Even more important than # of individual organizations involved is the aggregate $ value of government funding. How many billions or even trillions of taxpayer dollars is being spent on the Censorship Industrial Complex?

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What I get is that the gvt. was quietly waving its billions around in the right circles. Nurtured by the dough, a thousand censorship startups sprang up like weeds. If the average funding is a million dollars, then the total is a billion dollars. Censorship is much cheaper than F-35s.

The founders of said startup companies may believe in the cause. On the other hand they may instead think having a startup is more fun than becoming a programmer for Microsoft. A startup may even be a borderline or outright fraud. (I used to work in Silicon Valley so I know about these things.)

When the automobile was invented there were dozens, maybe hundreds, of automobile companies. That didn't last long. (I'm from Michigan so I know about these things.)

It is certain that the field will consolidate rapidly, eventually winding up with five dominant players.

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Just like corporate media.

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How did Apple News dodge this list?

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This is extraordinarily important work Matt. My complements to all that are pursuing shining light on this disgustingly anti-American activity. Engagement by the USG, which is no doubt there, would be unconstitutional to the max. We need to identify each and every individual engaged in this monstrosity and make sure they are marked permanently as haters of our Constitutional Republic. It does not surprise me that this is going on since these billionaires and governments have worked so hard to aggregate power and money at the expense of most people that they must realize lose of control of narrative is dangerous for all of them. Existential threat to them-- and importantly existential threat to us (those who believe in our Constitutional Republic and the liberty it provides us) if we cannot mount an effective offense. As for Lawfare I'd not count on them being sincere in such a comment.

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It needs to go to the courts - over and over, before AI assassinates authentic voices

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Too big for lawsuits. Gotta be legislation. Needless to say, favorable legislation is not possible at this time. Don't like it? Better get to work.

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The immediate problem we can address as mostly powerless mere citizens is to constantly harangue our Reps and Senators to abandon and/or vote against the RESTRICT Act and the Digital Services Act.

This shit cannot go unnoticed and un-debated. Those who drafted/proposed it and anyone voting for or advocating this "legislation" should be voted out of office after being mercilessly pilloried on whatever media platforms are willing to do it.

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One specific lawsuit with a specific person with standing is all it took to legalize abortion for 5O yrs so...

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Re the author's bio prominently featured near the title of the referenced Lawfare article. "...director of the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which aims to foster evidence-based policymaking for the governance of the information environment." Wow. Was a time when the comedy writers at SNL would have had a feast with that kind of word salad (remember the old 'what I'm really saying' subtitle bit?). George Carlin we miss you.

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Thank you, Matt and friends, for doing so much digging. US citizens will have to step up and help you to end the information censorship complex. A few people are waking up and voting with their dollars. CNN and FOX have lost huge market shares because people don’t trust them anymore. I have learned to watch Indian news outlets if I want truth about the Ukraine War. India is a neutral country and the Hindustan Times or First Post will aim at truth in their reporting. US mainstream news carries propaganda. The internet allows us many new outlets to help us find truth, but people must take a break from FaceBook and TicToc and do some digging of their own.

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Matt, can you put the recording to this up on CallIn for those of us who couldn’t listen live?

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Dear Heavily Vaccinated,

The News

- You Never Saw

Is That You

Censored Your Immune System.


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High up on the list of: “truer words were never spoken.”

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

Is it really any wonder folks prefer to keep their head in the sand? This stuff, while incomprehensibly pertinent and important, is just so fucking exhausting!! Sysiphus had it easy compared to the current population trying to keep up with all this. To say nothing of trying to interpret anything useful thru all the noise!

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It's simple. The government is censoring the media. The details don't matter.

Actually censorship is essential. Usenet proved that. It should however be done out in the open, not on the sly.

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How do you suppress information openly?

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Pass a law against it and budget funds for enforcement. Inform anyone being censored that this is happening.

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May 10, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Hats off to the Team of Ten. Great work!

The intellectual leaders of our time need to start debating how the Censorship Industrial Complex's frontal assault on the First Amendment will be used to control the outcome of the 2024 election.

Some subset of the CIC will focus on attacking its' challengers and the rest will focus on affirming its' promoters. Both subsets need to be exposed as much as possible.

Is the current fight between Fox and Tucker Carlson over controlling the information battlespace that will shape the 2024 election?

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That episode greyed out on callin. Help.

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Matt, Andrew and the former intelligence guy - what a great conversation. Thank you! This stuff is mind blowing. We are so grateful for your young, fresh minds and the drive to investigate and report. History will never forget you. Never.

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Where is the live 3pm discussion

Please send link out??

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Through Callin app - then go to Racket News - On the Release of Censorship ... topic

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thank you

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SKM, Was searching for it myself. Here's the link on Callin.com :


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No one I know irl gets how important this stuff is. Seems to me it's as important as Snowden: the public discourse being engineered by factions of government.

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Folks get it...they just realize the enormity of it all makes them powerless. And feckless. Its like a crash in slow motion.

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It seems to me that this Censorship-Industrial Complex (C.I.C.) is way too large and unwieldy to actually work as one organism with a single purpose. Conflicting areas of interest and differing interpretations would over time split this group into splinter organizations that would attack actual dis-information, true information and things in-between. As time goes on the funders and operatives of these various groups would pursue their own agenda and become ineffective in filtering anything since they themselves would not be able to determine what is false, true, part true and just noise or click bait.

Unless there is one very authoritative control group to keep the narratives straight and the history accurately recorded, again many groups will drift into their own world of "facts." Even during the pandemic as information changed the most disciplined and draconian fact checkers and government organizations became befuddled and less creditable by the day. Just examine most government bureaucracies and how they deteriorate over time and become chaotic and ineffective. These competing organizations cannot possibly remain united and steadfast in identifying information that all agree on needs to be modified or suppressed. HOPEFULLY!

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That's what the Hive Mind does, they all think alike so they react alike. They don't need formal coordination to do the same things. They are unified in their hatred of anything that threatens their hold on power and they are all good at recognizing that

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Great point. Perhaps that will be the CIC's demise.

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I couldn’t attend but have now gone to listen to the recording and it’s grayed out, unplayable?

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I’m looking for a recording of this discussion on Callin. Was it perhaps not yet uploaded? Or maybe taken down? Following the above link does not provide a recording. (On the Callin app, the latest saved episode is a TK News interview with Ken Klippenstein from Nov 3, 2022.) I’d really appreciate if some kind person were to share a link here 😃

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I see the same thing, thanks for noting, gotta be a general bug about missing recent callin files.

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