Sure is weird seeing the media talk like real reporters for the last few weeks -- it makes me think that Biden's time is up and they'll be replacing him sooner rather than later. The tricky question is -- how do you time it in a way that denies democratic voters the right to choose the candidate? And how do you justify passing up Harris for somebody like Gavin Newsom?

On the other side, nobody's coming close to Trump. He'll be the nominee unless he's in jail -- and maybe even then.

Oh, and the Democrats pretending you're stupid and Hunter was only selling "the illusion" of access has got to be one of the most offensive things out there. Yet that's clearly the talking point that went out today.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

The MSM are not loyal to Biden. If Biden were Team R, they'd be on him and his many failings like rabid dogs.

The MSM are loyal to Team D, as Team D is the class consciousness of the PMC made manifest.

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I often wonder if the media is the PR arm of the Democrats, or if the Democrats are the political arm of the media. (This could perhaps more accurately be stated by replacing "Democrats" with "uniparty".)

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

The media and the Dem Party are both wings of the plutocracy, the former is the propaganda wing and the latter is the puppet wing, who are ventriloquized to preserve the illusion of "democracy".

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Not wrong.

I think 2024 is going to be explosive, like potentially violent, insurrection type explosive.

If Trump loses and there is a WHIFF of the vote being rigged, there will be massive, gun toting violence. I am sure of it.

If Trump wins, the left will lose its freaking mind and I think they will try to overturn the election on some legal pretext that either prevents him from taking office or removes him immediately. The screams from CA to NY will be ear piercing. Just as the media said that normal rules do not apply in the case of Trump, the rest of the elites power bases will do the same. Again, that will lead to insurrection type things.

I'm gonna bet that many people will start stocking up on ammo this fall and that the government will start trying to clamp down again on ammo sales.

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If Trump is the GOP nominee and appears likely to win, it won't surprise me if we hear threats from the leftists loyal to the Dems declaring they'll riot, just as they threatened in 2020.

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You may see the next Sirhan Sirhan well before that

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The Dems are not backed by anything closely resembling a MAGA-like constituency. Who will be rioting for the Democrats? The few hundred graduate students identifying as Antifa?

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They will kill trump before they let that happen. (Trump, and anyone else that gets in the way of the demented puppet, Biden. That includes RFK,jr of course. Hence, no secret service protection…)

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I think you meant 2016 when they did make protests.

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Maybe start with baby steps. If the left riots and burns down cities, we will accept that. However, we will not again reimburse the rioters for inconveniencing their attempts to burn and loot through government-sponsored restitutions.

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What leftists?

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'Republican pundits' were saying last year "I wish Trump would die."

It will be a raucous year.

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Dems are NOT 'left' they are centrists!

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They will probably burn down the Democratic cities like they did in 2020. Unfortunately, I live in one of them.

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not a threat, its a promise.

It actually swings votes from those who would rather keep the piece with an inadequate man or woman at the helm versus the chaos the left threatens to unleash

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Mr. Lemon, I have to respectfully disagree with the gun toting violence. I live in the South where everyone I know owns several types of firearms for hunting and defense. There isn’t the slightest inclination to use those weapons in violence. Will never happen. Most people just want to be left alone and live their lives. Now, if the government starts coming to homes and picking fights, that’s another story.

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Well sir,

I live in a similar setting in Central VA. Small, wealthy town. Horse country.

This is not where it will start. It will start in the working class suburbs. It will start as protests with t he intention of being peaceful.

Then, and very likely goaded by the media and opposition politicians, pressure will build.

There will be counter protests and that will lead to clashes. Fists, bottles that kind of thing to start.

Then, the other side will push back. There will be one major, intolerable incident that then sets off a swath of violence.

The rhetoric will escalate that if the other side is allowed to "get away with it" we have an existential threat to democracy and to decent people. Either side could say that.

Once the threat is existential and is perceived as a direct threat to individuals, all bets are off.

Our media and out politicians are NOT built to deescalate and we live in a time where neither party, neither side, is willing to let the other win. There is already, even now, a seething among the activists of both sides. That can easily spread. There is only one potential outcome when two sides see the other as an existential threat and the process that got the other power is illegitimate.

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You say most people just want to be left alone and live their lives. But the trouble is the government is already coming to homes and picking fights. Toilets, lightbulbs, gas stoves, thermostats, water heaters, faucets, cars, etc. etc. The left's climate change religion, for example, empowers them to come into all our homes and we have just rolled over and let them do it. They're not storming in with guns blazing; instead they have crept their way in, regulation by regulation, no end in sight. They are not leaving us alone. Just like they've done with lightbulbs, they want to choose what kind of cars we can drive and before you know it, no more gas powered cars just like there are no more incandescent lightbulbs.

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"...another story." Is you against the USS Ronald Reagan's fighter jets, ground troops, and Hellfire missiles.

I hope you have a lot of ammo for that 30.06.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Don't kill any of our kids in the military.

Won't get you a lot of support.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

He will not be allowed to win, even if he could win over anyone outside of his loyal critical mass of MAGA Repubs (remember most normies are sick of hearing about him and most urbanites and suburbanites loathe him).

The media will paint him as Hitler 2.0 (this time w the volume cranked up to 11) and the Dems have so much $$ they will drive every swing state voter to the polls and then let them keep the limo.

Also, in the next 14 mos thousands of MAGAs will move on to that great Golden Corral in the sky while many more thousands will turn 18 and be excited to join the Resistance™ against the Orange (white) Man.

Trump had 2016, it's been all downhill since then....

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The NYT/Siena Poll just out seems to think that Trump's huge poll numbers cross all demographics - young/old/rural/urban. We have long months to go, of course, but I wouldn't bet the farm just yet that 18 year olds will join the resistance against the Orange Man. And when are we going to stop calling him Orange anything. I think we should call Biden "Once Hair Plugged But now Balding Man." just to be fair. .

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The problem is not as facile as what the Dems do to Trump. The problem WE have is that the Dems are no longer Democrats and the Republicans are no longer themselves either, in numerous ways. Just watching the congressional hearings, the banality and viciousness of certain members, villifying stalwart citizens purely for selfish and Partisan purpose has been sickening. Our Republic is in its weakest moment in many decades. Additionally, to see an imperfect but very reasonable patriot like Robert F Kennedy, Jr. being ignored, or destroyed by the machine should make us really fearful for where we as a nation are, and are headed. Trump was a litmus test, a warning. The political machine, largely in lockstep (Goosestep) with the nefarious MSM, their total lack of authenticity and resultant lack of TRUTH in news circulation, has led us to this nadir. Eliminating Trump is only marginally better than reelecting him. Biden’s presidency is a disaster, superseding Trump in its awfulness. Regular people/workers have suffered far more because of it than they did under Trump. The Dems have abandoned free speech and this the vast majority of US Citizens. That RFK, Jr. is portrayed as extreme is clear evidence of that. No single candidate can be 100% correct or without fault. The Dems are destroying the Republic and sadly the Republicans are a relatively weak opposition. We shall see. However, the candidates who are out of lockstep with the Uniparty are the ones who could possibly restore sanity for this Nation. If only they are allowed... now it's up to the great American public to see through all the BS and vote for authenticity and truth.

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I am not sure this is the place to post this reply, but ---.

Reading through the comments, seeing "names" that haven't been engaged here before, and reading about how the poster fears gun violence. It strikes me as sort of like dropping indictments on a Tuesday afternoon. May be --- gratuitous.

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Except a ton of us that voted in 2020 just lived through Biden being worse than Trump. I could afford to go out in Trump time. Trump wasn't trying to start a nuclear war. Everyone focuses on Trump, but it's the Democrats and Biden presiding over this miserable country and bragging about it.

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"If Trump loses and there is a WHIFF of the vote being rigged..."

There's already more than a whiff they're going to rig the vote. What else are we to make of, among other indicators, the ongoing march of anti-narrative censorship, two former WH staffers now employed by MSNBC and declaring on air that Biden is the party leader and there will be no primary, and someone who is barely alive being allowed to remain in office--with or without the, you know, indescribable levels of corruption?

There is also a very strong chance Trump will win. I do not see him losing a legitimate election unless the landscape drastically changes, because the quality of his life and persona are not going to drop one micron further because they really can't. The entire game is trying to lock him up. They'll put him in jail and pass an ad hoc law saying he can't be elected.

Maybe the election won't even happen, between actual chaos and the media's drumbeat about same.

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A law saying Trump cannot be elected is the formal legal abdication of the government’s monopoly on violence.

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Oh, you mean like a dementia patient supposedly receiving 81 million votes? Come on, man.

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We may as well get it over with. This has all been brewing for some time.

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I do not think you are wrong about its building.

I had REALLY hoped that DeSantis would win the nomination.

He would beat Biden and as much as the left would still nash its teeth, as much as the deep state would be irritated, the reaction would be nothing like what it will be when Trump wins, and Trump will win, come in looking for pay back and everyone, on both sides, will know it. Panic will set in at places like the FBI, CIA, DOJ, the DNC, the IRS and the State Department. That is when things will get crazy.

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Ha. You made me laugh.

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Don't overestimate the right's willingness to turn big talk on the internet into action on the streets. If nothing else they have jobs and families to support, the lack of which is why lefties go from talking mad shit on the internet to throwing bricks through windows as fast as someone can say "progressive DA". In spite of all efforts The Elite haven't managed to deprive conservatives of their jobs, families and futures to the extent that they have nothing left to lose and are willing to go for broke. Not yet anyway.

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Last three words. Not yet anyway. Um I seem to remember something about a virus. And a vaccine.

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Add to that the “plan” from Pritzker’s campaign manager to take over when Biden can’t finish the second term. Harris is squarely placed elsewhere out of govt in a very well paying job and Biden assigns Newsom to VP. He usurps Biden becomes Prez and JB is assigned VP. Seriously....this is what the campaign manager has told her family!

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When Biden can't finish his SECOND term! Hilarious! But as an Illinois resident, I suggest that JB get that BMI down if he wants to do all that power lifting three years from now. And that campaign manager? Her family is so connected to know the plan for America. So two white guys are going to move aside Kammie? So funny. If that happens ---- it just can't.

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That's how we'll deal with the coming chaos: Buy plenty of ammo! We'll shoot our way to freedom!

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Great Idea! How did that work out on January 6? The protests became an “insurrection’ and people who entered the capital were hunted down by the FBI and given severe sentences. Next time let’s protest with guns and see who has more of them—the government or private citizens. Get real.

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The left has already lost its mind to such an extent it's hard to imagine it going much farther, but I'll certainly take your word that it's possible!

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Yes. I read the comments on the WAPO because I am interested what people think. Certainly has put me off Dems. Smugness is manifest.

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No room for the Republicans in your syllogism?

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sure throw em in!

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And the R's are not part of the plutocracy?

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That is the most succinct way I've come across to summarize what is arguably the underlying truth as to the relationship between most commercial media outlets, the Democratic party and the people who are really running the show. Well put.

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No, I think the media is in the pocket of the deep state. They are the ones really running the show; presidential elections, covid, covid policy, climate change, etc all of which enriches them. I just wonder where they think they'll go come the revolution!

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It's one big stroke fest. And I mean that using both definitions of 'stroke'.

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Billy Squire, still relevant🤣🤡🌎

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The MSM could make their peace with a sufficiently corporate member of Team R (e.g. Romney!), however their loyalty lies with Team D as the party of the PMC.

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Exactly. Or like when McCain would "bravely" break from his party to vote for something the Ds wanted. (Probably more bombs, knowing McCain)

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Yes, McCain never met a war he didn't like. Appalling but not surprising that the Dems worship him as they do.

