The Real Clear Politics National Average was removed by Wikipedia before the election and the New York Times denounced its failure to skew data. A solution to the "mystery" of crappy polling?
NPR and NYT are the Sacklers of news. They sell hopium and copium to exacerbate mental illness. Slanted polls made blueanons think the election is close, now they are devastated but will still swallow the propaganda and lies.
Holy jeebus, that NPR CEO is beyond hokum. Why hasn't she been fired by now. That talk of hers is alien level. Somebody from the WH on day one has to just eliminate her. She's a walking parody. Who talks like that?
“this radical openness… did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” I think she stole it from Kamala's stash of bright things to say once she was elected.
Someone tell "Corporate Buzzword Speak" an option on Google Translate now? Makes me wonder if these people really talk about this, or feed it into Google/ChatGPT and get these kinds of word salads.
These kinds of reactions are human nature...if your livelihood and social standing were in jeopardy, what would you do?
I have tried in earnest multiple times to carefully interpret the meaning of this postmodern-sounding turn of phrase. I have come up empty every time. Seriously WTF IS THIS PERSON SAYING?
She's just using buzzwords to express the standard lefty attitude toward free speech: Anything THEY think is acceptable is legitimate free speech; everything else is not legitimate and should be suppressed. It's exactly how all the Warsaw Pact countries insisted they had freedom of speech for the entire Cold War, and how the UK insists it has freedom of speech today.
A public square moderated to allow one set of controlling voices is the intentional state. Allowing all voices in the public square is radical openness.
What is sad is there are lefties that understand her phrasing as written. They are true believers in hate speech and believe the gov has the authority to stop speech it does not condone. - like the UK is now doing with fines and jail time.
The entelechy of actual openness is allowing winners to win, the meritocracy of the fittest. Like Manifest Destiny and Israel's future total victory, that is seen as a bad thing that must be slowed by the tyranny of governing authority.
PBS/NPR needs to go the way of the Dept of Ed and FEMA. Even if we are broadcast opera via PBS, apparently we rubes can't be salvaged. So, what's the point?
That's it. We're rubes ... filthy, unwashed, probably gangrenous. And anyone--left, right, center, lopsided, whatever--who is a bit skeptical of establishment polling is a rube, by definition.
One Mike to another - as a thought: Are we still surprised at poll manipulation to psyop an election after the 2008 crash revealed the fraud valuation of junk stocks and bonds as AAA by rating agencies? It's a rigged game. What part of "the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history" do we the people refuse to understand. DNC/Soros/Davos thugs working to rig the American judiciary. WEF/EU owned English totalitarian perps like Kier Starmer boastfully sending operatives to our nations capitol to "canvas" for Harris and bring down Elon Musk. J.Kerry and the toilet paper NYT declaring our Constitution an impediment to modern governance. The size of the LIE reveals the size of the corruption behind it. There is the American Republic, the Constitution and the free citizen. Everything else is psyop. Hold the line.
I was listening to Winston Marshall's podcast with Ashley Rindsberg. Wikimedia doesn't need our money any more. If I recall correctly, Rindsberg said that the organization has a war chest numbering in the hundreds of millions now.
They're all like that in the bureaucracy. If you think that's horrifying, understand that there are hundreds of thousands of people in government doing things that control your life, who think and talk precisely like her.
Government bureaucracies are basically upscale sheltered workshops. This is how they talk to one other in order to blunt self-awareness, to hide from themselves while manipulating others. In the end it's quite a balancing act. People used to take government jobs for the security but once they are in them long enough that morphs into revenge on society, on the real world, for their own inadequacies.
She absolutely deserves such a sexist remark. She is the epitome of the dumb blonde, intensified to moronic imbecile level with a heavy dose of deceived demonic deceiver. She's evil beyond the point of insanity. Instead of giggling dizziness she oozes pure nonsense disguised as competence. Whichever ism you choose to employ to deflate her, go right ahead. Be hateful! She deserves it!
Musk wants federal funding for NPR stopped. A good start, but yes that NPR CEO is loaded with toxic phrases and woke ideology. I found her rhetoric odious, but why wouldn't I, a white male object to all that venom tossed my way. Liberals can't seem to pee out all that woke kool-aid.
Benny, I'm guessing she would be outraged that you ask who talks like that. She will retort that she does not talk. She speaks. And she will immediately sniff you out as a misogynist.
I found myself quickly falling asleep as I listened to her drone.
