It's not just the tone but the actual voice of this chapter seems off to me. I wish I had the skill to elaborate more on why I feel that way - I'm not as eloquent as Matt. However, I didn't enjoy it half as much as I have enjoyed every single previous chapter. Not writing to be a dick, but I'm wondering is it just me? Still just as excited as ever for the next installment.

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I agree, as if Anon and Matt got replaced by two new writers and the old crew didn't leave any notes. And after Chapter Seven, what ever happened with Buddy/Darnell? Did he really get busted and turned? Is that why more and more of Anon's shipments didn't arrive? Did Anon ever resolve this question and cut Buddy/Darnell out? Or is Anon still wondering to this day?

Still excited about the installments, like Don Pedro not writing to be a dick, big fan.

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its not being a dick to comment like that.I wasnt there but theres holes all through this then we crossed the border at Toronto.and i got a book here right in front of me by a james n frey a very famous book called how to write a damn good novel and in it he encourages all writers to join a group,even on line(tho he doesnt say that the book was written in 1987) and he divvies up the various style groups and encourages destructive groups.groups that care enough about writing to be honest.anyways itd be cool if Monnsr Matt would comment himself.I like the story myself,Im pretty familiar with that sort of stuff and I just see huge huge holes in that Toronto thing.Its like red flag holes....

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Im Canadian and there is no border crossing in Toronto and I really cant see why someone would drive from Vancouver to Toronto.Its like a three day drive and theres dozens of border crossings along the prarie...

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Higher chance of being pulled over going across the states. You rarely get stopped in Canada.

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Matt & Anon - We’re really enjoying this novel! I read it to my dyslexic friend at 4:20 every Tuesday. Cheers!

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There's a typo in this chapter, where two paragraphs repeat:

"For our grow-op, it took a minimum of ten weeks between harvests. When the grow wasn’t on, we focused more on selling Kermit’s weed. Which was fine, until I started to have problems at the border.

But when the grow op wasn’t on, we focused more on selling Kermit’s weed. Which was fine, until I started to have problems crossing the border."

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Good catch!

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The Dude is that dude

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