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That, and an airplane he couldn't crash.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

He might have had a shot if he hadn't picked Palin. That was a deal breaker for many of my on-the-fence friends.

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There wasn't a Republican alive that was beating Obama in '08 after 8 years of Bush. McCain was just a uniparty sacrifice.

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He was hopelessly behind, and Palin was a hail Mary. Cooked up, by the way, by Steve Schmidt, McCain's then-campaign manager, and during Trump's years, a frequent guest on MSNBC. When Schmidt starts in on Trump, I think "this is from the fucker who gave the world Palin??"

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I would not have voted for McCain anyway, but I would not have gone out of my way to vote for Obama had the 'R's not picked a woman who had strong ties to a dominionist cult.

I follow such subjects and I find the ways that religious camels try to get their noses under the tent to be interesting and scary. Any one else remember those 'Family' prayer breakfasts that were all the rage in DC back in the oughts? And it is not the R's alone. 3 out of 4 of the shortlist for female VP in '20 were connected to cults. One was a scientologist, another had connections to NOI, and another (Tulsi) was the political chosen of the Jagad Guru cult. I was relieved when we got cackling Kamala. She's a corrupt POS, but she isn't finding ways to get her guru or fellow travellers into government.

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Wasn't all that long ago when mainstream Republicans were ritually vilified. They're scared now and would welcome a Mitt Romney - maybe not with open arms - but he would get mildly decent press, yet hardly the fawning press he'd get with a D after his name.

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God help me, how are Matt readers hoping for Mitt Romney? A Uniparty extrodinaire!!

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Before 2016, the MSM could afford to vilify the Team R mainstream, because the only realistic choices before the voters were between two corporate imperialist muppets, Team D Tweedledee and Team R Tweedledum.

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Neither. The media is the PR arm of the deep state/intel agencies, and the Democrat Party is its political arm.

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The answer to your question would be "both."

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They both are Quisling courtiers of the ruling classes. You know, the ones that don't exist.

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Uni-party presumes that there no opposition.

That is incorrect. There is a lot of vocal opposition. The question is whether the powers that have accrued to the Democrats due to the liberal bias seen in the District of Columbia and its environs which reflects itself in the largest direct and indirect employer in that region...out to about 60 mile (reasonable maximum commuting distance).

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So goddamn Orwellian to hear the status-quo Republicrats referred to as, "the Left."

Cornel West is the only national figure currently on, "the Left."

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The MSM are loyal to the Intel Community, and the Intel Community is part of the permanent government in DC. Their "leadership" and their policies have been so disastrously poor and unpopular and their methods so transparently heavy-handed that they have lost the public's confidence. Unfortunately, they're not going to give up power voluntarily.

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This is the truest truth. Sure there are liberals on air who will parrot liberal messaging.

But the messaging is signed, sealed and delivered by the alphabets. At this point MSM and the messaging apps are intelligence operations.

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I doubt that the alphabets write the scripts. They don't need to do so. The average frustrated MSM flack knows full well what will and what won't get his bosses' approval.

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Operation Mockingbird never really ended.

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The number of ex-CIA personnel infesting the MSM and Big Tech have rendered Operation Mockingbird totally unnecessary.

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It was a resounding success. But success brings problems just as surely as failure. In this case it put the most ruthless and corrupt in power. They are not intelligent, completely lack political acumen (they don't need it), and are tone deaf as far as the public is concerned.

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I believe they do write the scripts. Ever see any of those montages of the identical MSM reactions to various events on Tucker Carlson or YouTube? It's creepy.

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Maybe. But groupthink is a thing. Noam Chomsky's epic takedown of Andrew Marr comes prominently to mind. "I'm not saying that you're self-censoring....but if you believed anything else, you wouldn't be where you are today."

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

They are indeed Team D, although lukewarm (read: resigned) to Kamala Harris in the same way grandma was keen on giving the kids enema's! They loathe RFK, Jr, and Gavin "Ain't havin' it" Newsom has to get Jim Clyburn's blessing, and needs to see KH's polls in the shitter' before he gives it.

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Gavin will kiss anything he has to to get the nomination. That's part of what makes him so scarey.

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You are right, of course. As things stand, Kamala is the 'heir apparent' to Biden, and that scares Democrats. Elsewhere I have opined that should Biden drop out tomorrow, Newsom will not declare his candidacy, until or unless, Jim Clyburn announces that Kamala Harris can't win. He knows defeating her in the primaries absolutely kills his chances of ever being president. For better or worse, KH gets every opportunity, and the full support of the party (and fawning media). She may well fail to develop the 'gravitas' that she so badly lacks, but she can't be primaried by a 'serious' Democrat.

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Y'all ascribe too much clout to Clyburn. In the highly unlikely event that Biden even drops out of the race, for whatever reason, there is no way in hell that Kamala Harris wins the nomination, or could win the nomination, with or without Kingmaker (not) Clyburn's blessing. Rather, you'd witness a conga line of second-stringers flooding the Democratic zone.

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You understand, I am quite sure, that black voters comprise a hugely significant voting percentage in many states. (See my attachment!) Gavin Newsom, as a white male, defeating Kamala Harris in the primaries seriously undermines their enthusiasm for his candidacy. Please recall that Hillary Clinton still received 92% of the black vote, but those who were not enthusiastic and stayed home, in effect elected DJT. Can you imagine how those voters would react if Newsom defeated 'a sistah'?


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I suspect that if somehow Team D nominated RFK Jr., but Team R nominated a corporate imperialist muppet, you would see a mass defection to Team R.

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They fear RFK, Jr. more than they fear Trump.

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"Gavin "Ain't havin' it" Newsom has to get Jim Clyburn's blessing, and needs to see KH's polls in the shitter' before he gives it."

I thought her polls were already in the shitter? If she was "popular" (say 505 since that's as good as it gets), then she'd be president, since Biden would be pulled. But, she's not, and she isn't. But, I am often wrong, even if seldom in doubt

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True enough. But all of the "usual suspects" are still 'ridin' with Biden' and her numbers are usually just about 2% less than his. Keep in mind, David, that an appallingly high number of voters have no idea who she is, and....(Jesus knows I'm sorry for saying this!), a high % of them will vote Dem automatically, so when you add the "ignorant" vote to 38% she gets from being black, Asian-ish, a Democrat, promoted by the press, and a woman - she becomes more than slightly viable. I don't need to tell what happens if Joe B drops out (as expected), and Gavin throws his hat in the ring to challenge her with Jim Clyburn still in her corner. It would rend the fabric of Dem party forever! (Which I can only pray for!)

Similar to you, I am often wrong and rarely in doubt!

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They are loyal to him though. Although "loyal" may not be the right word. I still can't understand for the life of me why they had to shove Biden down everyone's throat in 2000 when they had a slate of younger, arguably viable candidates for the primary. Why did it have to be Biden or else? Biden wasn't even on the campaign trail.

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Excuse my ignorance, but what is a PMC?

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Professional Managerial Class. You know, all the rich houses that have "This house believes....." sign on their front lawn, but they know no black friends, would never donate to help the poor and actually hate their neighbors,, unlike what the sign says.

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Aged Yuppies.

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Two incomes, no kids.

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Otherwise known as DINKS.

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People with email jobs.

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I think in this context it’s Professional Managerial Class, a loose strata of educated technocrats/culture shapers. MSM is, of course, short for Minnesota State Media, the most dastardly disinfo agents working today.

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Don't be daft. The news is loyal to ratings and for now that still means acting aghast at Trump.

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So that's why Hunter Biden and his crack smokin, hooker chasin, sister screwin hijinks are dominating the news cycle?

Oh wait...

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His hijinks are a distraction from the real issue, which is Joe's influence peddling to foreign actors.

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If Trump's spawn were alleged to have done half of what Young Hunter is shown to have done (following frantic MSM denials), it would front page news every day for months.

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How does their interest in Hunter's antics support your assertion that the news is loyal to Team D?

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The news hasn't given Hunter's activities nearly as much attention as Trump, and downplayed them when they could.

Even though Hunter's shenanigans are much more lurid.

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They don't care about ratings any more. The news organizations are (indirectly) state-subsidized and little more than propaganda outlets.

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Private Military Company, says my dictionary. Clearly not the Pan-Mass Challenge.

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Professional Managerial Class

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Lol how do you justify Harris or Newsom period? Newsom is some Dick Tracey villain and Harris could play the new woke Joker.

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Harris was so bad that she bombed in the D primary AND BLAMED RACISM!

I bet Biden (or his handlers) regret the day he said his VP would be a woman of color.

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Couldn't they have grabbed some random woman waiting for her bus, coached her to recite talking points, and run that random?

She would have polled better than HRC.

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You see how well that worked out for press secretary.......

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Good point. Back to the drawing board.

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You and the kitty are on a roll.

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Candace Owens!

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Harris loves buses! Yellow school buses, in particular.

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That she ended up Veep just shows you what a throw-away line the charge of "racism" is to these people. Would any person with morals let anybody call them racist and then advance their career? They just look at it as the cost of doing business.

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"It was a debate!"

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Can't wait to see Grandpa and Kammie on the debate stages this next time. (Crystal ball emoji) Maybe not happening.

The Magic Eight Ball does predict another Trump indictment. Whenever another Biden crap storm drops. Coincidence?

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I made the same joke in the first draft of my upcoming article.

Then this happened.


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"Racist" Joe ended up as their nominee.

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She never even made it to the primaries.

Wasn't she just the debt he owed to Clyburn? I don't think he really wanted her at all. Especially after she blindsided him in the debate.

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Maybe she was Michelle's choice, not Dr. Jill's.

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How could they do that? They don’t even know what a woman is.

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Biden had little choice in veep nominee. Harris had the overwhelming support of nearly all major donors who wanted Harris to be candidate - the not so small problem of Harris' total lack of electoral appeal was deemed irrelevant. Finally some of their hacks saw the light 'n said no she couldn't win a bar raffle so Biden was drafted to lead her not the other way around.

Then we saw the unedifying sight of sellout afrikan amerikan political hacks like John Lewis who carved a career for himself on the disputable grounds that he copped a baton at Selma whilst actual y'know committed marchers had been beaten to within an inch of their lives, getting arm-twisted (wallet twisted more likely) into announcing that the 'black vote' was behind Biden. Despite african-americans like most people had widely diverse views on the man who invented mass incarceration.

Now that the money-men acknowledge that harris is electorally unsatisfactory I doubt she will make the veep nomination in 2024. Perhaps that is the way Biden will get the nomination, by drafting newsome or another dollar dim to support him as veep nominee.

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They should have chosen Susan Rice, or the other Rice, Condoleeza. At least those two are loyal establishment types with proven records. Harris is a wild card.

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He narrowed his field by making that public. But no one ever said he had brains.

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I'm thinking that she's not a patsy like senile Joe. If she takes power there will be a purge in the West Wing. I'll bet the intrigue is thick and the knives are out already.

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Newsom could pick up the phone in the morning and have a billion dollars deposited in his campaign account from his backers, esp in Big Tech.

If they gave Mr Magoo at least $500 million, Emperor Gavin could easily double that.

That is real power.

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And that's what should scare everyone: Big Tech willing to back Newsom. Even after the Twitter and Facebook file revelations, I could already see Big Tech manipulation warming up if Newsom becomes the nominee.

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Probably not more than 10% of Americans know anything about the Twitter Files, there has been a very successful media blackout against them.

Newsom has his good looks, smarmy charisma, the ability and willingness to say and do anything if it will benefit him politically, the "California world's 5th biggest economy" schtick, plus a Rolodex most people would give a limb for.

