Matt - one of your commenters wrote that he ‘would never forgive himself’ for buying into the bullshit in 2020. My immediate reaction, and that of all the replies he got was (a) to immediately forgive him, and (b) to welcome him to the team. The fact you cared enough to write this piece warrants the same response, imho.

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Matt, I appreciate your honesty and commitment to good journalism.

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Better late than never. I Harbour no ill will to those that were originally team vaccine (that team including pro lock-downs, ignoring natural immunity, etc.) so long as they come to the realization they were duped and I did not kill grandma.

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You need to get out ahead of the excess mortality story. Don't let that one be a ball drop as well. 150,000 more people have died so far this year than what would normally be expected and many of them are young. That excess mortality is not due to covid and the increase in excess mortality started right around the time that the shots were mandated. This is all documented in government sources and it's easy to corroborate and you guys aren't touching it with a 10-ft pole. If you want to make up for past lapses this is your chance but it will take some courage so go for it I've got your back:-) no one is talking about this and the excess mortality is primarily concentrated in Western countries that had ample access to vaccines whereas countries that did not have access to vaccines are not seeing the same Spike. If it's true that the vaccines are causing even young people to die of various causes at such an enormous rate then this is the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated and it will go on and on and on for years perhaps decades. Don't be late to this party.

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You're the best. So grateful you exist.

Rolling Stone is missing out on a damned fine journalist. Whatever happened to them and those who respect truth and Gonzo...too bad, so very sad.

Ah, we're so lucky to have you, Matt. Free and filled with integrity. Chapeau.

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If Fauci is the warm-up dictator, Newsom is the closer. We live in a world where everyone has access to information, but most of the population does not think critically and do their own research. That is how Fauci can get away with his heinous crimes and Azerbaijan can conduct a genocide in plain sight over the past year without any punishment: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/artsakh-christian-armenian-genocide-azerbaijan

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Authenticity matters and that is why I'm a subscriber to Racket News. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on being late to the game. I have complete respect for you as a journalist and as a human being. It saddens me that there aren't more journalists like you out there.

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Matt, This is great work and vitally important, but to add another but... what's missing is the impact of the vaccine. John Campbell, Jessica Rose, Dr. Peter McCullough and so many others have cited endless papers and studies documenting in detail the devastating impact of the COVID vaccines on health and mortality. This vast terrain goes untouched in the mainstream. I hope you take a gander at this taboo topic.

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And the people who were wrong refuse to admit as much. If something like the pandemic ever happens again, they'll revert to the same playbook. Without accountability, that's what's going to happen.

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Matt, you have NOTHING to apologize for, explicitly or implicitly.

Your work on the Twitter Files was herculean.

I was deep into the actual biological data starting in Jan 2020 and while the scam was clear to a lot of us, I could easily see how some people would have different aspects / issues they would concentrate on, especially during the “Fog of War” of a complex technical issue that was actively hidden. If you spent your Journalism expertise on scientific battles, you would leave the bigger First Amendment monster unattended.

Carry on, dude. You know your game.

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I never expected Racket News to cover everything. In the COVID period it was a relief that you were looking at topics like "Democrats and Civil Liberties (May 2020); an interview with Daniel Ellsberg (March 2021); "Afghanistan: We Never Learn (Aug. 2021) or "A Culture War in Four Acts: Loudon County, VA" (Dec 2021).

But in scanning the archives I see you did cover much of the censoring that was going on around COVID-- maybe not with a laser focus, but you were consistent on the topic and added to our overall picture of how the COVID story was shaped in one direction.

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I would guess that had your attention not been diverted by approximately 17 to 22 distinct scandals of similarly unprecedented scale since 2019 or so, you would have specialized as a covid realist as early as anyone at the vanguard of this disconnected movement. And it's not like you were ever on the side of any known scuzzballs; I don't miss a post, and it looks to me like all along you simply didn't engage covid lies as deeply and frequently as other realists owing to the "flaw" of having only so much time to donate in a given day.

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Honestly, in a lot of ways I'm glad you were late to the party, Matt. Because you're someone I trust to make a brutally honest assessment, and because you had no dog in the fight from early days. So when you started writing about this massive suppression of honest, scientific discourse around Covid, and how Fauci's behavior looked hinky as fuck, it felt a lot more validating than it would coming from someone who had been right there with us all along.

I think history will look back and see this time as deeply shameful, not least for the global-scale violation of the Nuremberg Protocols and the very probably thousands of people who have died as a result, but as people who are living through unprecedented-scale institutional deception, maybe we also have to cut ourselves some slack for not always spotting the lie.

You and Michael Shellenberger and Bari Weiss are heroes of the age, and thank all of you for the Twitter Files.

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This should be nailed to the front door of the Columbia Univ. School of Journalism, with a sticky note - "how to establish and maintain credibility".

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I’m a doctor. I was very pro-jab at first. Eventually, I caught on to the lies, the suppression of truth, and the utter, appalling corruption in the governmental and medical institutions. Truth is that Fauci and his cronies lied and people died. They deserve the worst possible sentence. Death is too lenient.

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Matt is the best: he is a soothsayer.

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