Listening is one thing understanding is totally something else, I might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but that was one hell of a unique word salad. I did very much understand she’s not keen on white men🤣
Now I understand why DEI universities are so prolific and important. It must take years of "education" to come up with a convulated a statement as she made and only those in the "norm" (fellow lefty degree holders) to understand what the hell it means. That circular word salad would make Kamala so proud.
Concur. Creepy as hell -- not only what she says, but also how she says it. Pathological to an extreme. The most definitive example ever for not giving another dollar to NPR and shutting it down immediately.
The mouthpieces of institutional America have been damaged, but are intact. Most important is that the institutions the mouthpieces represent are intact. Institutions have been preparing for a second Trump presidency since January 2017.
What we are witnessing now are the early stage skirmishes of an all-out assault by the Trump insurgency on America's institutions. Expect casualties, defeats, and compromises on both sides. Rick Scott is not in control of the Senate - right now the American people are. Thune is the placeholder of America's institutions and understands well the threat Trump represents.
Institutional America will play rope-a-dope with Trump and his allies - to the degree they can. The polls don't matter, nor does Wiki. What matters are clean streets and safe schools. Americans are looking for results.
Expect Trump to use the media to make his us versus them case - all institutions remain highly vulnerable - the entire array of America's institutions failed to stop the American people from electing their change agent. That's Trump's mandate.
Expect Trump to press home his case for his nominees aggressively - all the facts COVID, endless wars, chronic health problems, waste, theft, graft, inefficiency are on the side of the insurgents.
Trump's only hope is to go for the throat. Trump's picks confirm he's going to do exactly that - polls and the NYT be damned. Elon and Vivek are just the first of many likely to support the reform of America's institutions towards efficiency. Thank god.
Best practices: choose a radically polarizing person like Schiff as your leader; deputize legislators with extremely limited power and electorates to answer to; broadcast your secret plan to everyone and expect no legal ramifications to arise once you implement it. Yeah, it could work.<sarcasm>
The question is whether America's institutions (essentially the 1%) will remain in control of it all and continue to let politics be a proxy for their internecine economic warfare. They have their own version of 'clean' nuclear weapons which generate cultural EMP's via IT and the Media. Is Trump actually a renegade oligarch or is he just marshalling the power of the neglected majority for advantage in that war? Or their pied piper acting on the behalf of the 1%? Or both?
That is the best description of these two that I've ever heard. It does follow the big pharma playbook. First develop a need (TDS) and then feed the fever until...oops, the jigs up!
The one pole that matters is the election. Ban poles for at least two weeks before the election and exit poles until at least 2 weeks after. Let the people decide!
This is why they fill the air with conspiracy theories about musk using Starlink satellites to reprogram voting machines, because they were told Harris was leading and going to win so a Trump blowout must be a fix.
Maybe they could instead ask where the other 11 million votes Biden got in 2020 went?
Well, the die-hard partisans actually are asking where those votes went. However, they do it with a completely unironic lack of recognition that such votes have never surfaced before, or since, 2020.
We need to embrace “living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” and very intentionality, right out in the open, proceed to strip ALL federal funding from NPR immediately, and then auction all their assets off, and give it to Alex Jones to launch NPI (National Public Infowars). Meanwhile that wikistain of a charlatan that’s runs NPR can go get a job at the NYCrimes. All Things Considered that would be a breath of Fresh Air.
Yuri — If NPR and the Times published accurate polls (or accurate news, for that matter), their progressive audiences would go someplace else, where they would get the fake news they really want.
That’s why they are fleeing X for more “moderated” social media, where dissident voicee are muted.
If you're a fan of a great author would you want to read adulterated versions of that author's works? So why would you want to read honest news once you've committed to the crap churned out by the MSM?
I caught the tail end of an NPR radio story today which seemed to be reporting poll results on how folks rated President-elect Trump's performance (?!) No kidding. According to these guys, "91% of Republicans viewed his performance favorably, while less than a quarter of Democrats did so."
This whole article makes too big a deal of two things:
1) The importance of a Wikipedia page that got 30,000 views a day compared to a polling aggregation page (RCP) that had many dedicated readers already and >1,000,000 views a day (just for the polling page, not the main RCP content links pages)
2) what four volunteer Wikipedia editors did without significant discussion or thoroughness. Matt's phrasing seems to misunderstand and misstate how WP works.
