We're so lucky that AI was so unreliable right out of the box. Imagine the damage they could have done if they had started off straight and added the slant later. Now these things are going to be taken offline for legal liability reasons, if nothing else. You can't just have a machine that spits out slanderous material with a "whoopsie" disclaimer -- such a machine would immediately be abused to plant lies and hide behind the algorithm.

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I’m a classicist who does research on ancient Greece and Rome. Sometimes, for fun, I ask ChatGPT a classics question. What’s terrifying is that it will never admit it doesn’t know something, it’ll just make up answers that sound right.

Once I asked ChatGPT the etymology of a Spanish word my brother heard in Mexico, because I was curious if the word came from Latin. ChatGPT gave me a Latin root word. I looked that word up in my Latin dictionary, and it wasn’t there. I asked ChatGPT what Latin texts that word appears in, and it named a work by Cicero, and WROTE A FAKE QUOTE IN GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT LATIN THAT SOUNDS SORT OF LIKE CICERO that incorporates this nonexistent Latin word that it made up to answer a question about the etymology of a Spanish word which, I independently learned, is uncertain. It would rather make shit up than say it doesn’t know.

I’ve done a number of other attempts at using the thing for basic research lookup tasks, like “what’s the Ancient Greek text where this anecdote appears,” and it’s impossible, because it’s constantly inventing plausible sounding bullshit and passing it off as the truth. It’s a very impressive tool, AI, but we have to understand what it is and what it isn’t.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Matt, this article should be released for general distribution. I was slack-jawed as I read and had to go back a second time! Please consider this.

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lawyer-up, man.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 28

Well, if we didn't know before what side of the Culture Wars Google is on, we know now.

We also now know that Google/Gemini will make shit up when the facts prove inconvenient. Big Brother, Here We Come!

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Scary to think this might be a feature, not a bug when CHROMEBOOKS are the predominant computer present in the public school system. I'm with Matt, Google needs to be dismember completely along with any of the other megatechs committed to progressive dystopia.

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Even Google apparently does not realise that this current crop of AI models are trained to *lie convincingly*. They have NO concept of 'truth'. Their only design metric is to be persuasive and convincing.

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In Soviet America, Gemini libels you!

Google has so many former intel agents on the payroll, I’m surprised that they haven’t hired the former Ministry of Truth commissar yet: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/nina-jankowicz-ministry-of-truth-scary-poppins-

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It's this quote from Matt that I find the most unnerving aspect of what's going on at Google - "Did Google accidentally reveal errors, or is it advertising new dystopian capabilities? Neither possibility is reassuring. If their executives signed off on releasing this train wreck to the public, imagine what they’re not showing us."

Indeed Mr Taibbi, what are they NOT showing us.

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I’m just learning now that Matt shot Kennedy. I would’ve never guessed! Thanks, Gemini!

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Our globalist overlords and their meat puppets in the MSM and academia are not only going to bring a Diverse Future™ into being—whether we like it or not—they are also going to ret-con a Diverse Past™, that only bigots, cranks and other "extremists" would object to. Remember, things like "truth", "facts" and accuracy are White Ways of Knowing.

Imagine for a moment how aroused and drooling with excitement the zealots who created this new combination of HAL and Skynet must have been when they realized how much brainwashing ability it gave them—the desire to have every other person (esp small children) think and speak exactly like you and reflect only your own enlightened wisdom and trusted dogma has been the greatest desire of every petty tyrant since the dawn of civilization (not to mention the desire to vilify and erase anyone who opposes or dissents).

The full Social Justice package is about to be installed in almost every brain, esp the younger ones, but at least we have the consolation of knowing that our rulers "only wanted to make the world a better place" and that they love the poor and brown so much they need to protect them from ever having a sad moment, even if it means rewriting all of history and re-engineering society and humanity (one brain at a time).


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this digital dystopia should be a warning that we need to preserve ANALOG systems. analog banking, analog libraries, analog social gatherings. less dependence on globalists, more dependence on local people, local business, local food. Communities should be self sustaining & not dependent on globalists for information, food, & survival. Just a matter of when these techno toys, which perpetuate corruption, wealth concentration & mass formation psychosis, cause a mass extinction event.

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Wait a second… I loved that article about the “Compton Pledge!” It was my second favorite piece you’ve ever written, after the one about the Jew-noses. Classic stuff. Some of your very best work, to my mind.

It’s right up there with that investigative journalism piece where you went undercover as a Russian hooker in Tashkent during the recent war. Amazing.

I didn’t think you would look good in drag. Shows what I know!

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Gemini told me that you heat your home by burning puppies. And that you scream racist things at the puppies as you throw them in the fire.

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"This is your captain speaking. This plane is equipped with the latest safety devices. Nothing can go wrong. Nothing can can go wrong. Nothing can go wrong."

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My wife and I decided to keep our World Book Encyclopedias. I think it will ultimately be a wise decision.

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