This is the same American corporate press which will collectively wig out over a stage layout at CPAC that supposedly resembles an ancient Norse rune used as a Nazi symbol (https://archive.is/5w1iK), or flamboyantly accuse a staffer seen making the "OK" sign at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing of utilizing "Nazi dogwhistles." (https://archive.is/xdvP7)

But a Totenkopf patch designed by a company named Reich is just an unfortunate coincidence of bad optics. Sure.

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The Grandfathers of the nationalist movement in Ukraine that assumed power in the 2014 coup were Nazi era collaborators. This included forming SS units to round up Jews and fight the Red Army, and included two full divisions of Ukrainian soldiers who helped the Third Reich man the Atlantic Wall in France, where Ukrainian soldiers battled the D-Day landing forces on Germany's behalf. Yes, you read that right. Allied forces on D-Day fought Ukrainian troops who were part of the Third Reich. Today's Ukrainian nationalists are Nazi-loving and hate Russians for among other things "race mixing" and not remaining "true Slav's." Those are their ideas, not mine. No amount of MSM whitewashing is going to cover up why Ukrainian units have Nazi symbols or hide the fact that this current Ukrainian government and its thugs are fully fueled by hate and are brutally amoral.

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Meanwhile, these same people think anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a veritable Nazi.

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It's important to realize that according to the New York Times only people who disagree with the reporters politically can be Nazis. J6 rioters are Nazis, anti-trans parents are Nazis, don't say gay bill supporters are Nazis, but Freedom Fighting Ukrainians with swastikas, deathheads, runes, 88 patches/tattoos/embroidery etc. can't be Nazis, because the New York Times supports the Ukraine war. However, Putin and Russians who don't have swastikas, deathheads, SS logos, runes, 88 etc. patches/tattoos/embroidery are 100% Nazis, because the New York Times is against them.

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Lol what a stupid stupid war

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Thanks Matt. All the News That’s Printed to Fit?

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Roger Waters has to be investigated for performance art where he dons a Nazi uniform to protest authoritarian dictators and war, yet this is perfectly ok? I think this should be explored in James Comey’s next novel.

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This is the story of the genocide by the Ukrainian People (Nazis) who mass murdered my family and all Jews in Kiev. Still an underlying nazi country (Zelensky married to a christian) that is a failed state that funded the Biden Crime Family. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bila_Tserkva_massacre

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None of this is any secret to anyone even sort of paying attention.

The German military recently had to remind the Ukrainian conscripts it is training that displaying Nazi symbols and regalia is a serious offense in Germany.

For that matter, the Oh So Not Nazi That's Just Russian Propaganda Azov sponsored a neonazi "music festival" in Kiev in September, 2021. We have since been duly assured that they have reformed, just as soon as they became useful.

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... at least they’re still asking...? It won’t be long before they don’t ask and just photoshop it out. It’s probably already happened.

Ok, that still provides me with no comfort....

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What a perfect symbolization (pun intended) of the fact that the media cares nothing about literal Nazis if the facts interfere with their concocted narrative. The Guardian reported on the Azov Battalion’s Nazi leanings in 2014 (https://archive.is/9drYL) but then calls them “national heroes” in a September 2022 article (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/22/ukrainian-putin-ally-viktor-medvedchuk-exchanged-for-200-azov-battalion-fighters-zelenskiy-says) in which it implies the claim that the Azov fighters are “neo-Nazis” is Russian propaganda(!). Absolutely shameless.

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Also there are no institutional obstacles to getting clear information. Just take a look at the myriad of Telegram channels. There are thousands and thousands of channels with 1st person content being uploaded by people on the front lines. The hard part is getting someone in official capacity to actually put their name on what is really going on. The big story this week is that Russia blew up the Ukrainian intelligence HQ after the attacks on Moscow by Ukraine. There were probably several NATO officers inside the HQ. Many years ago the US put a bomb through the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade because the Chinese were sharing intel with the Serbs, officially it was an "accident".

The real story is that Ukraine is losing this war badly, there is cemetery after cemetery full of dead Ukraine soldiers. We just haven't seen those kinds of images coming out of Russia... and YOU CAN'T HIDE A CEMETERY. Military commissars are grabbing people off the street left and right in Ukraine. Ukraine just reversed its policy of allowing POW to not have to go back to serve on the front-lines. Ukraine has killed 2 proxy armies and is now running on fumes. 35k foreign trained soldiers are coming back for the spring "counter-offensive" but there are serious questions about whether Ukraine can actually even mount any kind of offensive after a year-and-a-half at war. In the meantime Russia has pivoted to a war-time economy and has over a 1 million troops trained and ready to attack. But the war propaganda machine in the US is pumping the same crap it was pumping out during the Afghanistan war.

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The simple technique of creating cognitive dissonance was used to prevent people from pointing out what was known since the beginning. One would simply have to suggest, "these allegations you're making have been associated with Russian disinformation." That was enough to spook most people and prevent them from falling down a "rabbit hole." Most of Western narrative control relies on clever nudges like that.

In reality, the Nazi thing was very clear and transparent from 2014 onwards. But is the West allying itself with hardcore virulent Nazi contingents to achieve its geopolitical aims really that surprising? Operation Gladio is worth revisiting.

It's still happening.

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One asshole at the trucker convoy waves a Nazi flag = they are all Nazis. Multiple accounts from multiple divisions of Nazi symbols = please take it off for our propaganda machine.

The media sinks to another level of depravity.

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Ofcourse. The same newspaper which claims all of US history, except their 1619 project, is revisionist, now has to make some convenient revisions to the Approved Cause.

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For that matter, The Guardian had a gushing photoshoot of female Ukrainian paramilitaries a few years back, one in which The Graun feigned ignorance of the significance of the 14/88 patches that these women sported.

Hell, I don't exactly travel in skinhead circles, but I know what that means.

And I lived in Ukraine for much of my adult life, and yes, the place was crawling with Nazis, then and now.

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