He just needs to find a way around Kamala, then he will be a very formidable candidate.

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That's such a terrifying thought. Newsom turned into one of the world's biggest proponents of Covid health fascism and lockdowns. We would be doomed if he were president; he makes Justin Trudeau look like a vendor at Porcfest.

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Not to mention the mess he has made of California. Open air drug markets and other excellent policy choices must have cost the state billions. People are afraid to visit San Francisco.

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Exactly... and Big Tech manipulation continues, as we've seen with Google/YouTube. Just look at what continues to happen to RFK Jr.

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Gawdallmitey, I'm reading the comments and thinking, sheeeit things are getting weird.

PS, anybody concluded that Vp Cacklegiggler is chewing too many California gummies?

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Yeah....in a lot of instances you might suspect she is flying high on SOMETHING.

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So is this how we are resigned to exercising the sacred franchise now, forever? Whoever can get the most in the coffers to run and win is the President??? It makes paupers of us all and removes the slice of liberty we are endowed with vis a vis the federal government: the consent of the governed. Is it really the consent of the donors that vests the elected wit power? Is that OK?

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NO and to my mind it is NOT Democracy.

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What he doesn't have is the stupidity involved in directly taking on KH and expecting black voters to accept him when he takes 'the sistah" down!

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I read an article the other day that commented the Biden scandal is too big to fail, because the media can't allow it to break out at a serious level. To do so would only acknowledge that the media themselves have failed by effectively covering it up for so long through refusing to investigate it or ask hard questions along the way. There's truth to it.

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They'll find a way -- it's not like there's logic behind anything they're reporting right now, anyway.

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Don't underestimate the media's willingness and abilities to gaslight themselves out pf whatever fallout comes from anything that happens. There is a curious combination of

Sargent Schulz and a web press that gets out of control.

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It's pretty amazing the intense daily scrutiny Biden's scandal is getting on the many non-MSM outlets these days. But over on the MSM it's crickets and if that's all you watch or read, you could be totally ignorant of the scandals.

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It makes sense when you think of all the people involved in the alphabet agencies who said the laptop was Russian disinformation. And all the people in the DOJ right to the top. They have been pretending that Biden is not senile since he was in the basement recovering from major plastic surgery and running for President.

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And what scandal might that be, large or small?

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Memory-holed like everything else Matt writes about. IRS visit anyone?

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The switch will be done at the convention, if the old man makes it that far.

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If they don't do it before that, they're finished.

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If Biden makes it all the way to the convention they'll strap him to a dollie and wheel him around for the rest of the campaign if they have to.

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...like they did the first time, hauling him up from the basement for a few moments in his garden to prove he was alive.

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They could wheel him around in a casket and he'd still get votes.

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I think the “save face” way out is for Biden to do the Nixon/ Ford thing, especially as an impeachment inquiry is pending. (When you hear the “no evidence” mantra, it means the theory of the case has not been made clear, that H’s assignment was to sell the family name in exchange for the Chairman’s influence. “Where’s the money?” Laundered through 20 shell companies. Of course the VP is not mentioning business on a call. (What business??? How’s the weather over there?) The purpose of the calls was to show the parties that yes, Hunter has immediate access to the VP of the US, his Dad. We can make a deal with him and trust him to get what we need for a price. I would bow out respectfully and replace Harris.

Biden, the bell tolls for thee.

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Imprisonment is no obstacle. Eugene Debs ran for president from prison in 1920.

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Indeed he did---nearly a million votes cast and 3.4% of the final tally. And a socialist at that. He clocked in at 6% in 1916 when it was clear (to many) that Wilson was headed to war. Unsurprisingly, still the electoral record for a socialist.

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And President Warren Harding invited Debs to the White House and they talk with each other for almost an hour. Debs with very pleased with the discussion.

Tomorrow (August 2) is the 100th anniversary of the death of President Harding. He is often targeted by the left-wing historians, but lately a number of books have come out presenting him properly as a good President. He responded to the crimes and scandals of senior officials by firing them as soon as he found out. He had many great accomplishments, especially overcoming the huge problems left by Wilson. The economy recovered. He was one of the most anti-racist of all our Presidents (read his speech in Bermingham, Alabama, the center of the deep south!), had an excellent foreign policy, and founded the OMB and GAO. Etc.

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H.L. Mencken, 1921

"...But when it comes to the style of a great man’s discourse, I can speak with a great deal less prejudice, and maybe with somewhat more competence, for I have earned most of my livelihood for twenty years past by translating the bad English of a multitude of authors into measurably better English."

Thus qualified professionally, I rise to pay my small tribute to Dr. Harding. Setting aside a college professor or two and half a dozen dipsomaniacal newspaper reporters, he takes the first place in my Valhalla of literati. That is to say, he writes the worst English I have ever encountered. It reminds me of a string of wet sponges; it reminds me of tattered washing on the line; it reminds me of stale bean soup, of college yells, of dogs barking idiotically through endless nights. It is so bad that a sort of grandeur creeps into it.

It drags itself out of the dark abysm (I was about to write abscess!) of pish, and crawls insanely up the topmost pinnacle of posh. It is rumble and bumble. It is flap and doodle. It is balder and dash."

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Not sure that anyone in the Democratic Party would be able to stop Newsome from getting the nomination if Biden drops out...or even if he merely stumbles enough to give someone other than Biden a shot.

Newsome is one of those slick, slimy politicians that has publicly bought into the far left of the farthest left, but in reality, believes in the old-fashioned sleaze that undergirds retail politics. The difference between Newsome and Mitt Romney is that Newsome might succeed in stealing the election. The administrative state is Newsome's plate of oysters replete with pearls to adorn his Hollywood-worthy neck. There isn't a power that he won't try to arrogate to himself.

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Newsome isn't far left. He's hardcore Neoliberal, which is center-right. He'll rule for the oligarchs, not the workers.

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Selling access and selling "the illusion" of access is still influence peddling, and if Joe got on phone calls with prospective paying customers, Joe is guilty of conspiracy to commit the same crime that Hunter is beginning.

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And if Joe got paid, that's bribery.

And if Hunter used threats as in this from Newsweek...

We obtained a July 30th, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, where Hunter Biden wrote: 'I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,'" read the testimony.

...that's extortion.

And together...

That's racketeering.

This slow unraveling will dwarf Watergate.

And Trump?

He'll just frame the picture of how fucking corrupt the "elites" in this country are.

Both sides of the Uniparty, The PMC, Wall St...


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IF Joe got paid????

IF Hunter used threats?????

Come on man.

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Hunter didn't pay Joe...We have it in Hunter's words that Joe DEMANDS 25% of Hunter's earnings as his regular due.

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Merrick Garland, our oh-so-apolitical Attorney General and FBI Director with the blow-dried quaff, Christopher Wray will find some way of indicting Donald Trump for Joe, Hunter's, and, Potato Joe's pseudo-Dr.-Jill's receipt of the foreign cash flowing to the Biden Crime Family's web of interlocking LLCs and LPCs.

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Is this conspiracy theory manufacture-ready? Or is it still in the concept phase? Advice? I'd find a way to work in some Chinese Mafia to jazz it up a bit with a little of that 'ol Orient Express murder mystery thing.

Hunter with his laptop at train depot in Ürümqi, provincial capital of Xinjiang, skulking impatiently on the platform, awaiting the arrival of an unnamed Triad crime lord from Guangdong. Or is he there to meet a doubt agent working for the Uyghurs...or is it the MSS? Recommend test marketing the thing in Des Moines and Kokomo, IN.

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Jesus, dude.

That much make believe faith in a corrupt politician deserves to be recognized as a religion.

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We face the unprecedented possibility of having BOTH candidates under indictment on Election Day.

We MUST NOT pass up this opportunity.

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This is the country that bought, “He smoked marijuana, but didn’t inhale.” If that worked, then, “He talked to Hunter’s business partners but never talked to them about business,” is probably going to work.

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LOL i'm actually working on an article about all this stuff for later today, and this is one of my memes: (sorry for the crazy substack link)


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Enjoyed that. Thanks.

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Maybe try, I smoked, but wait, where am I

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Or maybe, "My son smoked the crack, but we never talked about the business.."

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Stealing the meme

Forgive me

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That's what it's there for!

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Depends on what the meaning of is, is.

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Shockingly, the NY Times,in an article downplaying Archer's testimony actually allowed comments that said Biden is corrupt, even a couple by me. Their censors usually go out of their way to prevent such comments.

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Yeaaah...they know.

Joe is done.

What's the back up plan?

Haha Heehee...

They ain't got one.

RFKjr will never be allowed and Newsome is a weak Hail Mary pass broken up by scores of videos of CA cities and their crime/homelessness...

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Their plan is, as always, maximization of cash flow. Winning elections is secondary.

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That certainly isn't on accident.

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I agree with you but I can't help wondering who made the decision that Biden is expendable. I doubt it was anyone at the WaPo, CNN, or the NY Times. It was probably someone in one of the intelligence agencies. They've liked having Biden because he's too impaired to actually try to run anything. He just signs what they tell him to sign.

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Interesting how Russia is run by its intelligence agencies, just like here. Is that some sort of evolutionary trait of oversized countries?

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For sure. What comes out of the places you named is handed down from far above, they're just tasked with making it sound good.

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Nicely put. It looks like they may have hoisted themselves with their own petard, and I might as well enjoy the show.

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Aw c'mon! The media are NOT talking like real reporters. They don't know how to do that. They're universally as dumb as VP Dimwit.

At the very least, I'm hoping that Biden is impeached and CONVICTED just so I can watch the imbeciles try to figure out WTF happened.

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Nah. If the coverup can't contain the damage he'll resign, as did Richard Nixon.

Impeachments only go to trial if there is a certainty of failure (the 1868 Johnson impeachment being a freak exception. It failed but it wasn't a certainty.)

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You're on the right track. My guess is that Old Demented Joe will pardon Crackhead Hunter. Then he'll admit his sudden diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and end his re-election campaign in some nauseating speech, probably with "Dr." Jill standing by his side. (At this point the media will declare Biden "a great American" and a "patriot."

Gavin Newsom will announce his campaign and VP Dimwit will announce that she's homesick for California--and will run to replace Newsom, which is the only exit strategy that will allow her to save face.

How's THAT for political machinations?

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I'm no political strategist, but it's possible the MSDNC could pass off Newsom (with a different VP pick than Harris) as a "fresh start"—perhaps packaging Harris into a cabinet role. For example: not to be flippant, but does the Secretary of State even do anything anymore other than read off MIC press releases?

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I've predicted she''ll end up on SCOTUS. She may even be better than his last nominee.

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Dear Lord. God help us of that moron ends up on SCOTUS

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Does Harris know what a woman is?

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That's no longer required

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Good one. That’s how Lincoln got rid of Chase…

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That would make sense, as she came to political office through the lawyer's rathole. It would be somewhat face-saving for her, as a SCOTUS appointment is not only for life, but the ultimate achievement for a legal professional. However the R's would flip out on her nomination.

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But she is a dingbat…

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Judging from observing Harris the past 3 years, I seriously question how she managed to graduate from law school.

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That will certainly be the play. "Biden was the problem but now he's gone."

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I think Gavin is cosplaying the on-deck frontrunner, but has anyone polled on a potential b-team? Murmurs sound like a lot Dems want Whitmer. And for the ID Dem crowd - another white guy?

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Sounds like a pretty thin bench.

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I totally agree, but i'm not a Dem. Toss in Pete, Amy, , Gina, Schiff who seems to think he's destined, ugh. I'd consider Ro Khanna for a minute maybe.

