Appearance on "The Zero Hour," With R.J. Eskow
Discussing "The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times."
Always fun to check in with Richard “R.J. Eskow” on his show Zero Hour. The writer, podcaster, and former political consultant invited me on to discuss the recent article The New Kremlinology, or as Richard put it, The New York Times as American Pravda. Run time, 35 minutes: have a listen, if you have time.
thanks Matt!
good stuff. Bernays would be blown away at the level of pervasiveness of propaganda, "manufacturing consent", that we swim in today.
I saved one of your quotes from thanksgiving, and I keep coming back to it:
"For What Are America's Wealthy Thankful? A Worsening Culture War
When leaders run out of unifying myths, division is the last currency. Why this Thanksgiving, America is a "death cult" versus "radical socialists"
We don’t talk about why people are losing their minds, for the increasingly obvious reason that culture war is the only thing standing between America’s plutocrat class and a lot of pitchforks. So what we’ll get more and more of, as the country grows less stable, are inciting narratives: the sticks are filled with gun-toting loons, Antifa wants your house. This is what happens when a society runs out of myths to sell to the public. After a generation of lies and failures, our fear of each other is all our leaders have left.
Essentially, in the wake of Trump, the political class is accepting the inevitability of culture war, and urging it on, as something preferable to populist revolt. " -M. Taibbi
Ill add:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." -Edward Bernays "Propaganda" 1928
Great interview. The end of the interview brought me to the puzzle I can't seem to solve. At this point, "liberals" are utterly conscripted by the deep state, globalist agenda in a hypnotic and unquestioning way.
The agenda is to attack the energy sector under the guise of "the environment" that is now clearly collapsing economies, devaluing currencies and destroying the means of production and supply chains globally. Do people not see the underlying goal within the smoke screen here?
If people witness the collapse in Sri Lanka, the government shooting at the farmers in the Netherlands as they collapse the means of production of food there, what do they think is going to happen to them? If people are witnessing the grave path that Germany is going down by shutting down their nuclear power plants even when faced with the fact they will not meet energy demands even with them operational, what are they thinking?
All of the top leadership billionaire class are buying up the means of food production, buying up water rights, monopolizing the control of healthcare and pushing for the aggressive disarmament of the public. These planners are all on record saying they will use "limited wars" and pandemics to reduce the global population of the undesirable. What do the Democrat voters suppose will happen to them?
Do the people who support the Democrat party somehow believe they will be spared in the engineered collapse that is being executed?
How can so many be content to be in the simmering pot of frogs? What is there that can be done to snap people out of this bizarre hypnosis?
The fear of another Trump term is so lost and misguided. He may be a lunatic, but he isn't part of the war against the people and liberty that the globalists are waging as aggressively as they can. How do people not see past this?