I am not now, nor have I ever been, a 9/11 Truther, but 9/11 proved to be hella convenient for those seeking to institute a police state. Before 9/11, something like the so-called "Patriot Act" would have been unfeasible. In the late 1990s, none other than Senator Joe Biden had proposed something much like what later became the "Patriot Act" and his proposal went over like a tarantula on a wedding cake. Starting 9/12, Americans could not surrender their civil liberties fast enough.

Similarly, I note that COVID proved hella convenient for enemies of free speech. "Free speech is costing lives! The science is settled!" Or something like that.

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Because even in times of dire emergency, the US government can come up with a catchy acronym for their freedom-killing proposals.

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Well, they can't call it "The Freedom Elimination and Full Employment For Lawyers Act" or whatever.

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Because its real name ---The formal name of the statute is the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001

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Thank you Kathleen -- few people are aware of the full name of that once only “temporary” monstrosity

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Librarians were very against this at the time it was enacted. In 2005 4 librarians went to court (and won). Of late librarians are more focused on book challenges about LGBTQ issues, but in the days after the Act there was this:


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And -- everybody should read noble Jeffrey Sachs on US Empire of Lies as intelligent Putin nicknamed US:

May 24 – Ep. 88 -- Dems’ New Star—Manhattan Billionaire Heir Dan Goldman—Fiercely Defends Security State. Plus: Jeffrey Sachs’ Break w/ the Establishment on Ukraine, COVID, & More


May 23 – Ep. 87 -- US Continues Dangerous Escalations in Ukraine, Sprinting Toward Catastrophe. Plus: Saagar Enjeti on Ukraine, Anthrax/COVID, GOP Race, Tucker Carlson, & More


May 22 – Ep. 86 -- The Largely Forgotten—And Still-Highly Suspect—2001 Anthrax Attacks That Enabled the Iraq War & Shine Light COVID's Origins

https://rumble.com/v2pcs3i-system-update-85.html -- Mystery of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks – Links to COVID Debate

The most definitive proof that Covid-19 was designed and developed by US bio laboratory:


Jeffrey Sachs: US biotech cartel behind Covid origins and cover-up

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

He has also served as the chair of the COVID-19 (year-long) commission on the virus origin for leading medical journal the Lancet.

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*squinty eye Fry.jpg*

I think you're agreeing with me?

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Yes.... "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct" is the part people forget.

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I always thought it was the first part that people forgot, because they refer to the patriot act and not the USA PATRIOT Act, but it doesn't really matter.

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I know--after 20 years it makes one seem like a curmudgeon to explain it, but keep it alive, the knowledge. I think the "USA" part was very clever. I didn't agree but they play a long game, don't they?

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Edward Bernays had a lot to do with the impact of MadMen Fear marketing, along with his uncle Freud who literally invented the term "anxiety", which previously was a physical illness caused by wracked nerves. Conveniently, anxiety coincided with the Age of Electricity, as hundreds of thousands of miles of telegraph wire and were strung around the world: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/hysteria

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What would you have expected the government to call the Patriot Act? "Subversives Are Us?"

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Feldspar's clocked in for the day. Hope the shekels are worth your dignity.

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Alas, no shekels OR dignity.

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Regardless of the constraints of existing law, these agencies are running free and loose, doing as they please.

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Yup. Had a long and tiresome discussion with some folks who didn't seem to want to get that laws are meaningless, to the extent that you cannot enforce them.

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hella convenient for the Uniparty as well, my feline friend.....

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We are owned. We are segregated into little bins via our own personal biases and allowed to stew in them. Most people only talk online now to those that agree with them, and if they don't agree they are fascists or whatever the ist of the month is that month.

The way news and information is distributed now is the key to it all. I find it amazing how twitter tailors my feed based on what it thinks I like. I follow a lot of African Wildlife guides, so I get fed a steady diet of Vegan feeds.. which is hysterical since there is no way I could ever be vegan. I also get a lot of left wing nonsense, because... Well.. I think wildlife is wildlife. Most of the people that have those thoughts about wild animals absolutely lean far left and are vegan. I have to hunt down other viewpoints.

How many people actually take the time to read other viewpoints and empathize with those people or those ideas? Nobody born after 1979 that is for sure ( or the Ewok lovers as I like to call them.. LOL). Most people are lazy and just take what is fed to them, and read headlines and that's what dictates their beliefs. It's a truly awful time for humanity. Stupidity reigns.

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I could never comprehend anyone who would think 9/11 was an inside job. I believe fire with jet fuel as an accelerant can cause steal beams to melt.