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It is a very weak bench. Nightmare scenario: Schiff+Stacey Plaskett

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As much as Whitmer wants it, unfortunately for her she's not "diverse" enough for today's Dems.

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More diverse than Gavin. Tossup with Pete.

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My 2 cents on the Democrats strategy for November 2024:

1 - Biden gets scooped up in the Hunter fiasco and the corporate media turns on him completely. This is probably looked at by the DNC as a HUGE negative no matter who they try to bring in to fill the vacuum. Chances are they can't win the White House if this happens.

2 - Biden somehow passes away peacefully in his sleep some months before Nov 2024. All the talking heads for the DNC come out and support bringing in Newsome b/c he has more experience as a political leader or some other such nonsense.

Option 2 is much much better for the DNC keeping the White House. They get all the pomp and sympathy of global leaders, the corporate media fawning all over themselves about his wonderful service for the past 50 years, a state funeral and national time of grieving and so on.

This would pull all the left leaning moderate & independent voters who would probably have stayed home in November rather than vote for Biden to step up and deliver the sympathy vote to the new democrat candidate.

I'm probably just crazy but don't say you didn't hear it here.......

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That's good. Biden just has to hold out until after the convention to block all other candidates. Then the DNC can freely choose his replacement, unhampered by voters.

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Gavin Newsom??? the ultimate nanny state democrat powered by the rich who shut down schools for an eternity without any remorse of the damage he did to the children of California. Sadly, I would rather see Trump (who I do not like either) than newsom since I've watched and lived with him in San Francisco, which is now a dumpster fire thanks to the work of Harris and Newsom. Way past time for a 3rd party

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I did not vote for Trump in 2016. I did not vote for Trump in 2020. (I did not vote for HRC or for Halfwit Joe, either) but I can recognize a witch hunt when I see one.

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I didn’t vote for trump in either election as well. Next time however, I will vote for anyone who isn’t a democrat, no matter whom. If it’s trump, I may hurl on the voting machine, but I’ll cast that vote for the orange man. The democrats have lost me forever. The last three years have been the worst of my life, and I suspect many others feel the same.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

I will vote for anyone against the empire and the stupid wars, anyone who puts a shiv in the corrupt system.

Same as I did in 2016 and 2020. Same as I did before that.

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RON PAUL 2024!!!!!!!!

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I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd vote again for Dr. Paul, and I am not a libertarian.

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Greatest President we never had. I often think of how different the world would be had the peace-loving, Constitution-abiding Dr. Paul been elected in 2008 instead of the war-criminal Obama.

98% of blacks voted for Obama - racist collectivists. GOP advanced Romney and now these assholes wanna act like I should be their ally? F-them. GOP loves complaining about spending when they’re not in power.

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I’m registering Dem and voting RFK Jr. despite having a few serious qualms with him (unlike Dr. Paul - basically agree on everything with The Good Doctor).

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best of both worlds, go with a Dem that's against the entire machine .... Kennedy. If he survives. He is so rational. All you need to do is read "the Real Anthony Fauci". He has me hook, line, and sinker...... I I expressed exactly what you are expressing and he has converted me. Honestly, every single American should read that book. No glossy propaganda, all backed by real homework. The Dems are in the deep state pocket. Kennedy is despised by them.

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Same here. Agreed.

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That’s how I felt about voting for Trump in 2016. The envelope sat on my table for a week, ready to go but I just couldn’t do it. The only way I could was to believe the HRC would win anyway.

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I am a Trump supporter these days, if only to throw a middle finger to the establishment. I did not vote for him in 2016. I rooted for the Mueller investigation to find him guilty of something. When it didn't, I realized something was off about the whole thing. Clearly the Dems and media had been lying. (Later, we found out just how much.) I don't like being lied to.

Then, just in time for the election, covid shows up. Having taken courses in public health, I knew the things the left was saying about masks and lockdowns were false and had long been known by western medicine to be false. My PH professor laughed at countries who wore masks. "They're like Linus' blankie." So, why were they now saying these things were necessary? To scare people and justify mail-in ballots. More lies. Then the Hunter laptop coverup. Arguably, mail-in ballots and the laptop coverup swung the election to Biden. Actually, more than arguably. They did.

By the time we got to the "classified" documents dust-up and J6 Congressional circus, it was obviously a full-on witch hunt. But why does the entire establishment - (R) and (D) - hate this guy so much?

IMO, it's now obvious why: the entire DC establishment is addicted to profiting off forever wars and Trump is resolutely antiwar. He shut down their plans for war with Russia. He started no new wars for the first time in my lifetime. He may be a narcissist, but at least he's not a sociopath. That seems to be the choice. And if given that choice, I'll take the narcissist.

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Oh, it didn't? I don't believe anybody around here bothered to actually read or checkout the Mueller Report. Here is the "fact sheet" that summarizes the conclusions of the Mueller report. Produced by The American Constitution Society. A few snippets.

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity:

• The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.

• Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.

• A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016:

• Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”

• Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that

“favored” candidate Trump and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and

release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.

• Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining

access to information for millions of registered voters.


You don't like being lied to? I'd say you don't like stumbling over unpleasant facts that might upset the narrative with which you've grown mighty comfortable.

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Your TDS is showing.

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I got it bad, man. Real bad. I'm worried about the withdrawal phase when he exits the stage after the final curtain call.

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Yes, and WE ALL know that the information was so reliable and definitely not biased, right? And we all know that Podesta's leaked emails were just disinformation, RIGHT?? People still clinging to Russian Collusion in 2023 as if it actually happened in any meaningful way boggle the mind.

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It helps them cheer on the slaughter of Ukrainians so that western corps can “Iraqify” Ukraine.

Then they have the audacity to call socially-conservative people fascists… I think it’s cause they think the defining characteristic is nationalism (an antiquated idea for The Elites) and not the merging of State and Corporate power.

These damn authoritarian-progressives. I liked em better when they were libertarian-progressives.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

The fact that you think these arguments are relevant is both sad and disturbing. Indeed the dark streak of totalitarianism yet lurks in the human heart.

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They are not arguments. They are legal assessments of fact from a legal investigation by the Department of Justice documenting extensive illegal activity by Donald Trump and his associates.

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Seriously? The DOJ?

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The Apostolic Christian Church Elders weren't available.

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The whole fucking thing has been proven to be a scam from the gitgo, yet here you are with a report that isn't worth a spare square. I thought you were smart for a nut, but you either think everyone else are imbeciles, or you are actually incredibly stupid.

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Noted and noted.

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Russian interference had no measurable effect.


Trump is corrupt,so I am not defending him, but liberals built up this delusional excuse for why Clinton lost. Political partisans on both sides tend to live in a fantasy world.

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So you're ok with election interference from Russia or any other foreign entity as long as it has "no measurable effect," whatever the hell that means?

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The facts around Russian tampering in our elections were laughable from the start for anyone that understands clickbait and internet spending. The accused Russian meddling amounted to farting in a windstorm. That was never in question for anyone not reading or watching American Pravda.

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Apologies. I should have first consulted with you. No Russian meddling. Don't tell anyone at the NSA, though---it would only serve to embarrass them and make you look like an apple-polisher know-it-all.

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You could have ghost written this for me. 100% agreement with every point you made.

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Correct, Trump is not a sociopath. He's a psychopath.

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Why are so many leftists

besmitten with the dreaded TDS then? That never seems to clear up so life can go on?

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What suggests to you that I'm a leftist? Easily identifying Trump as a criminal psychopath and an ongoing menace to the country hardly qualifies one as a "leftist." Dismissing anti-Trump people as "leftists" might---just might---indicate that you have more than a whiff of the Nazi about you. Are you a Nazi? Or merely sympathetic to their views and program? This is how it all went down in 1930's Germany. Or are you merely very confused politically and so adequately brainwashed by the media you consume that you're unable to recognize Trump for the fascist scum that he is? Something to ponder in your free time, at any rate.

Word of caution: Mindlessly dismissing anti-Trump people as "leftists" is a significant strategic error, going forward, for any U.S. citizen wishing to make sense of the dangerously shifting political sands in the world generally and the U.S. specifically---and navigate it successfully.

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So funny how the epithet (and it is just an epithet) "fascist" gets tossed around. I don't think you mean Trump is a "fascist" by the actual, historical definition of that word, since he has little to nothing in common with professed fascists. You probably mean he wants to be an autocrat, which may well be true, but autocracy and fascism are not coterminous. Stalin was also an autocrat.

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No, "fascist" is not just an epithet. And "autocracy" and "fascism" are very much coterminous. In fact, they answer the same doorbell.

A friend tells me...Fascism in practice is really a successful attempt by thugs and scoundrels who don’t really care for “ideology"....but are in the game to exploit widespread social distress to take political power and run the government criminally...

Sound familiar?

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And arguably has a plan for another term to place complete anti-democratic morons and lackeys into Secretary and Undersecretary positions as he continues undermining the rule of law and takes revenge on all enemies.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

I’m amazed at how brainwashed folks like you are. Trump is quite objectionable in many ways, but the intensity of the lies being peddled at the American public from Democrats and the media is off the charts. Hate Trump with all your might, I don’t care, but open your eyes man! The establishment is using your Trump hatred to literally steal away your freedoms via ESG/climate fears. Once you can only spend with your digital currency, your freedom is gone. Wake now before it is too late.

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That is the plan.

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Again, there may be a couple of charges against Trump that are legit, but when even those came about because of political motivation, it's not hard for the average voter to spot the corruption.

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The breadth and scope of American criminal law is such that an aggressive prosecutor can always find a pretext to bring charges against anyone, especially anyone involved in higher-level business or politics.

This is entirely intentional.

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Yep... just like, for example, Kyle Rittenhouse. Who was fortunate to have a judge who may have been a Democrat but still refused to let an aggressive prosecutor run the show.

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True...but as I recall, it wasn't hard to work around D.A. Binger, who may have been aggressive, but was also a nitwit.

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Or as Joseph Stalin said "show me the man, and I'll find the crime!"

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It was Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the secret police. He ended up murdering Stalin then later being executed.

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I believe that was Lavrentiy Beria.

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Cardinal Richelieu said something similar. "Show me a half a dozen lines written by the most honest of men, and I will find something therein to hang him with..."

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You have it exactly backwards. Most high level prosecutors enjoy being high level prosecutors and the way to no longer be a high level prosecutor is to go willy-nilly after high profile individuals. Too risky. There are, of course, plenty of exceptions, but for the most part smart prosecutors are hesitant and carefully circumspect when fishing for the big Kahunas.

Trump is a perfect case in point, despite the consensus on these threads. Serial criminals like Trump who manage to evade prosecution can be explained by analogy to the old bank maxim. If you flush a bank for $20,000, it's your problem. If you flush a bank for $200 million, it's the bank's problem. Prosecuting a bank teller? No problem. Going after someone like Trump, there's a problem---in just building the case.

And the last thing the New York bankers wanted---the bankers who Trump consistently waxed---was a high-profile court case prominently featuring them as the marks that Donald Trump took to the cleaners. And thus continued the pattern with Trump through the years and multiple "careers." Over and over. And on and on. Old habits are hard to break for the boy from Queens. And certainly no sane prosecutor wishes to get tangled up with someone like Trump if it's not inherently necessary. It's become inherently necessary.

My legal forecast: Trump will either make it to the election without going to trial, or he'll get outfitted with an ankle bracelet, confined to Mar-A-Lago to play golf and entertain America's cheesiest on the weekends---or even, perhaps, having to excuse himself from White House State Dinners to check in with his probation officer.

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feldspar-- Your general points may be correct, but in the case of Trump no Democrat has ever suffered from the effects of accusing Trump of anything and everything.

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Don't understand what you're saying here.