But the way Taibbi writes you'd think there was a desk of Vice Presidents at WP making these decisions and actually discussing them before publishing. It's just unfair to call two days of no RCP representation anything other than an edit made by one dude that others reversed when they got around to looking at it.
Glenn Greenwald has reported on CIA manipulation of Wikipedia. If it were free and independent it would not be promoted at the top of Google search results.
I'm talking about this case, not in general or things the CIA would care more about. It doesn't take the CIA to do what happened here, it took like three people with TDS... plenty of those out there. Pretty much one dude deleted it and that was enough.
Well, if someone had been fired for that from WP, then maybe that explanation would fly. But no one was fired, which means the top brass were totally ok with it.
NPR and NYT are the Sacklers of news. They sell hopium and copium to exacerbate mental illness. Slanted polls made blueanons think the election is close, now they are devastated but will still swallow the propaganda and lies.
Holy jeebus, that NPR CEO is beyond hokum. Why hasn't she been fired by now. That talk of hers is alien level. Somebody from the WH on day one has to just eliminate her. She's a walking parody. Who talks like that?
“this radical openness… did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” I think she stole it from Kamala's stash of bright things to say once she was elected.
I'll give it credit: Quite an original turn of phrase. Something like "radical breathing" keeps mammals alive.
Wading into “aggressively neutral” territory.
Actually that makes more sense than "radical goodness".
Someone tell "Corporate Buzzword Speak" an option on Google Translate now? Makes me wonder if these people really talk about this, or feed it into Google/ChatGPT and get these kinds of word salads.
These kinds of reactions are human nature...if your livelihood and social standing were in jeopardy, what would you do?
I have tried in earnest multiple times to carefully interpret the meaning of this postmodern-sounding turn of phrase. I have come up empty every time. Seriously WTF IS THIS PERSON SAYING?
She's just using buzzwords to express the standard lefty attitude toward free speech: Anything THEY think is acceptable is legitimate free speech; everything else is not legitimate and should be suppressed. It's exactly how all the Warsaw Pact countries insisted they had freedom of speech for the entire Cold War, and how the UK insists it has freedom of speech today.
A public square moderated to allow one set of controlling voices is the intentional state. Allowing all voices in the public square is radical openness.
What is sad is there are lefties that understand her phrasing as written. They are true believers in hate speech and believe the gov has the authority to stop speech it does not condone. - like the UK is now doing with fines and jail time.
The entelechy of actual openness is allowing winners to win, the meritocracy of the fittest. Like Manifest Destiny and Israel's future total victory, that is seen as a bad thing that must be slowed by the tyranny of governing authority.
What can you say about that that hasn't already been said by Dr. Lexus from Idiocracy?
It's a big world Ryan.
PBS/NPR needs to go the way of the Dept of Ed and FEMA. Even if we are broadcast opera via PBS, apparently we rubes can't be salvaged. So, what's the point?
That's it. We're rubes ... filthy, unwashed, probably gangrenous. And anyone--left, right, center, lopsided, whatever--who is a bit skeptical of establishment polling is a rube, by definition.
The polls are in. 89% (with a margin of error of 92%) of Commiecratz say we're deplorables and garbage.
One Mike to another - as a thought: Are we still surprised at poll manipulation to psyop an election after the 2008 crash revealed the fraud valuation of junk stocks and bonds as AAA by rating agencies? It's a rigged game. What part of "the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history" do we the people refuse to understand. DNC/Soros/Davos thugs working to rig the American judiciary. WEF/EU owned English totalitarian perps like Kier Starmer boastfully sending operatives to our nations capitol to "canvas" for Harris and bring down Elon Musk. J.Kerry and the toilet paper NYT declaring our Constitution an impediment to modern governance. The size of the LIE reveals the size of the corruption behind it. There is the American Republic, the Constitution and the free citizen. Everything else is psyop. Hold the line.
I am not sure how much of that is true ... but enough probably is to be terrifying.
She's the reason Uri Berliner had to tell his story
She's also the reason i stopped donating to wikimedia this year.
I was listening to Winston Marshall's podcast with Ashley Rindsberg. Wikimedia doesn't need our money any more. If I recall correctly, Rindsberg said that the organization has a war chest numbering in the hundreds of millions now.
It was a fascinating and deeply disturbing episode:
I enjoy Winston--thanks for the link Maggie
Likewise. And wish I could recover past donations, although they were not large.
The woke upspeak is strong with this one.
