They'll be back, with a different name, in a different guise, being more discreet but they'll be back.

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While I completely distrust these people, I believe Twitter Files was pivotal in forcing these criminals to shutter this project. Awesome work!! But their need for power will overcome them and they’ll soon be back...spinning a web of disinformation to Americans about their importance in censoring domestic actors. Once again...GREAT JOB MATT and TEAM

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

And this reshuffle is supposed to make us 'comfortable' - that our own government isn't attacking us on a daily basis? I have never feared the government & politicians as much as I do now @ 65 plus years old...I don't feel as if the government has our best interests at hand no matter how much they 'reorganize'.

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Great reporting, Matt. "MDM" is simply not compatible with free speech. I'm less concerned about being fooled by Russian or Chinese disinformation than I am of my own government trying to silence Americans' right to question any and all policies.

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Seems fair to say you can disregard any "information" coming from the overlords. This is all a smoke and mirrors ploy to distract.

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One thing the government appears to have mastered: combining business jargon and academic jargon into indecipherable gobbledygook.

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Prediction: they'll still do it but just not tell anyone. -- Signed, Captain Obvious

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Don't we already have a disinformation governance board? It's called the mainstream media. I think its Chair is Rachel Maddow.

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Basically, the spooks decided that it was better to outsource the job to Big Tech, as this insulates the censorship function from unwanted election results, not to mention pesky FOIA and civil rights suits.

Sort of like how Sheriff Buford was The Law In This Heah County when it came to arresting civil rights activists on laughable pretexts, but he was just a private citizen exercising his constitutional rights when he felt it incumbent to inform the local sawmill owner that some of his workers were seen attending NAACP meetin's.

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The government didn't just burn this bridge.... they dynamited it.

I cannot envision a time when trust will be restored to our elected leaders, their appointees or their bullhorns in the media. If our government tells me it's sunny and warm, I'm bringing a ski jacket.

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Given Congress is in the process of resurrecting the Sedition Act as we speak, the elimination of monitoring of "domestic sources" strikes me as potentially preparation for authorizing investigating anyone who challenges the official narrative as a "foreign agent". And yes, I AM paranoid, as should be anyone who's paying attention.

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I’m probably stating the obvious, but if a government agency told me that they were debunking some conspiracy, I would absolutely believe the conspiracy. I can’t be alone in this. It would not be the move I’d recommend if a goal is to create a more trusting, transparent environment.

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I have a friend who always says, "...these things get exposed, but nothing ever happens..." I have to tell her that she's not going to hear about it generally on TicToc or in even the alt media she may catch in a busy schedule. But THINGS DO HAPPEN, like this - an entire new hub of Orwellian nastyness has not started, or gotten entrenched, only to have to be worked on for decades to root out, expose and finally disband.

It just happens quietly. Thank you for the yeoman's work and labor you have put in on this project Mr. Taibbi - I told friends about you years ago, and you have only risen to greater heights of merit in your professional work, despite all the blocks and obstacles. Your vision and voice mean the world to so many people. Really enjoy your weekly talk round up too. <3

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Thank God for ACTUAL reporters doing their actual job!

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Matt , you’re a treasure. Will digest if I can, but this topic has me checking to see if I have enough Rolaids. To think that the taxpayer funds people who want only two things each of which trump all other considerations.

1) the first to be re-elected, and all activities are taken depending on whether they tick enough re-election boxes.

2) the second is also to be re-elected, knowing that gaming for personal gain will be easier the second time around.

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Has even ONE person been fired? Demoted?

If the answer is no then the lesson has not been learned.

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