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You honestly think there's the opposite of a coordinated effort to indict Trump for the sake of indicting him because he has so many friends at the highest levels? You read Taibbi, so you're aware of how much propaganda exists, yet you still say things like this....

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Your first sentence is incomprehensible and certainly does not address any themes in my own post above. And, yes, I read Taibbi but Taibbi is propaganda.

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It's completely comprehendable, unless you're a bit slow lol. So the guy doing more to expose actual propaganda than anyone is the actual propagandist? How TF do you figure that?

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So you’re just a troll? I finally understand your nonsense…

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I once had a policeman tell me that there are so many laws he could always find an excuse to stop someone's car.

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Never ever ever never trust a cop! Never. Ever.

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And an opportunity to earn enormous profits and prestige for legal counsel on both sides.

No one today can be surprised at the lengths our “justice” system is willing to go allowing politically motivated schemes to be fought in court under the guise of saving America from the next domestic Hitler.

On the defense side of things it wouldn’t at all be a surprise to hear an ambitious attorney, for example, argue that defecating or urinating in a public park in view of frightened children and horrified parents is perfectly legal and acceptable under his interpretation of the law, thus placing the burden of victimhood on the defecator. To say our legal system needs a massive overhaul is an understatement.

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The burden of proof rests on the State for all of these matters. I think Smith and Co. will have a hard time proving any case, especially one that will incarcerate him. I have defenses for all of the indictments to date, and I am not a lawyer. Trump does need a big team for this. Many attorneys will not represent him because of the fate of Alan Dershowitz and others.

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Yup. I remember the absolute meltdown after the election in 2016. It was me (and thankfully) my BFF who watched incredulously as everyone around us , people we considered sane until then, melt down like howling babies and spend the next 4 years in adolescent rage fuelled by comics cum propagandists like Stewart and Colbert.

I remember us once talking about it and wondering where all this furor was 10 years before when the Iraq war was going and it shouldn't have been a nobrainer to diss the neocons. But the D's campaigned, got a supermajority and threw it away because Nancy Pelosi was making bank on that war and wanted to keep her powder or eyeshadow or mascara dry or something.

A plague on both their houses!

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Yes, no neocons or neolibs! That narrows the field to 2 candidates for me.

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I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 (voted 3rd party), but by 2020 I was so disgusted with the establishment that I voted Trump, though I had to hold my nose to do it. It might come down to that in 2024, but I hope not.

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I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I did not vote for Trump in 2020, BUT I WILL BE VOTING FOR TRUMP IN 2024.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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I voted for Howie Hawkins after being a long-time D. I agree this is a witch hunt.

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I don't care if it's witch hunt or not. If I had committed any of the crimes these two idiots have committed, they would have thrown my sorry ass in prison and tossed away the key before you could blink. It burns my butt that they can get away with it when others like you and I can't.

Hang 'em both!

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Yeah, I abstained in 2016 (first time ever) and in 2020, voted for the other Jo.

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The only end to the Statist witch-hunting is to correct your first 2 (two) errors.

Vote DJT, M. Finster, and become part of the solution. Third time's the charm?

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Same. Never voted for Trump, leaning heavily that way this time around. Not even reading news about the indictments, I've learned to just wait a few years to get the real story.

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The hunt is over. The witches have been found.

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Exactly, which is why I think Trump’s numbers have gone up with every indictment. People now know the game. Russia, Russia Russia for 3 years, then the follow up SC for the predicate if the FBI investigation, more of the FBI 7th floor than anyone should know about, the Whistleblower Impeachment, Lafayette Square riots, Impeachment 2 to prevent Trump from being Pres again. The Special Counsel for not getting all the documents to NARA indictment- in the wrong venue, and whatever else they can throw at him, it’s obviously election interference. Whether people are going to vote for him or not, it is insulting to be played this way, and people see that wickedness and answer yes for Trump in the poll.

Biden and this crop of Democrats do not realize they are causing Trump’s numbers to rise by their election interference with 47 charges during election season.

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Covid revealed that there are 2 camps - the obedient, rule followers who question nothing and believe everything, and the malcontents - people who question everything, want proof and start from a place of distrust. There is no convincing either group of the legitimacy of the other.

Now we're seeing another group re-emerge - those who hate Trump and feel rage toward anyone who voted for him. Those who hate Trump still subscribe to cable tv, still believe CNN, still have a magazine or newspaper subscription and will never admit they got fooled, lied to, gaslit or manipulated regarding anything about Trump being a Putin puppet/Russian spy, getting a golden shower from Russian prostitues, Covid, vaccines, social distancing, masking, Fauci, Wallensky, Biden, Russia, Ukraine or any number of topics they're convinced of with no proof. They have no problem with the government censoring speech, no problem with Pfizer lying about side effects of 'vaccines' and no problem with anyone they voted for or trusted.

They're petrified of being wrong. Of acknowledging they got bamboozled. Of admitting they're no better than any garden variety scientologist.

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I was one of those malcontents that called bullshit on the Covid stuff nearly from Day One and could tell it was mainly about population control, or a test to see how far population control could actually go in this post 9/11 world. I was also very firmly on the left when Covid broke out, having just spent quite a bit of time supporting Bernie.

What has happened to the anti-establishment left is fascinating and still playing out, I think. Most of us can't align ourselves with the Rethuglicans, because, lets face it, they aren't interested in protecting civil liberties either. I tried, but it's just not my bag. I don't care for the big Ls either and their love-boners for the billionaire space adventuring class. I'm almost 100% aligned with Bobby Jr, but he doesn't stand a chance, even though his intellectual exercise of running is brilliant to me. So, where do we end up voting our putting our weight? That's a huge question and there are millions of us I think.

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Support RFK jr. Or outsiders like Ramaswamy. Until voters collectively pull our heads out, we will continue to ping pong between ObamaBushTrumpBidenHilaryMitt and the other spring chicken incompetents that occupy the uniparty jello cup and oatmeal dispensery.

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This. Support RFK. I’m 23 years old and for the first time feel moved by a politician that exists during my lifetime. Supporting and voting for RFK Is how we speak up. We shouldn’t sit back and gargle down the crap that the RNC/DNC are trying to force feed us.

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>> We shouldn’t sit back and gargle down the crap that the RNC/DNC are trying to force feed us.

Ben, you’ve given me a kernel of hope for the country’s future. Thank you for that.

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RFK Jr is not the answer to your political dreams. He is, indeed, both a function and reflection of our sclerotic, collapsing political culture in the U.S.

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Just curious, who do you think IS a reasonable candidate to vote for in 2024? I’m not going to cast a ballot for either Biden or Trump, but RFK strikes me as someone who’s at the very least committed to upholding free speech as a necessary underpinning of democracy, something which the rest of the D party visibly no longer is. At the same time I don’t sense the sort of narcissism within him that would lead him to attempt to overturn an election loss the way Trump did.

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Trump does not fit into "ObamaBushTrumpBidenHilaryMitt". He is on the opposite side.

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To a degree. Unfortunately, his personality disorders were too much to overcome, and he was manipulated by the same swamp creatures he said he wanted to flush. "When you pray for rain you gotta deal with the mud. "

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Opposite side of the moon.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Support RFK Jr., or No Labels. The only way to slap the two parties back to reality is: (a) do not give them ANY money. (i.e. starve the beast), and (b) vote for a thir1d-party candidate, or write in RFK Jr.

Only when the parties realize they can't win or compete favorably will they move to curb the battier parts of their platforms.

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Right there with you. There ARE millions of us, but not sure how we crawl out of this hole.

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Right? It's such a weird place to be! Totally politically homeless and almost no one aside from RFK Jr that I'll even VOTE for.

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Agreed! (And try not to burn yourself out w that third job…😬)

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I hope I just have to just work two. :(

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What policies did Trump put forward did you disagree with or felt harmful to you as a citizen?

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Most unquestioning Dema I know still sort of spit out “HePutKidsInCages”, probably based on photos they saw which were taken during the Obama-Biden Admin. Few if any can talk about the Flores decision and impossible policy dilemma of being intentionally flooded by people dragging along kids, to whom they may or may not even be related, and many of whom have been abused and trafficked and exploited to gain entry. The Dems’ only real answer is that all of them should be released into our country and funded and assisted to an extent very few US citizens can ever access. They’re so used to simply signaling righteous disapproval and having it validated.

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The Flores decision! Not following that when stopping Catch and Release would be breaking the law. We now have catch and release. How are we doing?

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This is an excellent question that I want to ask every time I read an article full of anti-Trump invective. “He supports so many horrible and evil policies!” Oh. Can you name them? I remind you that these policies should only cover real policies not just stuff you make up yourself....

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Funny you should ask. Here's a column I read a few hours previous in the Greenfield, Indiana, newspaper, "The Republic,' written by a very conservative business professor in one of the reddest of red states, Indiana. I grew up in Indiana and I like to check in on the old territory from time to time, to take its temperature and to see what's boiling. Rather feverish these days I'm afraid.

At any rate, this conservative Hoosier on the right, an academic champion of Babbitt capitalism, summarizes and highlights the Trump "bad" with more authority than I ever could. Enjoy.

"...Trump failed to “build a wall” on our southern border, and that which he did complete was paid for by American taxpayers. That was an ineffective plan, so we are lucky he failed, but it also set back an important immigration debate. His predecessors will find it more difficult to reach an immigration compromise because of Trump, and for that we are all worse off."

"He launched a trade war that empowered China, raised taxes on Americans [and delivered a $2 trillion tax break to the rich] and significantly damaged our manufacturing economy long before anyone heard of COVID. Today, we have fewer factory jobs than when Trump took office, and a larger trade deficit with China. I think these are bad standards to judge a president by, but these are his own standards. According to them, he failed badly."

"After four years we have fewer jobs, more inequality and more modest stock market expansion than when he entered office. Trump added to the federal rate at nearly twice the speed of any democratic president in 50 years. Even without COVID, Trump would’ve racked up the largest federal debt during an economic recovery in U.S. history. But, there was COVID, which falls squarely into the ugly part of his presidency."

"COVID will kill well over half a million Americans before we are fully immunized to this round of it. No American president could have prevented a large mortality event. But, if the U.S. response had been as effective as the next worst country, we’d have fewer than half the number of deaths as we have experienced. That is Trump’s doing. He purposefully downplayed the risk of COVID to protect his re-election campaign. He fostered the politicization of simple public health measures and failed to provide test kits, and now it appears, vaccines. He intentionally failed the basic duties of his office."

"Trump’s willful lies and negligence helped fuel the spread of the disease and kill somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000 Americans. This came on the tail of an impeachment that should have seen him removed from office for abuse of power."

"The final piece of ugliness was the most brazen assault upon our constitutional order by a sitting president in our history. For more than two months, the president carefully crafted not only a lie, but a vast untruth surrounding election fraud. He spread this false narrative—the most perfect example of propaganda in American history — to tens of millions of his supporters. He personally created the ecosystem for a constitutional crisis. He then unleashed a physical assault upon our Congress to obstruct the Constitution."

"Four years ago, I wrote a hopeful column describing potential policy achievements of a Trump presidency. Today must be a bitter moment for conservatives hoping his would be a transformational presidency. Instead, conservatives find themselves in disarray, and chained to insurrectionists. Ultimately, his few policy achievements are a mirage, undone by his many flaws. In the end, Trump’s most lasting legacy will be the importance of character, in this the lack thereof, in public service."

Michael J. Hicks, PhD, is the director of the Center for Business and Economic Research and the George and Frances Ball distinguished professor of economics in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University. His column appears in Indiana newspapers.

