A question for Matt, if you have the time:

When do you think Durham realized it was all a giant lie, and why did he sit on that information for as long as he did? There's zero chance that this 'investigation' took this long.

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F*ck the FBI & the US security state. They just don’t even try to cloak their corruption anymore.....it’s simply done right out in the open b/c they know there are really no consequences. We’re in deeper trouble than ever with no end in sight.

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I know multiple upscale white liberals in brownstone Brooklyn who first showed off their RBG swag; then this was pushed aside for the Mueller swag and songs and hagiography; then Mueller was replaced by St. Fauci, whose masks and T-shirts must by now have been passed down to their servants. And all these people swear that they're free-thinking atheists!! LOL

November 2016 may be to our century what August 1914 was to the previous one. This marks the date when our supposed elite leadership class, our most credentialed and degreed intellectual and cultural leaders etc, all lost their minds in a mass mania that eroded their ability to think clearly, that transformed them all into raging eliminationist zealots, that has inflicted them with a possibly terminal case of unhinged fanatacism, and that has turned them into all the things they once claimed to hate.

American liberals in about 50 years have gone from "Live and let live" to "Denounce or be denounced!"

It's been 7 years now and still no signs of any sanity, comity or return to normalcy. Our postliberal, postrational, post-democratic future has arrived.

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I'm of the impression the Nation as we know it is done. It will continue, ofc, as a vastly different population with a much weaker role in geopolitics. Worse than that, millions of ppl dont give 2 shits. Most of those are actually so dimwitted and apathetic they think people like Taibbi, Greenwald, Mate, Blumenthal, Gabbard, Fang, Shellenberger, Zweig, Dore, et al are all 'right wing grifters' and the like. They have zero sense of self reflection, are self deluded to the extent they not only cant/wont see their own naivete, but actually see themselves as morally/ethically/politically superior, and will continue to buy into the deception right in front of them without a fucking clue, man. WTF happened? Ffs, the Left has left. Where is Chomsky? N Robinson? B Woodward? Bernie? ALL SILENT. Severely depressing....

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Thank you for being the only substack purple check that does real journalism. In contrast, Rather, Reich, Richardson et al are regurgitating regime talking points to downplay this damning report. This soft coup is just another step in the deep state color revolution playbook, which was tested abroad and deployed domestically for the first time against trump: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Now Taibbi is getting serious. Keep fighting. Best $5/month ever.

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The fact that we don't seem to have a law against ginning up totally spurious "opposition research," laundering it through the FBI, and then shooting it out to the supine media so they can generate an epic Washington, DC media scrum that is used to justify appointing a special prosecutor is rather disturbing to me.

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So... it appears that the FBI/intel communities fed “inside info” to their trusted outlets (NYT, Wapo, etc)... which then published the completely unsubstantiated stories... then the FBI turned around and used the published stories as probable cause? Wow.

I bet they’ve been doing these maneuvers for decades. Trump derangement made them downright sloppy.

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Read "The Origins of Totalitarianism." Arendt shows how totalitarianism gains and holds power by attacking the very idea of truth.

That tactic depends on support from large numbers of isolated individuals who willingly believe lies in order to relieve their isolation.

I'm afraid that's where we are now.

"Shine, perishing republic." Robinson Jeffers saw all this a century ago.

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The level of capture by all the media, put together in this essay. I don't have any words just now, but Jimmy Fallon as Bruce Springsteen is one of the worst things I've ever seen.

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It’s not too late. The issue isn’t timing, the issue is the cartel of Intelligence Agency/ Deep State hand in hand with Politicians , Corporate & Social Media have decided they will never admit fault , always push the narrative and call everything else misinformation and conspiracy theories.

We are told that white supremacy is the greatest threat even if the government needs to manufacture it. That climate change is another massive threat to America but having a debt that’s larger than our GDP isn’t.

It’s too late cause the game is over and we lost.

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This report documents a treasonous and traitorous attempt by senior members of the intelligence community to overthrow an existing, duly elected US administration. Hard to believe Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et al are not in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.

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And yet the media is laughing and ridiculing Durham. Thanks for voicing frustration I’m feeling… so well.

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The thing that continues to gnaw at me is this simple idea: Does anyone on the Left, or in the Democratic Party feel even a twinge of queasiness at the findings in this report knowing or imagining a new Republican admin could do the same to them? I get it--- after the initial flush of rationalization that our Intel agencies saved us from the orange antichrist do they have any moment thinking, "What if the other party was in power with these same agencies at the ready. Could a Democrat frontrunner be framed with the power of the state?" I don't hear any such unease. We're so fuc**

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It's interesting it drops 7 months after the mid terms

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What a sad time we live in.

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