Then I watched "A Noble Lie" about the Oklahoma City bombing. It presents plausible evidence that our government was behind that attack, much like they convinced some men in MI to kidnap the governor of that state. I don't want to be convinced that a.) my government would do that to its own people and b.) that is been extremely corrupt since back then, so what else have they lied to us about pre-OK and c.) if they were that corrupt then, you know it's only gotten worse so what are they responsible for post-OK? I don't want to think about these things or consider them, but here I am. Maybe it isn't such a far-fetched theory? Or maybe I'm just tin-foil wearing nut job. It's hard to tell these days.

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Vietnam War. Land on the moon. Watergate. Waco. Ruby Ridge. J6. Perhaps even Columbine, the CO theater mass shooting, Los Vega massacre...

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Not a conspiracy but an opportunity to be seized

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right it looks like a conspiracy in hindsight because of how they reacted. 9/11 was one case. (Military looking for new enemy. Like the description of Prussia in the 19th century. An army looking for a country to inhabit.) COVID fits it better as historically there have been pandemics so they had the plans ready. Then, probably accidentally, they unleashed one.

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Cool , a tarantula on a wedding cake.

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It takes time and effort to write hundreds of pages of laws. Yet, there is was, all ready to go just weeks after the false flag attack.

I am a truther and will never back down or be ashamed of that fact.

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As I indicated, in the 1990s, Biden tried to float a bill very similar to what later became the so-called "Patriot Act" and it sank like a stone.

I am at this time agnostic as to whether or to what extent the government may or may not have had advance knowledge of 9/11.

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I thought the "Truthers" were nuts until 2020, when I watched the COVID panic unfold. The government media was selling it as the first respiratory virus in history that could be cured by cracking down on individual rights. Seriously?

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me either, but im starting to wonder

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Trauma based mind control is either real or it isn't.

If it is not, stop reading here.

If it is, I would suggest what can be done to an individual can be done to a society.

Covid, 911, Kennedy assassinations, King assassination, are big ones. But what about the subtle constant drip of horror filled news and entertainment.

I am a 911 truther, but I dont know what the truth is. No one can ever know. But if you believe the official story, walk it back to the last intersection and take the other path.

I know Taibbi and Scott Horton and other respectable professionals in this game are not on this thought line.

My problem is people who dismiss them for this. They have offered categorical knowledge and understanding on too many relevant issues to be dismissed because they don't buy this.

That didn't "just happen". Each generation needs a shock. Remember shock and awe? 911 was shock and awe.

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There are too many glossed over questions to leave this to some rag tag group of terrorists

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And their passports, which conveniently didn't burn and were found in the rubble ;)

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hang in there maybe one fine day you will find it important to find the truth.

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That was a great episode. Anthrax was the primary tool used to justify the Iraq invasion. Dementia Joe is featured advocating for the invasion of Iraq in 1998. Most people have forgotten the anthrax thing. I had and I got the US Army mandated anthrax vaccine series when I got deployed because of it. Plus, I was to deployed to Iraq. LOL.

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Ugh makes me mad

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Few things get people more terrified, than the threat of disease.

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Back then Glenn did the best analysis anywhere when he was at Salon. I think it is still up.

The anthrax attacks were an inside job.

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It's really weird to put these articles out back-to-back? Anyway, here's my comment from the other article:

As I said when The Twitter Files first broke, the real story isn't really The Twitter Files -- it's the fact that there's also an ABC Files, a CBS Files, a New York Times Files, a UK Government Files, and now an Australian Ministry of Truth Files.

They want to control everything you're allowed to say, and it's NO SURPRISE that once an entity is allowed to determine what speech isn't "allowed" that dissent quickly gets shoved under that umbrella.

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Google Files might be the most important one.

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The corruption of the Google search engine is the untold story of the first generation of Internet users, but there will soon be new and worse processes to replace it. We may have missed our opportunity with that story

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Correct -- and the little known full story of DNC operative and Google CEO -- odious and repulsive Eric Schmidt

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Don't be evil!

(Until your massive wealth protects you from any consequences of being evil)

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Thanks - same as the "Hope and Change" fraud by St. Obama -- selected and nominated by Security State cabal

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....halo provided by the Nobel Committee.

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It happened so gradually, once it was great then it became nearly useless, but they got the verb--"google it."

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People say that all the time.

Rigging aside, Google has long provided different search results depending on who is asking!

From Chat.