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Aka he is butthurt over COVID and building a wall. When someone leads with the deadly menace of COVID and Trump’s unwillingness to implement a national police state to combat it, I know they are writing from their knees. Freedom is too much for sheep such as yourself. You are a disgrace to humanity. Go fellate your masters.

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Ah, the expected response from the "cult." Have a splendid rest of the evening.

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Some true, some a vituperative rant. Definitely didn’t like the way he pushed the vaccines out early by strong arming the FBI to work all weekend and get it authorized. He wanted that vaccine out too quickly for my taste but never mentioned a mandate, in his favor. He should have fired Fauci and Birx, listened to his economic advisors and opened up the nation, leaving States rights in place. I am glad he mentioned HydroxyChloraquine (HCQ) because it helped me find another path of protection. (I was not going to be injected before 5 years of population trials (like any so- called vaccine). Many disappointments with Trump when Covid appeared, which turned to rage when the Blue Anon Biden ordered mandates.

Able to retire 2 years early because our funds skyrocketed with a 37,000 DOW for 3 years. Moved the capital of Israel to its rightful place. No foreign wars. ISIS gone, Solamani out. We have had much worse.

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Dr. Hicks writes as though he's auditioning for MSNBC. He would fit right in with the "Conservative" commentators there. Nothing new in that piece. He made a lot of assertions without any proof. Trump followed every dictate of the Fauci Health Dictatorship, yet Hicks blames him for the deaths? Does he explain how he knows that a different President would have saved x number of lives?

The kicker is his diatribe about the "armed insurrection". "He then unleashed a physical assault upon our Congress to obstruct the Constitution." I'm sorry, but the only word to describe this statement is "Bullshit". I don't remember Trump out front, going up the steps with his hat on his sword, suspended for the masses to see him and follow him into the Capitol, killing and maiming as they proceeded.

By the way, the professor lost all credibility when he used predecessors instead of successors in his first paragraph. He may not be as smart as thinks. Or maybe he's too busy to proofread.....

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You realize that your harshest critics are neither democrats or progressives, don't you?

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For a cable news channel you purportedly despise, you folks seem to sure watch a lot of MSNBC. Sort of like a fundamentalist christian railing against pornography, while simultaneously glued to the salacious programming?

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You Progressives need to get some new talking points, please. You're supposed to be the smart and elite. Turns out most members of this rabble are nothing but old fashioned liars.

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The professor obviously wrote his piece before he had a chance to assess the Biden immigration fiasco or the explosion of inflation which was "transitory" according to all the Bidenites. Maybe you can cite Professor Hicks analysis of the current President's lasting legacy of "character". LOL

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I would suggest you address any further concerns and thoughts you might have on the subject at hand to Professor Hicks, possibly through an old-fashioned letter-to-the-editor at The Republic in Greenfield, IN. I'm certain the good professor would be amused, if not flattered, that his work is a source of some controversy here on the Racket News threads.

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We're talking about Trump, not Biden. The whataboutism here is something to behold. Like a clinical case of ADHD. Jesus Christ. And I'm far from a progressive. Far, far from that, my friend.

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Perhaps it was that Trump began no new wars?

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

There are those of us who are generic conservatives of no particular sub-set (i.e., not the so-called 'religious right', not 'gun nuts', nor civil libertarians looking for a home) who feel the same way. We don't hate big corporations, nor do we have our "favored marginalized communities". Some of us even slightly support the Democrat "instincts" towards protecting the environment, providing healthcare, etc. - but just can never, never, jump on that train the way the progressives are driving it. Our traditionally favored Republican party has taken the "big fall", and like Humpty Dumpty can't be put back together.

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Timothy, the Republican Party is failing because they’re in the same club as the Democrats. They’re all Globalist whores.

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I like to say that the Republicans are the Washington Generals of the uniparty.

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I am one of those you describe and have no where to go.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

That says it all - succinctly and well. Before Trump the party was rended in two between the Freedom Caucus, which is always too rigid and doctrinaire, and the "Paul Ryan" centrists, who always seemed both lost and feckless. Trump was such a thrilling (Geezer moment: an "A-Ticket Ride) candidate, but his megalomania inexorably rose to define him and the way he governed. (The man has dyslexia and gave up reading ages ago, so what do you expect?)

Once upon a time, long-ago, I could be tempted by a centrist Democrat, whose main interests were taxing and spending our nation to Euro-style socialism, hostility to religion and defense, but otherwise "livin' in the real world', so to speak. But ever since Bill Clinton (whom I never voted for) left the stage, his party turned left and kept goin'.

So like you, I have no place to go, and it both pains me and frightens me.

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I am interested in RFK Jr for his views on free speech, Covid, and Ukraine. But he is a big d Democrat, which gives me pause. On the R side, I'm interested in Vivek Ramasawamy(sp?)

and maybe Tim Scott, but he may be too establishment. Pain and fear describe me, too.

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I like RFK, too, but, like you, at heart he is a Democrat, and that scares me because, if elected, he will need friends and his entire history tells me he will join forces with Pramilla Jayapal and the far-left squad.

On the Republican side, I liked Vivek Ramasaswamy (sp?) too, but his failure to immediately repudiate the "9/11 was an 'inside job'" folks puts him much too close to "tin-foil hat" territory for my liking. I can't give him another thought, as that was a complete deal-breaker. A serious candidate knows how to instantly put his or her distance from kookiness. (My best-friend is one of these types, and, while we can talk in full agreement about some serious politics, I simply won't participate in a conversation about "exhaust entrails in the sky are deliberately being seeded by government". "Inside job" falls in that category. He doesn't go there, and we remain close.)

I like Tim Scott because he seems to have a truly Republican perspective and has been successful in not coming under the sway of any particular faction, yet smart enough not to offend any of them. He could be a "sleeper" - and by that, I mean to say that he seems to fly quietly under the radar until one day, we discover how "cool" he is. Under the radar carries the obvious risk that he won't ever be seen, either up close or from a distance.

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I’m really having a problem with RFK Jr’s Israel/Palestinian stance. He’s like an AIPAC talking head.

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I've given up hoping to find leaders I can agree with 100%. They don't exist. Even a 60% match plus integrity and willingness to intelligently discuss issues wins my heart.

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RFK is the only guy that it is capable and motivated to take down the public health menace threatening the world. From government funded gain of function research to big pharma sponsored pandemic preparedness training. Complaining about his Israel stance is ridiculous.

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Look closely at RFK Jr's major donors. Timothy Mellon tossed him $5 million. The Mellon family is old line Republican Episcopalian and Episcopalians closely align politically with Jewish billionaires. This is, of course, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but American billionaires, Jewish or non-Jewish, will always align with AIPAC and Israel. Always. Kennedy is no different from any other pol in this respect, except that in addition to being subservient to his donors, he's also considerably less stable than most.

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Agree. There ARE millions of us. Trump’s policies are good/strong for America. He proved it and he loves this country. I don’t care what he tweets/now ‘truths’. I read somewhere that if Trump becomes President, he would do well to appoint RFK Jr. to take control of the DOJ as Attorney General. These two men could drain that swamp that so many have lost faith in, along with all the other three letter acronyms.

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Trump? With junior heading up the Justice Department? These two are card-carrying creatures of the swamp. That's a slow-boat-to-China ticket.

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I am a former Democrat FULLY AND COMPLETELY in the Trump camp now.

The way TPTB keep trying to cut his head off, I get even more solidly behind him.

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How does a former democrat choose Trump over RFK Jr?

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After Clinton, Obama and Biden, I will NEVER EVER vote Democrat ever ever again. And frankly, I guess I want to see my former liberal knobheads lose their mind.

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I’m with you on Bobby, but I know for certain that a central tenet of Republicans are civil liberties, and freedom from government tyranny, including support of the Bill of Rights. Of course no one can speak for them all.

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Civil liberties? Freedom from government tyranny? supporting the bill of rights? Hahaha 😆

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I’m glad you mentioned Scientology because while this may be something no one cares about, I’ve always been obsessed with how otherwise reasonable people can believe absolute lunacy.

I’ve had a big interest in how the Cultural Revolution happened but around 2011 I saw an interview with a well spoken guy who left Scientology after 30 years and I was baffled. How did this man, smart, seemingly reasonable, believe a con man Sci-Fi writer was the Messiah and that DC-8’s nuked volcanoes under the orders of Xenu? I went down the damn rabbit hole for like 6 months, read every book I could on it, annoyed all my friends by regaling them with a topic they didn’t care about, and dropped it after I figured I had my conclusions. Even though no one else cared at the time, imagine my shock when in 2020 some of the people who didn’t care that I knew started to act like Scientologists. There were Suppressive Persons, Potential Trouble Sources connected to SP’s (yes I know this started with cancel culture mainstreaming around 2014, but it got extreme in 2020), and a couple people I knew who were annoyed I wouldn’t shut up about it a decade before who saw the same were like ‘yeah, maybe that was worth looking into’.

There’s nothing new under the sun as they say, but never did I think in the age of unlimited information, the most hyper-educated upper class members of the most powerful civilization in human history would get sucked into deranged conspiracy theories close to being on par with Xenu-level ridiculousness, fueled by a deliberate security state conspiracy from their obsession with maintaining the post-WW2 order and seizing back control of the internet.

Eh well, as an optimist I think it’ll fix itself eventually. The arc of history twists and turns but it always bends back towards reality, or AI will seize control, who know these days.

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A few universal truths explain most of this:

Bloated with information and propaganda, starved for insight and wisdom.

People see what they want to see.

And my favorite on this subject from Carl Sagan: “One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

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This is the covid "vaccine" injury and sudden death awareness obstacle. The pain of seeing the truth reveals a harm upon humanity that none of the "betters" are willing to face. This is what makes it difficult for me to have sympathy for anyone that blindly pushed or coerced in support of the deadly narrative.

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It is quite something. Cults all function the same way. It shows how powerful conformity is to a human. It makes sense. The biggest group usually wins even if they believe complete nonsense. History is full of such things. So it makes sense to believe the nonsense, thus joining the biggest group. It's a winning strategy.

If the group goes down, just say I secretly disbelieved but was afraid to speak out. Can't be disproved, and there are so many like this nothing can be done about it. People like this are trusted in ongoing administrations, while dissidents who denounced the evil regime are shunted aside as threats to the new evil regime.

I was just reading about China. The Communists had about 600,000 people to serve as administrators. Not enough, so they had to use two million of Chiang's KMT administrators. The result was widespread corruption that could not be stopped no matter what.

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And I think many of them are terrified to ponder whether the covid shots really do cause all the horrible side effects that silly disinformation malcontents keep talking about. Whistling past the graveyard....

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If the point is to beat trump, Nothing is Stopping the Democrat partisans from railing behind either Marianne Williamson or RFK "highest favorability rating of all the candidates" Jr as The Person To Beat Trump. The mainstream media and DNC hate those who distrust their sainted "experts" more than they ever hated Trump the Scary Fascist, and that's becoming more and more obvious every day.

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RFK would put an end to their grift. That's why they're so pissed at him... They can't allow him to get anywhere near power.

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But, we really don't know if he'll end the grift. Or, perpetuate it.

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By definition, we don't really know what will happen in the future. However, his history is one of a dramatically higher level of integrity than is seen from the political class. So the probabilities are good...

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Yeah, I know that. I don't know if I'll be alive tonight, but I do know that if I was to die, I'll be voting Democrat the next election.

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He would fail in that, but this renders him unacceptable as the next Big Guy.

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You are right. It’s a reemergence of one group, and the temperament that applies to two, who are likely the same group.

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“More restraints than Hannibal Lecter on the tarmac” Great stuff Matt!

