Calling someone out on their censorship is hate speech.

Got it.

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Facebook is beyond hope.

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Censors gonna censor

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You know you have got imperial attention when the old "hate speech" is trotted out.

So proud that with all of the failing, failed US institutions currently at work to stay the Unipolar imperial power, it is quite remarkable that they have the time to pay attention to "the racket".

Again! Great reporting/journalism here. Thrilled to get this kind of information into the hands of the public.

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Can't make this shit up.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

Interesting that entire groups of people are not to be denied. I was vaccine injured and can attest that it feels "hateful" to refuse to acknowledge how I was harmed, to pretend I don't exist and deny my experience.

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The powers that be are petrified of the red-pilled normie.

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Matt, thanks for persevering. The work you are doing is important and it makes me feel optimistic for my 1.5 and 6 mos. old granddaughters that there are people doing work like yours. (OK, well, a few people.) It's really important, it is why I (and many others) subscribe, and -- sooner or later -- the truth is going to win (OK, that last one is a leap of faith).

I don't post a thank you as often as I should - even when you are reporting bad news, you give me hope because at least someone is reporting real news. Keep at it!

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How long is it going to take this guy to realize what time it is? Yes, they are censoring you. Yes, they sent the IRS to your home, next time it will be the FBI. They are trying to burn the country to the ground.

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Does anyone still use Facebook?

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Good for you fighting this. Facebook is incredibly bias and corrupt.

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We live in very strange times. Aside from the faithful who read Substack, Racket News and similar independent news, if you are one who only follows "traditional" media, you would have no idea what is going on. Believe me, I know quite a few. And the worst part is that when you alert them, they think you are nuts. Anything not in the "mainstream" is labeled white supremist, conspiratorial and/or Russian disinformation. What ever happened to critical thinking? Weren't journalists supposed to be suspicious by nature?

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I put it up on Facebook and so far it is not censored. Maybe targeted to your account.

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Ever since The Twitter Files exposed the cooperation between the Censorship Industrial Complex and big tech, platforms like Meta can no longer dodge the First Amendment by relying the argument that because they're a private forum they can censor anything they want. They can and should be held to the same standards as their government sponsors.

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I'm willing to bet that the reason your work is being censored by Meta has nothing to do with an algorithm. It's been deliberately blocked because it questions a certain narrative and because it's TRUE.

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Like Whittaker Chambers, I fear I am on the losing side, but I will not give up hope.

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