Google's search results are based on algorithms that consider various factors such as the search query, relevance, popularity, and other contextual information. Google aims to provide the most relevant and useful results to all users regardless of their individual characteristics or identities. The search results are typically not personalized based on the specific person asking the question.

However, there are certain instances where Google may personalize search results based on factors such as location, language preferences, and search history. This personalization is intended to enhance the user experience by tailoring the results to individual preferences and needs. Nonetheless, the core information provided by Google tends to be consistent for the same search query, regardless of the individual conducting the search.

Google will also change place names on Maps depending on where the query originates, Arabs see, "Gulf of Arabia", whereas Iranians see, "Persian Gulf".

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Good points. Of course, what bother me most is that google pretty much ignores the entire academic journal output behind paywalls. When I log in to a university library and review its holdings I get very different results on the same search term.

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I use Chat but only in the full knowledge that is rigged too.

Q: Tell me about In-Q-Tel and Google maps

Chat: Google Maps is a popular web mapping service provided by Google. It offers detailed maps, satellite imagery, street view, real-time traffic conditions, and route planning functionalities. Users can access Google Maps through the website or the mobile app, making it a widely used tool for navigating and exploring locations worldwide.

In-Q-Tel, on the other hand, is a strategic investment firm that focuses on developing technologies to support the missions of U.S. intelligence agencies. Established in 1999, In-Q-Tel identifies and partners with innovative companies that have technologies relevant to the intelligence community.

While Google Maps is a well-known and widely available service, there have been some reports of In-Q-Tel's involvement with Google in the past. In-Q-Tel has been reported to have invested in Keyhole Inc., a mapping software company that eventually became the foundation for Google Earth. Following that investment, Google acquired Keyhole Inc. in 2004, and its technology became the basis for Google Maps and Google Earth.

It is important to note that In-Q-Tel's investments are aimed at developing technologies that could benefit intelligence agencies, and their involvement with Google in the past does not mean that Google Maps or other Google services are directly influenced or controlled by intelligence agencies. Google Maps is a publicly available service utilized by millions of people globally for navigation and location-related information.

Q: Why did you not mention that in-q-tel is cia

Chat: I apologize for the oversight. You are correct that In-Q-Tel is a strategic investment firm that operates as a non-profit venture capital arm of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the United States. Its primary purpose is to identify and invest in technologies that can be useful for the intelligence community.

In-Q-Tel was established by the CIA in 1999 as a means to collaborate with the private sector and leverage innovative technologies to support intelligence operations. By partnering with technology companies, In-Q-Tel aims to stay at the forefront of advancements and potentially acquire or utilize technologies that align with the CIA's mission.

While In-Q-Tel has been associated with funding and investing in companies such as Keyhole Inc. (which later became Google Earth and Google Maps), it is important to note that the exact extent of their involvement and the specific relationships between In-Q-Tel and the companies it invests in can vary.

Thank you for pointing out the missing information, and I apologize for any confusion caused.

Q: Will you tell the next person that in-q-tel is cia?

Chat: Yes, I will provide accurate information to the next person regarding In-Q-Tel's affiliation with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is important to convey this fact to ensure a comprehensive understanding of In-Q-Tel's background and relationship with the CIA.

Chat will tell you the truth but only if you push it. Then it pretends that it "forgot" or something.

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The point you make may be valid but this is not be the best of examples. I just asked Dr. Google and she said there were about 1.2K hits on that quote.

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The NYT, who would never lie to us, lol, said this about the rigging at Google.

"So, just how does Google Search work?

Let’s say you want to do a search for “health benefits of kale.” When you start typing, Google’s computer systems begin sifting through its index of hundreds of billions of web pages that use that exact wording or a related phrase. (Google estimates that there are more than 53 million pages that match “health benefits of kale.”)

Then, Google puts those pages in order, using a secret algorithm."


Sounds legit! ha ha ha


Control of thought, beliefs, and opinion have never been more central in America's managed and manipulated democracy.

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Rather than rely on a bookmark, for years I could find data that I wanted by a simple search, and then that all started to go away as the search result for my terms went from top of the list to page 123 or something.

Google is now part of the problem.

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That's story is even more relevant with the advent of Chat GPT and Googles yet to be launched IA search engine. One that will draw off of only pre approved pre corralated right think.

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If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. - Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO

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Resistance is futile, you will be indoctrinated 24/7....

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You left off Facebook and Google.

We can be pretty certain the nefarious crap uncovered at Twitter by Matt and his friends was and is still going on at Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

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I mentioned them in a further comment on the other thread:


100% percent. A YouTube Files, a Facebook Files, a Reddit Files.........if it's got any reach at all, government was up in there.