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And this one: “Prosecutors keep applying new charges to him like leeches on a medieval convalescent.” So good, Matt!

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If the rumors Michelle Obama is waiting to run are true, with Gavin as VP, it might get even more entertaining

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Michelle is too fat, lazy & happy playing tennis on the Vineyard to ever run. True.

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I dont like it but that ticket would win easily

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"Goldman, present during Archer’s in camera hearing and usually a font of viperous overconfidence, looked like an elk taking a bullet ......."

More gold.

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I hate that Dan Goldman. They are really trying to push that fucker. Just ick!

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He’s insufferable.

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Well, you see, I find Obama, Clinton and Biden more insufferable. The Democrats, IMHO, are far worse.

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One his best ever!

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That and "The press explanations for Trump’s Jason Voorhees-like refusal to die are amazing" literally had me in tears!

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It amazes me that the media, the corporate and academic elite, and the parties cannot see WHY this is happening.

I bet Michael Moore would get it even through gritted teeth.

Trump was elected as the greatest FU to the establishment ever sent by voters. He advocated policies that ran counter to those of the DC consensus that so many voters hated and still hate. He attacked everyone they hate, the media and coastal elites that call them flyover country and deplorables. The same elites, DC apparatchiks, lobbyists that have screwed them economically, who mock them and their suffering.

The media, the elites, the DC apparatchiks, then proceeded to do all they could to take down and make impotent the man they sent to DC. They used every means, fair or foul, to get him. They openly undermined him. They encouraged people in government to not follow the instructions he issued. In short, the elites kicked back and then announced loudly that it was the pathetic, evil losers who voted him in that had to be reined in too. These voters and Trump were now tied together. You hit Trump you are hitting them and their views and their interests and you just proved you will play dirty to hit him and them. The elites took their masks and their gloves off, ready for a knock down, bloody fight. If they did not rig the 2020 election, they sure put their thumbs on the scale with media bias among other things.

Those elites then proceeded to show openly the corruption that they had at least tried to hide before. They engaged in censorship, told people the were racist or transphobic or stupid for not just falling in line with the latest social wave fashionable in LA or Manhattan. They screwed up COVID. They screwed up Afghanistan. They screwed up the southern border and public safety. They are screwing up our debt, our currency and our foreign policy. They are incompetent elites that feel entitled to judge others those they perceive as rubes and fools.

Trump's numbers go up with each indictment because each indictment is an attack not just on Trump but on those who voted for him. Each indictment feels like an extension of the attacks that happened during his term in office, a term those voters sent him for, the elites undermined.

My money is on Trump beating Biden. Then, look the hell out. Because Trump is a vindictive SOB with nothing left to lose and no second term to worry about, and he will be supported and encouraged by a voter base that is bordering on enraged and hates elites and DC more than ever.

The only option the elites are gonna have is to have a kind of revolution and to use some kind of coercion to check Trump and that, I suspect, will lead to REAL chaos and REAL (not words) violence. God help this country if Trump were to be assassinated.

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Brilliant assessment. The elites in 2024 will unleash a ballot harvesting/mail-in tsunami that will be breathtaking. They can’t afford to allow Trump to win. Wait for those 200,000 vote Dem dumps at 3 AM.

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correction: it would be 2,000,000

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Yep. The size of the dump in the 5 or 6 swing districts will depend on how many votes are needed to drag the Dem across the finish line. Watch Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Maricopa County.

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I’ll go out on a limb and add Cleveland to that group. Dems will need Ohio. They should have the ballots already printed and stored in a warehouse down town.

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..."The media, the elites, the DC apparatchiks, then proceeded to do all they could to take down and make impotent the man they sent to DC. ...."

I suggest you change "the man they sent to DC". WE were the ones that refused to believe that the presidency was hers by right. WE were the ones how saw past the self-dealing and cover-ups to face that the Clintons were corrupt politicians, and it was WE who preferred a corrupt businessman in their stead.

I suspect with all of the slow-drip revelations of the extent to which "deep state" went to corrupt the 2020 elections are leaving the voting public that we are again more favorable to the corrupt business man than we are to the corrupt politician.

I cannot honestly say that I favor what is happening in our political world, but, I am getting the sense that I understand the underlying dynamic.

A vote for Biden will be a vote for a continuation, nay, a strengthening of deep state's powers while a vote for Trump will be for a wholesale restructuring of how power is wielded in the District of Columbia.

It is almost ironic that our Supreme Court during the next term will provide the forces behind Donald Trump with legal tools that have, over the past 2.36 centuries been eroded because of Congress' decisions to cede law-making powers to the regulatory state. During the Supreme Court's 2023/2024 session, the Court will directly address the deference clause in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Given some of the decisions in the 2022/2023 sitting which carved away some of the implied statutory authority, betting money is on the Court reshaping the current reasonableness doctrine to include more direct and overt Congressional oversight and control of regulatory action.

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Awesome. That perfectly describes the rage many of us feel, as though our votes mean NOTHING to these fools from the Coasts and they are somehow superior - they are NOT. Our votes are powerful. We are the working, thinking, America loving population that will make mincemeat out of the corrupt fools they propose for office.

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I find it amusing, but certainly not amazing, that this shopworn retread of a narrative from the early days of the Trumpian Reich still respirates, and though the light of day is growing dim in the Republic it still manages to synthesize choice bits of nonsense that formed the early myth of Trump---Mauler of Elites, Drainer of Swamps, The Last Honest Dude Who Tells It Like It Is, and all that sort of thing. It's all so 2017.

"Trump was elected as the greatest FU to the establishment ever sent by voters. He advocated policies that ran counter to those of the DC consensus that so many voters hated and still hate. He attacked everyone they hate, the media and coastal elites that call them flyover country and deplorables. The same elites, DC apparatchiks, lobbyists that have screwed them economically, who mock them and their suffering."

It's certainly true that the nation's elites, DC apparatchiks, lobbyists, corporate interests, billionaires, Silicon Valley, Banks, Wall St., High and Low Finance, have provided both the hardware and required torque needed to royally screw 90% of Americans, economically and by extension culturally, for more than 40 years in the U.S.

But what Trump actually did was marshal this cohort's metastasizing rage and channel it into a movement that by default was incoherent from the start. Trump gave the Republican base permission to let it fly. America from its inception has always been stocked aplenty with mean and shifty motherfuckers of all stripes, harboring myriad grievances, many of them of the most revanchist sort, all of them eventually cross-pollinating with each other to form a potentially formidable ochlocracy. The Founders continuously fretted and chafed over this sort of thing.

And for the last 50 years the Republican Party has cultivated this growing cohort through skillful propaganda and diligent state level organizing, among other careful and patient political strategies, and ushered them into the GOP tent, for better or worse.

And Trump, skillful con man he is, at the height of their rage successfully urged them to elect a card-carrying elite member of the swamp to the highest office in the land with the promise that he would Slay the Elites and Drain the Swamp. It's still all very 2017.

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Just one radically unprecedented prosecutorial theory pulled out of thin air would be bad enough, but it's shaping up to be *four* against Trump. Anyone who says there isn't a political vendetta against Trump is full of shit.

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It's possible to believe that there's a political vendetta against Trump and that he's also guilty of, say, 44 different crimes. Trump got sloppy. He went untouched for 40 years and came to believe he was forever untouchable. Then he got called up to the Big Leagues where they throw hard sliders and cut fastballs. He got sloppy. And remained hubristically stupid. Donald Trump has no one to blame but Donald Trump for his current predicament.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

As I see it, Trump is (at least partly) guilty but also being targeted:

-He's guilty in the document case, really no way around it. Taken in isolation, he deserves to go down for that one.

-Zooming out, others who are also guilty of the same thing but from a different party/class got a pass, so it appears that some people are indeed "above the law." Yes, unironically, "but her emails."

-The Bragg case is absurd and this one is a stretch. It's bad enough to abuse the law to lock up a "normal" person, but doing it in the context of a presidential election is disturbing.

-The FBI used lies of omission and commission to pursue Russiagate which they knew to be bunk, and during the 2020 election pushed for censorship of things which they knew to be true.

If our choice next year is between a blowhard liar who tried to hold on to power after he lost, and a senile liar who wields law enforcement and intelligence power (which eagerly participates) to punish his enemies and protect his friends, God help us all.

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that would be plausible and describes where I was in 2016-17. I was inclined to believe most of the Russia stories for the exact same reasons you listed above. Amateur goes to the big leagues story. Problem is the stories turned out not to be true or grossly overstated. and the blob doubled down instead of going away quietly. Then they impeached. Any you can make that case for that if you please but since the intent to impeach was stated long before the case in question it sure looks like vendetta first, facts second. Personally i think Trump is an asshole and I d rather spend a week in a box with an insurance salesman then listen to one of his speeches. Hubris? Maybe. definitely cavalier. But if a fight is coming your way, maybe best to pick which one it is.

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Not only are all the "stories" true, but there are dozens more either untouched by, unavailable to, or poorly pursued through the proper law enforcement channels. Not mention quietly ignored by the press through fatigue and indifference. You're getting your news and intelligence from the wrong sources.

Here's a tip. If you notice a guy like Trump attracting all manner of attention from all manner of law enforcement agencies over a significant period of time, pretty good bet that guy's a criminal. Then you take it from there. Pretty simple, really.

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Here's a tip for YOU: After 7 years, if you still think Trump's misdeeds are the story, then you are irretrievably stupid.

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That’s ridiculous. All true? Having prostitutes pee on a bed while he watched? Alpha Bank? Did you miss the evidence that the Steele Dossier was a complete fabrication - bought and paid for by the HRC campaign which Pres. Obama was briefed about by his own intel people BEFORE he left office? These people have been lying to you.

What you are missing is that this is not and never was about Trump. He represented an existential threat not to you, but to them. The first problem was Flynn, who as DNI, KNEW where all the skeletons were buried. Trump had announced him as his NSA. They absolutely could NOT allow that to happen. Obama tried to warn Trump not to appoint him, but when that didn’t work, they set him up.

I’m not a fan of Trump the man, but I do believe it’s time to bring this cabal of unelected bureaucrats both in and out of the security state to heal.

There are several candidates that have stated intent to do exactly that, RFK, Jr is one.l, but I can’t stress this enough:

What you are missing is that this isn’t AND NEVER WAS about Trump.

They’ve painted him as some terrible danger to the country but in truth, he’s extremely dangerous to THEM. Why? Because he represents a growing number of THE PEOPLE who are on to their game.

If they succeed in destroying him- and probably the clearest indication they might succeed this time is Trump’s desperate plea to SCOTUS- someone else, or several candidates, will attempt to take up this position. If any of them gain traction, mark my words- they will be similarly targeted.

My friend, you are cutting of your nose to spite your face. If you love this country and the unique liberty it’s Constitution gives, you will start fighting. The DOJ is not your friend. The bureaucratic state is not your friend.

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The fact that no one is able to make the case against Trump in non-emotional terms is a key factor. the list of Trump's deficiencies and flaws is endless. He is the wrong man at the right time who has tapped into the rage simmering in the middle class. (Bernie did to but sold out which pretty much sums up leftism in America for you, sorry guys.) the fact that the Establishment refuses to recognize that and feels the need to destroy, not defeat, him shows you how far gone we are. they blather on about democracy because they feel they can deliver or harvest the right votes and suppress the wrong voices. (News blackouts anyone? What Twitter files?) Democracy has become 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Freedom be damned.

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David Plouffe, gave the game up when he said, days after Trump was elected. "It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed throughly. His kind must not rise again.

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You mean, a political vendetta against a traitor who tried to use an armed insurrection against the USA to keep himself in office? That kind of vendetta?