They're all like that in the bureaucracy. If you think that's horrifying, understand that there are hundreds of thousands of people in government doing things that control your life, who think and talk precisely like her.
It would surprise me to see those "hundreds of thousands" shrink down to far more manageable numbers in the next 4-8 years.
Government bureaucracies are basically upscale sheltered workshops. This is how they talk to one other in order to blunt self-awareness, to hide from themselves while manipulating others. In the end it's quite a balancing act. People used to take government jobs for the security but once they are in them long enough that morphs into revenge on society, on the real world, for their own inadequacies.
…upscale shelter workshops… ahahahaha!
While they're holding steaks and leaning into the fire.
Kamala Harris's verbal twin.
They share a single iq point.
Let me be clear.........Everything, ... is part of something else.
The reason she hasn’t been fired is the same reason she was hired.
At least she's decent to look at.
That's why she was hired, but whatever happened to "a face for radio?"
or a face only a mother could love?
That's the mistake countless men have made, I am sure.
She absolutely deserves such a sexist remark. She is the epitome of the dumb blonde, intensified to moronic imbecile level with a heavy dose of deceived demonic deceiver. She's evil beyond the point of insanity. Instead of giggling dizziness she oozes pure nonsense disguised as competence. Whichever ism you choose to employ to deflate her, go right ahead. Be hateful! She deserves it!
how does she keep that couch clean tho
At least. For sure. But also at most.
Though perhaps revealingly accompanied by myriad pointy graphics in her furnishings and clothing. Such passive-aggressive decor!!😉
Please do not reproduce with her!
Musk wants federal funding for NPR stopped. A good start, but yes that NPR CEO is loaded with toxic phrases and woke ideology. I found her rhetoric odious, but why wouldn't I, a white male object to all that venom tossed my way. Liberals can't seem to pee out all that woke kool-aid.
Benny, I'm guessing she would be outraged that you ask who talks like that. She will retort that she does not talk. She speaks. And she will immediately sniff you out as a misogynist.
I found myself quickly falling asleep as I listened to her drone.
Could you imagine the long meetings? Shoot me.
Thinning the herd ... Mooooo ...
Listening is one thing understanding is totally something else, I might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but that was one hell of a unique word salad. I did very much understand she’s not keen on white men🤣
I’M TALKING (my best Kamala imitation)
She's speaking.
Someone should try asking her to explain her "speech" in "other words". The result would be both cringy and hilarious.
She IS an ALIEN.
Now I understand why DEI universities are so prolific and important. It must take years of "education" to come up with a convulated a statement as she made and only those in the "norm" (fellow lefty degree holders) to understand what the hell it means. That circular word salad would make Kamala so proud.
Concur. Creepy as hell -- not only what she says, but also how she says it. Pathological to an extreme. The most definitive example ever for not giving another dollar to NPR and shutting it down immediately.
Kamala does 😆
I think they just hired her this year lol
Yup. After listener numbers were tanking, and I'll bet those numbers are still going south. And you and I are paying for that.
The mouthpieces of institutional America have been damaged, but are intact. Most important is that the institutions the mouthpieces represent are intact. Institutions have been preparing for a second Trump presidency since January 2017.
What we are witnessing now are the early stage skirmishes of an all-out assault by the Trump insurgency on America's institutions. Expect casualties, defeats, and compromises on both sides. Rick Scott is not in control of the Senate - right now the American people are. Thune is the placeholder of America's institutions and understands well the threat Trump represents.
Institutional America will play rope-a-dope with Trump and his allies - to the degree they can. The polls don't matter, nor does Wiki. What matters are clean streets and safe schools. Americans are looking for results.
Expect Trump to use the media to make his us versus them case - all institutions remain highly vulnerable - the entire array of America's institutions failed to stop the American people from electing their change agent. That's Trump's mandate.
Expect Trump to press home his case for his nominees aggressively - all the facts COVID, endless wars, chronic health problems, waste, theft, graft, inefficiency are on the side of the insurgents.
Trump's only hope is to go for the throat. Trump's picks confirm he's going to do exactly that - polls and the NYT be damned. Elon and Vivek are just the first of many likely to support the reform of America's institutions towards efficiency. Thank god.
“And you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone…”~R. Dylan
"The mouthpieces of institutional America have been damaged, but are intact...."
Think of the Death Star after Star Wars 5.
