FOIA Library: The University of California
One of the country's most influential school systems ponders "the evolving definition of academic freedom," in a way that's more than a little unsettling.
Racket has received FOIA documents in big bunches lately, including another 1,000+ pages from a West Coast school just yesterday. We’re going through them and writing them up as efficiently as we can. Today, you’ll be reading two stories about documents delivered to us from the University of California system: one by James Rushmore, and one by Matt Taibbi. Be on the lookout for those in the next minutes.
Both stories reference this new addition to the Racket FOIA library. While we suggest reading the writeups first, please of course feel free to go through the raw documents. Here are 1,400+ pages from the University of California, Irvine:
Damn, Matt! Do you feel like you're paddling a row boat into a tsunami? I gotta hand it to you, you are a true warrior
My family has been involved with UC Berkeley since 1904, at the professor level when my great grandfather started teaching there. He wasn't the first Jew to teach there, merely the second. And, quite sadly, I do not think he would be allowed to stay there at this time.