around), including his treasonous daddy, Clinton, Obama, Graham, McConnell, on and on. It's a bipartisan screw job with evil American "leaders" willing to kill hundreds of millions of the little people.

For reference, I voted for Bubba Gump Bush. And in fact it was the "Downing Street Memo" circa 2003 that was my first U.S. Gov't/Deep State red pill that showed me how the internet would change investigations (as Matt describes in this piece). I also voted for Bubba's dad as a naïve young man. The fact that HW's library is at my esteemed undergrad school is a source of anger I can't adequately express. But I've also learned my school is a pipeline for CIA recruits. Another black mark that's impossible to ignore.

We all follow our path to the truth. Mine is one of sudden revelations of betrayal by our leaders, most painfully so by fake conservatives that do not care about this country any more than the quackery running it now.

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How on earth are there only 42 likes on this incredibly informative article? Too weird.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Nicely done. There is something very important happening with this “corner.” The energy of this group anchors me to Twitter. Absent researchers such as these, Twitter would hold little value. One key value proposition for sleuth’s corner is the generous accessibility of these researchers. Their openness to queries and their willingness to engage with those lack their endurance and acuity is something very special. The Sleuth Corner Spaces is an amazing weekly event… not to be missed.

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"The group has made mistakes — nowhere near on the scale of the mainstream sources like the New York Times, the New Yorker, the Guardian, CNN, and MSNBC that took the Steele material seriously for years, but still they’ve made them."

Matt, Matt, Matt! You still see this as a misguided and passionate mistake, don't you? Please put on your thinking cap like you did for the Great Financial "Crisis"... if you think of this as never-Trump passion play, the scope of it makes no sense. But if you think of it as a coup, it makes perfect sense.

Please try to see the full, hard to accept truth: it was a coup.

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Agreed. I think Matt's work is greatly complimented by sundance at the conservative tree house. He takes a much deeper look at the players and agencies involved and is definitely more of a 'deep state' view.

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What continues to amaze me, beyond the deep corruption, ,is the vast number of people involved- their complicity, iI not outright participation.

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Glen Greenwald made an important point in a Rumble video at the beginning of the war: Russiagate was so reckless because it poisoned relations between the U.S. and Russia, leading directly to the current conflict and the potential for much more catastrophic escalation to come.

Flynn was prosecuted for little more than talking to his diplomatic counterparts in Russia during the transition period. That marked the last time any meaningful de-escalatory diplomacy was possible. From there the impeachment fiasco left Trump no choice politically but to escalate further by arming Ukraine. The Russia scare then proved just as effective against Democratic dissenters like Tulsi Gabbard as against Republicans, leading to the current situation whereby no U.S. politician has any room to express de-escalatory talk.

The Russia scare worked: CNN blasting anti-Russia trash into American living rooms 24/7 had the desired political effect. Now it has taken on a life of its own. The falcon cannot hear the falconer. 74% and counting want a no fly zone, despite the nuclear risks. Putin may want that too: Russia's conventional forces seem to be losing, but they have an advantage in the nuclear arena, so it may be best to provoke that escalation, given they have already been cut off by the West. There seems to be a fatalism creeping into the media about these scenarios. They can't quite bring themselves to connect the dots though, forward to the grim future, and especially not backward to their complicity via Russiagate.

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We were a right to work state until lefty Evers got in. Hopefully we are rid of him soon.

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I would love to see an article that takes MSM journalists to task, by name, for their reporting on Russiagate. Charlie Savage, Phil Rucker, David Corn, Jim Sciutto, et al., as well as the editors of national media publications, had no interest in unravelling the truth. They were too busy playing their part in The Resistance. It would be edifying to have members of The Corner contrast in detail the MSM's "reporting" against their discoveries.

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Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations is doing a bit of the exposure I crave.

He does excellent work. He isn’t exclusively RussiaGate, and has an impressive article currently with a timeline on Ukraine shenanigans.

He includes hard evidence from a mixture of sources. Email, Senate reports, gov interviews, ect, and meshes together the time of each, into a solid timeline.

Outstanding work.

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Matt I meant your deep relevant knowledge and experience - love to learn your perspectives please! PS my own much less informed perspective is that we fully brought this on with incessant NATO and EU membership pressure, and were fully and repeatedly warned this is unacceptable and violence is all Putin has left. Even now we won't back down and negotiate a neutral status for example. Creating a zero sum game in which we might lose a great deal. All the progress in integrating Russia into our institutions post Cold War - GONE - that is a "win"?? But I am naive.

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Terry McAuliffe...I can't help but say again...I am happy that this particularly greasy skid mark has been laundered from the undershorts of The Republic.

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Ok, I am probably in the minority here. To boil this down, somebody made up a document saying Trump peed on a prostitute, he was connected to Russia, and he is a horrible person. Supposedly, democrats in power, set up this so that Trump would not win the election, if he did, then he would be impeached. EVERYONE who is named in the document lied, or was lied to by everyone. Some people went to jail, others did not. We found the FBI to be corrupt serving not the democrats, republicans or general public. We don’t know who they work for and we can add CIA and NSA to the mix (they work for themselves). MSM ran with the ball and went on and on about how bad Trump was. Election rolls around and democrats win this time. Questions are asked by many about votes, voting machines, a possibility that Biden did not win, but nothing comes of it. The general public (I am a part of this) notices that the press/media is up in arms over Trump, over elections, notices some things that add up to media control, controlled messages, videos and misrepresentation of events. We no longer trust media, government, and we find ourselves in even worse shape then when Trump was in office.

I did not vote for Trump and did not vote for Clinton. Sweet Meteor of death was my pick. Did I get this right?

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Trump still lost. I know it’s tough to admit but it’s true.

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I was disappointed in Horowitz’s report. Many nuggets of truth hidden in footnotes along with a reluctance to call a spade, a spade.

His level of uncooperativeness with Durham has revealed his motives.

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If Martin Gurri ever writes another follow up on Revolt of the Public, I feel like these guys could make it into the story.

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FYI -- Last summer Vladimir Putin wrote an article about the historical relationship between Russia and Ukraine.


In summary - US made Putin intervention "regrettable but NECESSARY".

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We need to fund these warriors of truth...

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Matt - maybe you would do a Callin to discuss your unique position wrt the events of the day?

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I don't think my position is terribly unique. I just think I'm not panting for war like most of the other people in media.

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James Schwaber2 hr ago

Matt I meant your deep relevant knowledge and experience - love to learn your perspectives please! PS my own much less informed perspective is that we fully brought this on with incessant NATO and EU membership pressure, and were fully and repeatedly warned this is unacceptable and violence is all Putin has left. Even now we won't back down and negotiate a neutral status for example. Creating a zero sum game in which we might lose a great deal. All the progress in integrating Russia into our institutions post Cold War - GONE - that is a "win"?? But I am naive.

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