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Is it just me, or is the government having their hands in the matter the entire gist of the Twitter or any other Files? Without our government’s violations of our First A rights, there is really no story. We are back to the old Dorsey justification of “it’s a private company, and it can have whatever rules it chooses.” The only threat being Sec 230 which Congress was never going to remove. Just a sideshow.

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I agree. "It's a private company" doesn't excuse collusion with the government to violate our rights.

It's sort of like the police hiring a private company (made of ex-cops) to search your house without a warrant and then claiming there was no violation of the Fourth Amendment because government didn't perform the actual search.

That would be laughed out of any courtroom in America -- well.......20 years ago, at least.

Edit: But it was clear as day that government was working hand-in-hand with "private companies". Facebook banned a gold star mother who criticized Biden. (oops! they said). The company was banning people who said covid came from a lab leak up until THE EXACT DAY that Biden said it might have been a lab leak. Why didn't they ban him like they did Trump? Instead they just changed the rules. (We all know why)

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Once they got the information highway up and running, the government (CIA/FBI/Military) wanted tools, provided blueprints for what each tool would do and bankrolled each effort for use on the information highway. Google, FB, Twitter the rest of them. All are instruments for government's use in controlling the population through indoctrination, to insight, spy, for intel. One of my younger brothers spent decades with a private firm of engineers with the highest government security to design and build any device, tool, or gadget any section of government or other entity wanted. It was a lucrative business.

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During the so-called pandemic, my personal Facebook account was placed on 30-day bans no less than 8 times in a 12 month period for posting links to medical journal articles opposing COVID lockdowns, or sharing mainstream media posts that went against the medical mantra. The Facebook page of the organisation I founded in 1994, the Australian Vaccination Network (avn.org.au), was permanently suspended without explanation. My own Twitter page (@nocompulsoryvac) was suspended and, though it was reinstated after Elon Musk bought the company, to this day, I can’t follow more than 1-2 people a day and my followers appear to be capped. The censorship is real and in Australia, our constitution does not include a Bill or Statement of Rights. Freedom of speech is not guaranteed though several High Court decisions have supported the right to freedom of political speech. In the past, politicians and political candidates have been silenced, not even being allowed to purchase billboard advertising if the message opposed the government’s vaccination policies. These events pre-date COVID by many years. Australia is and has been for many years, a communist dictatorship masquerading as a democracy. Thank you for drawing the world’s attention to our situation here.

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So sad. I am sorry for your plight. One thing about freedom of speech is I know of no country other than the US that has it in their constitution (I am happy to be corrected). It always surprises me at times when other countries, not Australia, seem to have more than we do in the US. Despite how it has worked out, putting that in the US Constitution was absolutely brilliant.

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Actually, to the best of my knowledge, Australia is one of only a handful of developed countries without a Bill or Statement of Rights. The only right guaranteed by our constitution is freedom of religion. But, like the US, the government in Australia is passing regulations that contravene the few guaranteed rights we have and our High Court (equivalent to the US Supreme Court in that it is meant to interpret the constitutionality of laws) won't hear cases about these constitutional breaches. Our governments are illegal cartels at this point in time, paid for and run by Big pHarma, Big Ag, Big Media and Big Oil. The US government is no longer of, by and for the people.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

US Declaration of Independence - words that should resonate loudly with every American.

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They do, every time I hear the beginning of the Declaration, it is music to my ears, and precious to my soul.

Still the last best hope of earth.

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And it ends with "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our scared Honor.

That was when liberty, freedom, self-determination and individual agency truly mattered.

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I was offered a job in Australia. Some of my friends pointed out what you wrote, so I took a pass. I’m in natural healthcare. It couldn’t have worked...

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Absolutely! Good decision on your part. I'm a dual citizen - American and Australian - and I can't believe how this country has slid inexorably towards total dictatorship within such a short time. I wouldn't advise anyone who loves freedom to migrate here.

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...and yet you’re still here. Feel free to go back to the ‘Home of the Free’ if it’s so odious here.

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Bless you - I am so sorry

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The fact that these tyrants target jokes beautifully elucidates the profound, brittle fragility that these people know their entire 'logic' stands on.

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Another "1984" style government. Reminded me a little of the 1963 Milgram experiment. The sheep will do what they are told to do regardless of the harm inflicted. Reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930's.

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My anti-authoritarian Sociology prof taught the Milgram experiments in the same unit as Hannah Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil."

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'Nazi Germany in the 1930's.' also projected by the left, after Hillary didn't win.