Expect this also -
Best practices: choose a radically polarizing person like Schiff as your leader; deputize legislators with extremely limited power and electorates to answer to; broadcast your secret plan to everyone and expect no legal ramifications to arise once you implement it. Yeah, it could work.<sarcasm>
It's just a repeat of what they did between 2017 thru 2020 - all out in the open. Need to save our democracy you know..
AbsoF&lutely Delusional!
There's no need to insult yourself like this.
The question is whether America's institutions (essentially the 1%) will remain in control of it all and continue to let politics be a proxy for their internecine economic warfare. They have their own version of 'clean' nuclear weapons which generate cultural EMP's via IT and the Media. Is Trump actually a renegade oligarch or is he just marshalling the power of the neglected majority for advantage in that war? Or their pied piper acting on the behalf of the 1%? Or both?
That is the best description of these two that I've ever heard. It does follow the big pharma playbook. First develop a need (TDS) and then feed the fever until...oops, the jigs up!
The one pole that matters is the election. Ban poles for at least two weeks before the election and exit poles until at least 2 weeks after. Let the people decide!
This is why they fill the air with conspiracy theories about musk using Starlink satellites to reprogram voting machines, because they were told Harris was leading and going to win so a Trump blowout must be a fix.
Maybe they could instead ask where the other 11 million votes Biden got in 2020 went?
Well, the die-hard partisans actually are asking where those votes went. However, they do it with a completely unironic lack of recognition that such votes have never surfaced before, or since, 2020.
We need to embrace “living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” and very intentionality, right out in the open, proceed to strip ALL federal funding from NPR immediately, and then auction all their assets off, and give it to Alex Jones to launch NPI (National Public Infowars). Meanwhile that wikistain of a charlatan that’s runs NPR can go get a job at the NYCrimes. All Things Considered that would be a breath of Fresh Air.
This can only lead to National Public Onion. Sounds good to me.
Washington Bee.
Yuri — If NPR and the Times published accurate polls (or accurate news, for that matter), their progressive audiences would go someplace else, where they would get the fake news they really want.
That’s why they are fleeing X for more “moderated” social media, where dissident voicee are muted.
If you're a fan of a great author would you want to read adulterated versions of that author's works? So why would you want to read honest news once you've committed to the crap churned out by the MSM?
I have never heard of “hopium” and “copium.” Perfect descriptors for unethical Demoncrats.
The Hopiod Epidemic started under president Obama was mind-twerking shit. The inferior-grade hokium and wokium we see now is ideological fentanyl.
eventually the 'folks' will come to realize having one/s head up one's @$$ is indeed a burden.
Burdened by what is behind. LOL. 😁
Total truth!!
I caught the tail end of an NPR radio story today which seemed to be reporting poll results on how folks rated President-elect Trump's performance (?!) No kidding. According to these guys, "91% of Republicans viewed his performance favorably, while less than a quarter of Democrats did so."
This whole article makes too big a deal of two things:
1) The importance of a Wikipedia page that got 30,000 views a day compared to a polling aggregation page (RCP) that had many dedicated readers already and >1,000,000 views a day (just for the polling page, not the main RCP content links pages)
2) what four volunteer Wikipedia editors did without significant discussion or thoroughness. Matt's phrasing seems to misunderstand and misstate how WP works.
WP works that way consistently. It's not like this was an aberration.
Maybe we could crowdsource here all the times "the way WP works" inadvertently misrepresented the positions or statements of the Left.
It shouldn't take long.
We can do this.
If by "it shouldn't take long" you mean several years, then yes.
Unless you count making leftist issues look rosier than they are….then, there is not enough time in the world…
But the way Taibbi writes you'd think there was a desk of Vice Presidents at WP making these decisions and actually discussing them before publishing. It's just unfair to call two days of no RCP representation anything other than an edit made by one dude that others reversed when they got around to looking at it.
Glenn Greenwald has reported on CIA manipulation of Wikipedia. If it were free and independent it would not be promoted at the top of Google search results.
I'm talking about this case, not in general or things the CIA would care more about. It doesn't take the CIA to do what happened here, it took like three people with TDS... plenty of those out there. Pretty much one dude deleted it and that was enough.
Well, if someone had been fired for that from WP, then maybe that explanation would fly. But no one was fired, which means the top brass were totally ok with it.
Linda, my point is that this audience seems to completely misunderstand what Wikipedia even is, and you have fed heavily into that point.
Good Lord, wake up.
What do you think the Lord would say to you if he did wake up? Go ahead, give me your version of his direct quote to you:
Wow. You are well and truly lost.