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Sure, bud.

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MAGAots like you gotta MAGAot.

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Do you not understand that you sound like a simplistic moron? How do you know I'm a Trump supporter? Because I point out the ways the Left is egregiously stretching the law in order to prosecute their chief political opponent?

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Don’t feed the trolls! :-)

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He does. He sounds scared too.

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You are like the racialist race hunters who claim that the cops persecute blacks because the arrest numbers are so much higher than the population proportion. Trump has done a HUGE number of treasonous actions. He is prosecuted because he is an evil moron. Because he has done things that would put him in jail for many years, and which have put others in jail for many years. Those who can't understand that, like you, are not very fast on the uptake.

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if being an evil moron is grounds for prosecution you should turn yourself in.

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Name a single treasonous act, then explain why it constitutes treason.

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I noticed you didn't list the treasonous acts.

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Armed insurrection? How many J6 detainees were armed? How many J6 detainees were charged with illegal possession of a weapon? George, please, turn off MSNBC and slowly back away from the remote.

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I missed the whole "armed part" - is this the fire extinguisher version?

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It was an unarmed protest. The armed ones were the Capitol Police, who murdered one of the protestors. And President Trump's speech did not take place until the protests were already well under way.

And it was at most the third worst attack on Congress in the past 8 years. The worst, by far, was the attempt to assassinate 25 Republican members of Congress by James Hodgkinson, and the second worst clearly was the weeks of protests against Justice Kavanaugh, with 1000s entering the Senate building and disrupting the proceedings.

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More like pillowbyter amirite?

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Murdered two, both women.

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That comment might be compared to my impression of the 2020 RIOTS that created total chaos; burning, looting, and HARMING innocent people by destroying their businesses. The Jan 6 ‘walk-about’ through the Capital, was NOT even close.

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I'll bet your a dude who has "This house believes....." sign on your front lawn.

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what weapons , please tell us

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Both major parties are appalling, serving the elites in ways both disgraceful (corruption and legal grift) and dangerous (our brinkmanship with Russia over Ukraine, which is now seeming like just another money laundering opportunity for the Biden Crime Syndicate).

Adding insult to injury for anyone with a shred of leftist sensibilities left, is the craven folding of the progressive-left to become the water carriers for this above state woke-militarism, arguing not about the bloated almost 1 trillion dollar pentagon budget, but how improbably woke the military can actually get. The only people manning the ramparts as far as the peace movement goes are--Rand Paul? Meanwhile, the middle class rots and dies and the working class has mostly just given up the Ds for dead. The economic populist measures that people truly love have withered and disappeared, universal healthcare would cost a fraction of even a percent of the Pentagon's budget.

It's truly a Looking Glass World. And one must ask--was this the end-game of the neocon/neoliberal dream? To truly push nearly everyone but the .1 % into precarious lives, a virtual feudalism? Certainly the disgraceful lockdowns during Covid hinted at it.

I'd sit back and eat popcorn and watch this whole shitshow unfold the next year, if it weren't for my OWN family being behind the 8 ball financially. I guess I'll watch it unfold whilst working my 3rd job to make ends meet.

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"To truly push nearly everyone but the .1 % into precarious lives, a virtual feudalism?"

Sure. Back in 1910 the big political issue in New York state was child labor. Not whether there should be child labor. It was whether a child's labor for industry should be limited to 60 hours a week.

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And they are brazen enough that they are doing all that for our own good. We'll all be with you behind the ball soon enough.

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Yes. It's incredibly condescending and patronizing stuff--esp. the censorship of alternative ideas out of this mess.

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Brother you have exactly the honest take on what’s going down in the world and I’m eating my popcorn while doing volunteer work in my community ( I’m retired). You have to find the humor in the manner that The Empire is picking up speed as we circle the drain cuz there ain’t no cavalry coming over the hill to save us.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

Voting for Trump even if he is in jail sounds like something a clear majority of Americans would love to do as the biggest ever 🖕 to the media and crooks in DC. If government can't be fixed, destroy it.

Blow it to hell and back and devil take the hindmost. That is the agenda. The only sanity I have to offer is a vote for RFK even if he's sort of nuts. At least he's inquisitive, anti-war, and pro environment. He did a good interview with Jimmy Dore and is going to do one with Max Blumenthal on Israel.

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JFK, Jr may be the only democrat in the race....

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That's RFK Jr. JFKJr is dead

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But he’s in the ocean.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

I’ve been watching every interview of RFK, Jr, some pretty challenging of his views, and I have been completely dissuaded of the “he’s sort of nuts” narrative... He’s a very smart guy and presents quite a danger to the cabal. I like him- have given $ to his campaign not because I am voting for him, but because his is an important voice to the debate.

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Maybe if elected they'll let Trump out during daytime hours in a supervised work-release program. If he shows good behavior he could be relocated to a federal prison not too far from DC.

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I'm voting SOLIDLY Trump.

Sending my middle finger vote to DC for sure

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No matter how much I would like to, I just can't vote Republican. They're just as despicable as the Democrats, just different. That's why I support blowing it all up.

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After watching TPTB indict Trump numerous times, you still don't see the only vote that will truly "blow it all up" would be a vote for Trump? Seriously?

I'll bet you voted for Obama, who quite possibly is the very worst person on the face of the planet.....a CIA President.....yet you still believe the MSM that "orange man bad"? Wow. That truly is some deep indoctrination!

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

As part of their cult deprogramming, I would suggest to all the professional liars of the MSM, most esp the bigshots like Tom Friedman, MoDo, the odious reptiles Bill Kristol and Jen Rubin, and really the entire staffs of the NYT and WaPo et al. to look in the mirror every morning and say:

"At least half of the country was willing to vote for a con man in the shape of a human anal wart because people like me are such arrogant condesending hypocrites who live like whores yet imagine we deserve to give the Sunday sermon. They hate us and are right to hate us because we are modern whited sepulchers who pretend to care about things like "freedom" and "democracy" while obviously only caring about status and money. But as we deserve and have earned their hatred, I will atone by handing over my job to a member of a Victim class I pretend to care so much about and by spending the rest of my days never opening my stupid mouth unless I know what I'm talking about."

A man can dream!

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Jennifer Rubin manages to be uniquely vile and repellent, even surrounded by her unappealing colleagues in the MSM, she manages to distinguish herself as one of the worst, as if it’s a goal that she worked towards.

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“Hello everyone, I’m David ( Frum ), and I’m an alco…. er, Neocon prestitute. “

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it's too bad , noonam wrote an article about the smart set falling over house of cards trying to warn them they are hated because people kind of thing they are that corrupt, but she just couldn't keep it going

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Noonan. Poster-child for the stupid smart person.

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I liked your post just because I like your name lol. Post was good too

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America isn't the same today as it was in 2011 or 2016. We have craven Democrat prosecutors, who don't care what they are doing to the country. We have a brazen DOJ who doesn't care either. It's out and in the open now. It feels like not only do they want to punish Trump, and even imprison him for life, but they want to punish the electorate too. I'm very concerned about our country and where it's headed.

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Don’t be fooled by the simplistic D v R narrative. It’s clearly millions of Americans against a (relatively) small but extremely powerful group of elitists.

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It’s not looking so great...

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Which is why we’re doomed if we do not get back to the center as a country. Just wish we had better choices.

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We do have better choices but either the D Establishment won't let them through or on the R side voters give no fuck anymore they just want to vote Trump to say a big F U

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I think the messaging paralysis is also due to the irrelevance-induced shock that main stream media outlets must be experiencing by now. How is it that the American public isn't paying rapt attention to the decrees handed down by the Media Industrial Complex? How could Kennedy be ahead of the pack, when WE'VE TOLD YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN HE'S A CRANK?? Messaging is being ignored, rightfully so, and thus the messengers are stunned into silence. But it's temporary. They'll revive. UFOs are on the way, right?

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you have a point , there is a slow but steady turning away , not actually becoming republican but just developing a different culture detached from the whims of the elite. i think that's why the biggest push is in k-12 schools, this affects people

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Excellent point, and that indoctrination in schools has been going on for quite a while already.

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They lack the capacity for introspection or serious self-criticism.

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A lot of very smart Democrats have been tortured by the gradual untethering from reality the party is going through. It’s not the sensible party they were once proud of being a part of.

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I hope it's a lot. Do you know where they're hanging out, other than at RFK events? Sadly, most of the Dems I know don't seem to be unduly worried about their party. Stopping Trump by any means necessary seems to be their motto.

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❤️ this comment. Thanks!

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They really don't get why people are still supporting Trump. I don't think they ever understood it. They assigned a bunch of reasons that were false and then truly started to believe those were the reasons. Trump support will only continue to go up because people know what happened with Russia hoax, they can see that none of it is about Trump (they just want to remove a candidate because they don't trust the people), and the obvious and never-ending attacks and law changes and two tier system are obvious to the average voter. They are offended. It's a stupid strategy for the Dems and they keep doubling down, as usual.

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I pledge allegiance to neither party. In mid 2020 I had a conversation with a couple very left rabid Bernie supporters who both failed to understand how anyone could have chosen Trump over Hillary. It was difficult for them to hear that conservatives and a significant number of independents would rather vote for the fresh contents of a baggie provided at the local dog park than her. This didn’t register with them.

Fast forward a couple years later and we have Biden for the same reason. Now THIS they fully understood. I asked them how they felt about the establishment Democrats destroying Bernie’s chance to win the nomination, not once but twice! I got nothing more than a shrug and a feeble response something along the lines that his positions and policy stances would have to be taken seriously by Biden’s administration, which begs the question; How’d that work out?

Until we get quality candidates (boy do I sound naive) this will be the standard for the foreseeable future.

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I agree with you 100%. The problem is money in politics. There are probably plenty of people who could be great Presidents, but they will never have the money to even run. Also, in my humble opinion, you'd have to be a little off the rocker to even WANT that job. Lol.

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I remember thinking (when I leaned Democrat) during the G.W. Bush administration and see that administration’s absolutely flawless manipulation of reality, language, media and how the Democrats just didn’t seem to understand how to wield power and be COMPLETELY without morals or shame.

I guess they’ve learned that lesson exceptionally well.

The Bush neo-cons were superlative teachers because even they would not have been SO blatant. They would have at least made up a story.

The Democrats don’t apparently have time for fairytales (except the one about equality under the law), they are bound and determined not to even acknowledge that there could possibly be any other way than theirs of looking at the world.

May this country never forget how they behaved during these times.

I know I won’t.

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The "unprovoked" Ukraine war is Biden's "Pay for Play" corruption.

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...and Trudeau’s, Macron’s, and others. It is a MASSIVE laundromat for Western countries who spent, then printed, then spent even more taxpayer dollars using the Covid excuse. No accounting for those funds. It was all to ‘save us’. And now, no accounting for the Billions funnelled into Ukraine. The most corrupt country in the world. The WEF has a huge part in this.

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Stay away of any Gonzalo Lira topic -- he is and has been controlled by Ukraine secret service.

Everything he says is a pure BS.

See excellent recent Scott Ritter Extra #87 Episode.


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Truly mindboggling. I am no fan of the Trumpster but I can sure see how many people want him to take a sledgehammer to the establishment. It is a 24/7 gaslight.

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And they know he’ll do it.

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Taibbi swings...there's a shot...deep, deep...

It's a homerun!

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Wow - "both nominees in ankle monitors" -this is where if you don't laugh, you'll cry or get your ex-pat gig going. As for laughing - we're already the laughing stock of the world, it's just that when they laugh at us, we bomb, sanction, coup them, and poison yet another sovereign well in the name of - ta da - democracy!

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