Interview on "Rising": On Elite Politics and the Possibility of Left-Right Dialogue
In a discussion with Rising's Emily Jashinsky about the Substack article, "Congratulations, Elitists: Liberals and Conservatives Do Have Common Interests Now"
I try not to post too many links to media appearances, but this segment on Rising with Emily Jashinsky was about a Substack article from last week that generated a lot of controversy, so I thought it might be of interest. It turned out to be a good discussion, and hopefully offers more fodder for debate here.
Great conversation. Being 68, I was a liberal, free speech absolutist back in the 60's/70's. I have the same free speech beliefs and that now makes me a pariah. You often give this historical perspective which I think many don't know.
Not a journalist, but Bernie Sanders went on Fox News. It went rather well for him, he got the audience to cheer for single payer healthcare. The others were too chickenshit and virtue-signalled their way out of it.
And Sanders apparently grasps the fundamentals of civil liberties that eludes even the ACLU these days
"“You have a former president in Trump, who is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a pathological liar, an authoritarian, somebody who doesn’t believe in the rule of law. This is a bad news guy,” Sanders said when asked if liberals have become " too censorious," according to a transcript of the interview. “But if you’re asking me, do I feel particularly comfortable that the president, the then-president of the United States could not express his views on Twitter? I don’t feel comfortable about it.”"
There is freedom in being a registered Independent. Parties and partythink is just so toxic.