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Personally, I am very surprised that some “heinous act” hasn’t precipitated a TPTB call for ending FOIA requests. How long until they say that last little bit of daylight is too much and is rooted in white supremacy and causes global warming?

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One of the first things that popped into mind for me, after the C-19 lockdown was announced, this sure looks like a dry run for fascism.

What is one to make of various survey reports that some where around 75% of registered Democrats favor censorship?

Or that some large number of Democrats view Fauci, a srial liar with conflicts of interest as glaring as a serious outbreak of shingles on someone's face, as a hero, as part of the "opposition" to the Bad Orange Man?

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Nearly half of democrats said that putting the unvaxxed in camps was okay.

The run for fascism didn't seem too dry to me.

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27% thought the unvaccinated should have their kids taken from them!

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"Play the man, Master Ridley; we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out." -Farenheit 451

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Large numbers of Democrats also favor censorship, but only censorship of speech they deem offensive.

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(e.g. a claim that PCR tests are “shoved up into your brain”)

When I had my first of over 2 years of weekly Covid tests I told the nurse, as she was spelunking in my sinuses, "Hey, if you don't mind, I have some traumatic childhood memories I'd like to lose. Can you scrape 'em out for me while you're up there?"

The nurse laughed.

The other nurse laughed.

Now I find out that if I would have tweeted that instead of saying it face to face I'd be somebody's idea of an enemy of the state?

Nah, these people aren't brain addled. Not in the least.

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I have an old college friend that had to have constant COVID tests because of his company mandating them. He developed horrific sinus inflammation....8 months later he died of sinus infection that invaded his brain. His widow’s conjectures were completely dismissed by top notch doctors.

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Don’t say that! My son had to have weekly test’s because he refused the holy shot. The cotton has a chemical sanitizer on it that is carcinogenic, so your friend has sound reasoning backing up her theory.

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When he was in the hospital, they swabbed him every day…who knows! But he never had COVID!!

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Holy crap! That's horrible.

I only had a few nosebleeds during the initial testing because they had the Q-Tip deeply embedded. They eventually backed out & it wasn't as annoying.

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My friends widow believes that the testing swabs inflamed the sinus lining and eventually weakened it ... I don’t know but all the involved doctors brushed it off as “highly unlikely.” They suggested possible earlier in life cocaine use.... this guy liked his adult beverages, but he was ROTC navy pilot and absolutely never took an illegal substance.. straight arrow.

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Sincerely sorry for the loss of your friend.

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And here I thought goose-stepping was passé.

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Great post. Thank you. Oh, and it is Senator Alex Antic, not Paul. He has been a genuine warrior throughout. His appearance on Bret Weinstein's Black Horse Podcast last year was brilliant. https://youtu.be/fNuv9egD45k

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I love listening to dark horse

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It is a great podcast hey.

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I can't shake the feeling that all of this COVID repression was a dress rehearsal for something much worse.

What might that be? Watch Angela Lansbury's terrifying speech in "The Manchurian Candidate," the original and best film version of the novel.

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That’s what I said

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Something weird on the fascism front going on in the Antipodes. Recall how Jacinda Ardern unilaterally decided New Zealanders should not be able to read or even possess the Christchurch shooter's manifesto, a 21st century first for Anglo-Saxon nations.

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From the 1950s It 'sings' it all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCTdfo6T-u8 From the Kingston Trio only remembered by those of us over 75!

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I am 67 and we had their albums in my house!

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I remember them well!

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I live in Sydney, and it was the SHITS here with the Covid-19 debacle! Old folks and others were KNOCKED TO THE GROUND for NOT WEARING MASKS OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! The Covid-19 virus was admittedly very fragile, especially to UV/B/C. Guess what there is a LOT OF OUTSIDE, even on a CLOUDY DAY?????

NOTE not ONE FUCKING NSW or VICTORIA cop has been brought to justice over this!!! NOR have ANY NSW or VIC state leaders been HELD TO ACCOUNT FOR THIS FUCK-MESS!

YES, I AM YELLING, AND I AM (STILL) PISSED-OFF OVER THIS malfeasant handling of the situation by Australian "governments"!

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I YELL TOO!!! Aaahgghh

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I saw the camps online and mistreatment of the residents bullied (crime was testing positive). Horrifying.

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Thank you sooo much -- invaluable !!

Can you imagine censorship horrors that are still ongoing and hidden at Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere.

We are currently ruled by totally corrupt criminals who are also main global terrorists.

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It's very interesting that all these western intel agencies are on the same censorship and domestic information warfare page... coordinating... Yikes

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